Free Essay Sample: The Significance of Research in Nursing

Published: 2023-11-06
Free Essay Sample: The Significance of Research in Nursing
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Research Nursing
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 715 words
6 min read

Familiarity in the research field is very relevant in all practicing nurses. Research helps to improve and enhance doable practice in nursing. Research further contributes massively to the diversification of the nursing field, as discoveries are continually established in this field (Oosterbroek et al., 2020). Research in nursing helps to perceive the environmental changes in the health sector and the legislative acts guiding health practice and different patient populations. This paper will critically analyze research in nursing, the relevance of research in nursing, and the various types of research.

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The principles that are involved in research in healthcare practice include: ensuring the protection of a patient's welfare, shielding life, and every individual's health, considering an individual's confidentiality with their health matters, and nonmaleficence (Oosterbroek et al., 2020). Completing the research course is relevant to all practicing nurses since it will help them process adequate information and enhance their information literacy. The direction is also appropriate in assisting the nurses in analyzing critically the data or results they obtain in their practice.

Research is classified into various sections, including correlational study, qualitative research, quasi-experimental research, and quantitative research. In quantitative analysis, it entails evaluating information in numerals and percentages. One of the quantitative designs in this type of research is the application of data comprised of variables that undergo regulation during an experimental investigation (Brannen, 2017). The variables should consist of dependent and independent variables. This design is based on positivism in which a researcher affirms the concept in the object of study.

The relevance of quantitative research helps create awareness and perception of the social world; the study is also relevant in monitoring occurrences in individuals. This type of research is also very significant since statistical data can be used to generalize findings. Thus, the generalization helps reduce complexity in task evaluation. Hence this research method helps in solving puzzles and determining any potential causes and future assessment.

In qualitative research, it involves the encounters and experiences of patients and nurses in health practice. One of the designs that are applied in qualitative research is phenomenology. This design is contextual in that it focuses on how different people live and the various health issues around them, for instance, related genetic problems (Brannen, 2017). The importance of qualitative research in nursing helps to evaluate populations' experiences and attempt to comprehend their different health encounters. It differs from quantitative because the information in quantitative analysis is obtained from the clinical setup, whereas qualitative results are derived from a natural setting.

Sampling is the process of selecting a representation of a set or a group. Sampling is essential since it collects information needed during research using only a description of the whole group. Sampling helps improve accuracy in the analysis since only a small group is utilized out of an entire group. One method of sampling is simple random sampling. The technique involves choosing representation from the groups where each entity or member of the group has a similar chance of being selected (Bondmass, 2017). This method of simple random sampling can be effectively applied in quantitative research. Another sampling method is systematic sampling, where samples are collected from a large set by dividing the extensive collection into sub-groups and then selecting a specific representative from each sub-group, for instance, a second representative in each group.

Research has contributed immensely to improving nursing practices. Through research, reevaluation of previous misunderstandings and their replacement with effective new procedures has occurred. The evidence-based practice in nursing is critical since its use has improved patient outcomes and saved on the cost of equipment used in health facilities.

The research course will help me greatly in my practice in analyzing different types of data and processing any information, and guide me in critical thinking when making clinical decisions. In my geriatric nursing field research will be relevant and help me in critical analysis in my practice. Research is an essential aspect of clinical studies when utilized effectively.


Bondmass, M. D. (2017). Sampling Methods. Research for Advanced Practice Nurses.

Brannen, J. (2017). Combining qualitative and quantitative approaches: an overview. Mixing Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Research in Nursing Practice, 3–37.

Oosterbroek, T., Yonge, O., & Myrick, F. (2020). Participatory Action Research and Photovoice. Nursing Education Perspectives Publish Ahead of Print.

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