Free Paper Example: U.S Healthcare Systems for Small Population

Published: 2023-11-09
Free Paper Example: U.S Healthcare Systems for Small Population
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  United States Government Healthcare
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1350 words
12 min read


The Tehachapi health district experiences significant challenges in terms of healthcare. There a considerable demand for health services in the community. Some of the obstacles limiting the Tehachapi residents from accessing proper medical include limited access to healthcare professionals with the capability of diagnosing and treating chronic diseases. Additionally, poor infrastructure has made it challenging for the local community to access the medical centres and thus are forced to visit other healthcare facilities that are outside their setting. Although Adventist health organization should drive the adoption of virtual health solutions, there are a variety of actions that it can take to speed the adoption of virtual health in Tehachapi district. The federal and state government can guide the Adventist health organization with the following processes. The paper will evaluate various strategies that would help minimize the multiple challenges that are presently affecting the Tehachapi population.

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Care Close to Home

Amid the coronavirus pandemic, a lot of patients hailing from Tehachapi district avoid visiting the healthcare facilities. It is a preventative measure to avoid contracting the virus. The local community need an alternative deliverance service that will be effective and safe compared to physical visiting of a healthcare facility. In that perspective, the community need the introduction of a Virtual Caregiving that guarantees a reliable, user-friendly, and effective healthcare services. Nonetheless, there are different steps that different shareholders, including the government, should adhere to implement the practical caregiving strategy to the Tehachapi residents effectively.

Conduct A Need Assessment

The multiple shareholders should evaluate the significant elements that the Tehachapi residents desire to manage most of the challenges affecting the population. It can guide the shareholders to determine whether virtual health strategies can help address the specific desires of the Tehachapi community, and if so, which solutions are most active. Adventist health organization need to draw on existing evidence to evaluate the impact of potential virtual health solutions. Such observation can be done by looking at the present technological capabilities and future technological desires, and the strategies need to bridge the gap (both within the Adventist health organization and the Tehachapi population being served). For instance, access to high-speed internet is a challenge for at least one in five adults located in Tehachapi district (25%). Such problems may limit the ability of Tehachapi residents from accessing virtual health, as well as the capabilities of the healthcare providers to deliver the services. Typically, different forms of virtual health need on a smartphone with internet services (which, in some cases, is as well challenging to access in Tehachapi district).

Nonetheless, rural patient monitoring can be conducted by setting up an interactive voice response system. It can be achieved by having a healthcare provider or patient enter or report their daily heart rate or blood pressure by the use of an analogue phone- the process can be done in both online or offline mode (Szigeti et al., 2019). In that perspective, the Adventist health organization among other shareholders should take the technological capabilities of the Tehachapi population into consideration when designing and implementing the virtual health programs, while at the same time understanding that low-cost solutions should as well be taken into account.

Develop a Strategy, Governance Structure, and Partnerships

The Adventist health organization should involve the federal government in its decision to implement the virtual health program as part of the company’s strategic vision. The Adventist health organization should earmark the resources and time for the initiative and implement centralized governance structures within the organization, with a clear delineation of rights and responsibilities, integrated roadmap, and operational champions (Xu et al., 2019). Such measures will enable the Adventist health organization to be aligned and engaged in the vision for virtual health and how to get there as a health organization. The Adventist health organization should build networks with other healthcare providers. Such measures are especially necessary for Tehachapi district due to healthcare providers shortages, varying access to the internet, long distances to the setting of care, slim operating margins, and low patient volume. Beyond sharing clinical resources, Adventist health can partner with technological and data infrastructure organization.

Collaboration with Telehealth and NGO Companies

Collaboration with telehealth companies in exchange for manageable subscription fee will Adventist health organization develop the needed broadband infrastructure needed to deliver virtual health services. While the need to make software investment is imminent, there is a need to formulate security, interoperability, and analytics into every element of the virtual health program. These operations should not be an afterthought, and it should be based on the vision of an active, patient-centred virtual health program. The hospital will also generate income through collaborations with various organizations, and especially NGOs. NGOs also have programs which aim to support people from impoverished backgrounds who are unable to afford essential services. The hospital will establish relationships with other institutions to offer health care to those who are unable to afford it at a discounted price by partnering with the hospital to provide health care personnel and services.

The hospital will have the opportunity to interact with a community facing severe healthcare problems ranging from chronic diseases, psychological conditions and substance abuse. There is a great need for community professionals to tackle the said challenges. The community also needs such professionals to lower Healthcare prices. It is essential to have local medical practitioners in the community, and this is an excellent opportunity for the hospital. Adventist Health Center plans to serve an enormous population in that area, and this means that it will have to operate at a reasonably high cost to achieve efficiency (Naus et al., 2018). Some of the expenses associated with hospital care, for example, loans dedicated to hospital development. The hospital will need a large number of funds, and these will be devoted to physical infrastructure and equipment. In terms of leases, the hospital would also incur expenses to lease additional equipment that will be used to provide the services it needs.

The hospital would need more employees to meet the community's growing demand for healthcare services. It would take a large task force working on the site, and thus a massive amount of money will be required to pay all the wages that the hospital will incur. Many specific permits and licenses need to be in place to build the hospital. Both of these require financial input and, thus, a new expense that the institution must incur before establishment. The hospital will ultimately incur recurring costs such as marketing, delivery, repairs, and taxes.


The entire hospital set-up process will be a rigorous exercise, first of all, considering the initial costs that the whole process will incur. The hospital will have separate permits from the authorities concerned, as well as licenses for the begging activities. Such benefits will involve spreading knowledge of the product to the broader population, and therefore it will be able to achieve the desired objectives. To order to offer a more reliable facility, the hospital would also incur other recurring expenses that are taxes and routine maintenance of equipment and the hospital systems. The hospital would use various methods of raising revenue to foot the costs as mentioned earlier. The approaches would include billing premiums and encouraging it to ensure people can receive health coverage at a much more affordable price. The hospital will also work with Non-Governmental Organizations to introduce patient-provided affordable health care services. Finally, the hospital will also establish training programs for healthcare professionals taking into account the existing demand in the hospital mentioned above for healthcare. It will give the hospital, in general, a significant incentive for sustainability to move forward.


Naus, F. P. M., Faint, C. A., & Dwyer, R. J. (2018). Are Hospital Efficiency and Quality of Care Affordable Without External Revenue? International Journal of Applied Management and Technology, 16(1), 14.

Xu, J., Jian, W., Zhu, K., Kwon, S., & Fang, H. (2019). Reforming public hospital financing in China: progress and challenges. BMJ, 365, l4015.

Szigeti, S., Evetovits, T., Kutzin, J., & Gaál, P. (2019). Tax-funded social health insurance: an analysis of revenue sources, Hungary. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 97(5), 335.

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