Free Essay on the Google Case Study

Published: 2019-12-06
Free Essay on the Google Case Study
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Management Strategy Google
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1486 words
13 min read

Google (Google, Inc.) is a Delaware corporation founded in 1998 by two entrepreneurs, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. The company has its headquarters in Mountain View, California. Google was initially founded as an Internet search engine technology but has grown from just a search website to a collection of several products and services. The name Google originated from the term Googol, a mathematical term meaning 1 followed by 100 zeros (0s). As a company, Googles mission is to organize the information in the world and make it more accessible and suitable. Research show that more than a billion search queries from Google web search service are recorded daily. In the year 2004, Google started offering securities to the public. This was done by filing a registration statement on April 29th with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, becoming effective on August 9th the same year. The registration was pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Exchange Act, as quoted on the Nasdaq Stock Market (Griffin, 2008).

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As a corporate company, Googles current strategies and objectives are; to hire right people for the job, to facilitate efficient team dynamics and communication, to encourage creativity, Dont be evil strategy, and to make decisions based on data. Its fundamental strategy is appealing, simple and inoffensive according to A.J. Kohn, (2013). Kohn explains that when people spend more time on the internet they are more likely to engage in revenue generating activities like viewing and clicking display ads and performing searches (Griffin, 2008). This explain why Googles efforts is majorly to improve Internet access and speed hence shortening the distance between any activity and the Internet. Google state a number of objectives as its corporate values. It always insist on Dont be evil strategy, that technology matters, make own rules, managing innovation part of culture, and never settle for the best, according to Ashwin Sharma, (2009).

With the implementation of the recent strategies and objectives, Google is expected to grow financially, and to improve the economy in the next five years. Researches show that over the past few years, Google have grown immensely and is still growing. With the implementation of the new strategies, the revenue realized would be even higher (Ketchum, 2002). With the expansion of production innovations, Google has expanded its network even more. More people access the Internet, click and view on ads that are the major sources of the companys revenue (Ketchum, 2002).

Googles motto of Dont be evil is one strategy that has received numerous criticism from different corners. Some people have the view that Google is acting evil in trying to expand its network at the expense of rival companies. This however is not the case as explained by A.J. Kohn in his article, where he explains how the strategy is played and how it advantages even the rival companies. The Googles main strategy here is to get more people to use the internet. The belief is that the more people use the internet the more they engage in activities like clicking and viewing ads and performing searches, activities that generate revenue to Google Company. The strategy is executed to improve Internet speed and accessibility with the aim of shortening the distance between an activity and Internet. Google does this by introducing a number of initiatives which if implied successfully would lead to massive growth of the company in the five years (Kaoferer, 2008).

Introduction of Google Chrome improved Internet search by doing a bang up job of breaking Firefoxs and Internet Explorers monopoly. Chrome hastened IEs decline and secured more search volume (Kaoferer, 2008). Chrome developers main goal was to make the browsing experience faster. This then would result to more people viewing pages and doing searches, which would then earn revenues to the company. With the introduction of more browsers, more people would be able to access speedy internet hence revenue growth for the company. With introduction of Chrome, Google entered SPDY, a networking protocol that is like the basis of HTTP 2.0, with a goal of reducing the latency of web pages (Kaoferer, 2008). This would then speed up the web.

Google Company also took part in the innovation of Android to improve the accessibility of the internet via phones. Research shows that the company now commands about 54% of the smartphone market. Android provide unfettered access to revenue generating activities thus pushing the industry forward. This would definitely pay off in the next five years as more and more people will be able to access the Internet via the phone. The company also decided to grab Motorola Mobility to improve on hardware as well (Thomas, 2009). These phones have feature that would then increase the Internet accessibility, hence generating revenue to the company. They have long battery life and wireless charging, features that would definitely improve internet accessibility. Other strategies that would improve Google Company in the next five years are the introduction of Google Now, Google Fiber, Google TV, Google Wi-Fi, Google Drive, Chromebook, Google+ Google Glass apps, and Self Driving Cars. The introduction of self-driving cars would result in a vast amount of time that users would spend to be in the internet. Most of Google strategies does not benefit the company directly but would result in revenue generation in the long run. Other companies like mobile company would benefit greatly on Googles introduction of Android software, as many users would prefer to buy the assets with the software (Thomas, 2009).

If all the strategies laid down by Google are implemented, there would be new developments and revolutions of their current products. In the next five years Google would become the primary interface to the world (Thomas, 2009). With all its strategies, Google allows human to connect, create and discover more, making lives better. This strategy makes Google a human life tool, and a primary lenses between them and everything else. In the next five years, Google would provide human with the option to live almost their entire day through its interface, opening new revenue models to the company. People would use Google devices to do almost everything, use a device to wake up, run a Google Glass enabled treadmill, go to work using self-driving cars, spending the whole day using Googles business applications, get home and stream a TV show. This would improve lifestyle, and the companys revenue in turn (Gerlach, 2003).

As a CEO, it would be to the advantage of the company to ensure that it does not build the companys portal. This strategy would benefit the company from facing a diverse completion from its competitors. Researches show that having websites as portals is the least important factor to internet users. Users would rather prefer factors like website speed, relevant result, best feature and result presentation ways. Yahoo and MSN are Googles rival companies already in the portal business. By avoiding portal business, Google would have prevented counter attacks by Yahoo and MSN. Google Company should focus on ecommerce as a strategy. This would be initiated by the already risen number of PayPal users. This would create enough capabilities to create a payment service (Gerlach, 2003). The company should also build their own operating system to rival Microsoft, generating revenue in the long run.

As a company, Google experience adverse competition from its rival companies. For instance Yahoo is the leading in full-fledged internet portal. To counter this, Google is steering searchers to Yahoos own services, hence human intervening search results, earning revenue in the process. Microsoft, Googles competitor is dominant in the PC software industry, including Windows and Office (Gerlach, 2003). Google counters its competition by developing software as services. Users can find the software from Google and download them, from which Google would generate revenue. eBay is the largest ecommerce facilitator that is also a competitor company to Google. By owning PayPal, Google was able to acquire Skype with the aim of leveraging on VoIP for e-transaction. This was to counter the competition from eBay. Google had a differentiation strategy, a corporate structure that allows for quick decision making hence encouraging innovation (Gerlach, 2003). This gives Google an advantage over its competitors. Google also offer free software to its marketers, optimizing their investment in the process. Google focused only on improving algorithm for better results, a strategy that was not used by its competitors, giving it an advantage over the competitors (Gerlach, 2003). To counter competition from its competitors, Google provide a better and faster search with enhanced features such as language flexibility, search history and many more.


Griffin, A. (2008). New strategies for reputation management: Gaining control of issues, crises & corporate social responsibility. London: Kogan Page.

Ketchum, D. (2002). Big M, little m: New perspectives and skills for new Asia. New York: Wiley.

Kapferer, J.-N. (2008). The new strategic brand management: Creating and sustaining brand equity long term. London: Kogan Page.

Thomas, Peter. (2009). Chasing the Cyclone: A Father's Unending Love for His Son. Pacifica Pub Inc.

Gerlach, A. (2003). Indians, oil, and politics: A recent history of Ecuador. Wilmington, Del: Scholarly Resources.

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