Free Essay Example on Nursing-Quality Indicators

Published: 2023-01-22
Free Essay Example on Nursing-Quality Indicators
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Research Civil rights
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 933 words
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In every healthcare, setting, patients often require quality care delivery. In most cases, people prefer taking patients in hospitals where there are excellence services. In many countries, the provision of quality healthcare services is a priority and a requirement by various constitutions. The effort to ensure the quality in nursing practices and healthcare delivery has been an ongoing initiative that was started by Florence Nightingale who worked to improve the conditions of hospitals in an attempt to ensure effective patient outcomes (Heslop & Lu, 2014). In attempts to ensure quality healthcare delivery, there are always nursing-sensitive indicators that are often involved in the identification of the care as well as care processes, both of which impacts the outcome of the medical care delivery in different healthcare settings.

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In most cases, nursing-sensitive indicators are specific and distinct when it comes to various nursing procedures (Burston, Chaboyer, & Gillespie, 2014). In an attempt to ensure effective medical delivery, there is a need for the stakeholders as well as the governmental institutions to observe and adhere to the nursing quality practices. Through observing nursing quality indicator, stakeholders can adjust different medical practices that aim at ensuring quality in hospitals and various healthcare settings.

The application of nursing-quality indicators can assists nurses and other medical professionals in identifying various issues that may interfere with patient care. There is the structural quality indicator which involves the supply of the nursing staff, education and the certification of nurses, as well as the skill levels of the nursing staff (Burston et al., 2014). According to the structural quality indicator, through education, nurses can develop skills that can enable them to identify various issues that may interfere with patient care. For instance, through education and training, nurses can prepare and give effective nutritive services as required. As presented in the above scenario, nurses or other medical professionals will be able to understand the right diet that they can give to the patient, Mr. J. In other words, they will be able to understand the right procedures involved in serving patients. In the nursing practice, there is the process-nursing indictor; this procedure involves measuring methods of patient assessment as well as nursing interventions (Burston et al., 2014). In ensuring the quality of medical care delivery, process indicators enhance patient assessment, and as a result, the medical professionals will be able to know the right medication as well as the nutritional requirements. Through the process quality indicator, nurses will not be able to make the same mistake as indicated in the above scenario. The process quality indicators aids in the measurement of patient assessment and the nursing interventions; this can, therefore, assist nurses in identifying issues that may hinder or obstruct patient care.

Nursing data of certain nursing-quality indicators such as the prevalence of restraints as well as pressure ulcers can be used to advance quality patient care in the hospitals. First, these data can be used to identify different issues that may be impacting the patients. In most hospitals, the management often ensures that the data are collected and preserved for future use (Heslop & Lu, 2014). The hospital data. When accurately analyzed, will reveal the actual processes or medical activities that are undertaken in a given health care setting. For instance, the data and information on the prevalence of restrains can be applied in the analysis of the conditions of the patients in the medical setup. While the nursing data can be analyzed to show the status of the hospitals in terms of care delivery, the outcome of the examination can be applied in the decision-making processes in an attempt to advance or improve the quality of patient care delivery throughout the hospital (Heslop & Lu, 2014). In the scenario presented above, the nutritional data may become helpful in determining the quality of food being given to the patients. In other words, the hospital administration may use this data to formulate the right nutritional services to the patients. In most cases, advancing quality in the medical delivery involves observing all the aspects or the activities in the entire hospital or healthcare setting, a scenario that may lead to the attraction of more patients who yearn for quality medical care.

To resolve the issues in the scenario presented, specific systems resources, colleagues, and referrals could be employed. As a nursing shift supervisor, I would employ the training programs to ensure that all nurses comply with the nutritional needs of the patients. Also, there is the need to apply quality checks and balances in all the departments to ensure that patients get the right services that they are entitled to. Some of the system resources that can be applied in the above scenario include nutritional and medication resources. Organizing for the right dieting and medication would be the ideal solution to the problem presented in the above scenario. To ensure that patients such as Mr. J are entitled to the right meals or nutritional services, organizing education and training programs on the dangers of inappropriate nutrition for the patients will prove to be essential. The solution to the ethical issue in the above scenario would be to organize the system resources, colleagues as well as referrals to ensure that the right decisions are made effectively and timely.


Burston, S., Chaboyer, W., & Gillespie, B. (2014). Nursesensitive indicators are suitable to reflect nursing care quality: a review and discussion of issues. Journal of clinical nursing, 23(13-14), 1785-1795. Retrieved from:

Heslop, L., & Lu, S., (2014). Nursingsensitive indicators: a concept analysis. Journal of advanced nursing, 70(11), 2469-2482. Retrieved from:

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