Free Paper Example: Why I want to Pursue a Career in Dentistry

Published: 2023-12-08
Free Paper Example: Why I want to Pursue a Career in Dentistry
Essay type:  Narrative essays
Categories:  Dentistry Career
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 670 words
6 min read

First, it has been my childhood goal to become a dentist. Since childhood, I have been fascinated with the dentistry field, since I fancied them as superheroes. I believe that dentists are underrated since they are not considered `real' doctors, because their services are not regarded as urgent or life-saving. However, I believe that taking care of dental health is essential since a smile opens up opportunities for people a smile is a sign of friendliness, confidence, and positivity. Therefore, since childhood, I have always believed that a career in dentistry is an achievement since the results of the procedures contribute to the positive outcomes of people's endeavors.

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Additionally, I believe that through a career in dentistry, I will be positively contributing to the growth and development of society. Dental health provides comfort and confidence to the members of society. Therefore the achievement of the same will ensure that the society and its members are ready to address the different challenges associated with the daily issues that they face. Dental diseases are a significant cause of pain and discomfort. When people suffer from them, they are likely to be incapacitated from participating in other activities that they are supposed to undertake. Therefore, by pursuing a career in dentistry, I will help the members of society get rid of any pains and discomfort, hence helping them address the different challenges they face in making their contribution to society.

Apart from a dentistry career aligning with my goals and aspirations, I believe that my educational background supports my dream of having a career as a dentist. Having studied dentistry at the university, I believe that I am qualified and ready for dentistry. The primary qualification for a job as a dentist is educational qualifications, and since I am educationally qualified, I believe that I can pursue a career in dentistry. Additionally, I believe that a career in dentistry will set me on the course of becoming a teaching professional in a medical school or university in the future. After working in the dentistry industry for a few years, I will add to my educational accolades to become a certified teacher and teach in colleges, universities, and medical schools that have students pursuing dentistry or other related courses. I am a firm believer in the sharing of knowledge and experience from one generation to another. Therefore I believe that through the experience that I will have collected along the way as a dentistry practitioner, I will have both educational material and experience to pass on to the learners who will impact society in the days to come.

I am also interested in pursuing a career in dentistry because of the financial benefits I stand to gain from pursuing the career. Dentists are paid well, and therefore through the earnings from the practice, I will effortlessly provide for myself and my family and have enough to contribute to the less fortunate members of the society. Private practice in the dentistry field pays even better. Therefore I believe that I should manage to get a job as a private dentistry practitioner. I will earn enough to provide for myself and my family go beyond the necessities and afford the luxuries that I need for my life.

Additionally, I believe that a career in dentistry will allow me to lead a flexible and free life. This is because dentistry is less demanding compared to other medical fields. Therefore I will have sufficient time to pursue different aspects of my life that would have otherwise been hard to pursue. Therefore, a career in dentistry will provide me with time to follow the different interests that I have, leaving enough time for me to spend with my loved ones and friends. It is also easier for me to become my own boss by pursuing a dentistry career since starting a dentistry practice is more comfortable than other medical fields. There are fewer requirements for starting an independent practice and growing both as a professional and a business person.

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