Free Essay Example on Leadership and Organizational Change: A Case Study of Desjardins Group

Published: 2023-10-12
Free Essay Example on Leadership and Organizational Change: A Case Study of Desjardins Group
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Company Management Business Organizational culture
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1269 words
11 min read

For many years, Desjardins Group had been experiencing financial challenges, which was triggered by a poor leadership system. In 2001, Monique Leroux was elected as the President and CEO of Desjardins Group (Voinea, 2012). As the president, she was mandated to establish approaches that would assist the company in overcoming challenges that it was experienced during the financial crisis (Smith, 2016). Due to her leadership trait, Leroux managed to establish systems that helped in overcoming issues, thus triggering rapid organizational growth (Yakabuski, 2016). As a result of rapid growth, the company deployed more than 50,000 employees, which assisted in pushing the organization’s goals, thus overwhelming high competition from top financial institutions across the country (Smith, 2016). Additionally, the executive team managed to make significant transformations in the operation sectors, which helped in overcoming performance barriers, which maintaining high work output (Yakabuski, 2016). Through the introduction of innovative techniques that the executive members deployed in the management, the organization was able to overcome many obstacles, which formed the base for its success.

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In an organization, culture is a critical aspect that highly influence how an organization runs. Changing of Desjardins Group culture was a crucial approach that the management did to impact its success (Hemmadi, 2015). The management believed in changes, which were crucial in maintaining the growth and assisting members in realizing the future of the company (Smith, 2016). As a leader, Leroux leads other members of the organization in embracing changes, thus creating a culture that was driven by the need for success and goals attainment (Yakabuski, 2016). Even though the organization had shifted its culture, it was not sufficient to withhold numerous changes that the executive had embraced (Hemmadi, 2015).

The company management established changes that aimed at sustaining the growth and success of the organization. These changes were meant to direct members of the organization on numerous activities they are supposed to conduct, thus promoting the attainment of the goals (Voinea, 2012). Effective application of changes among the organization members impacted the perception of Desjardins Caisse members, and this increased their contribution to success (Smith, 2016). Additionally, the management system had adopted genuine changes, which were meant to direct all workers on the kind of activities to engage in. Even though the company had embraced many changes, the transformations were not enough to maintain its growth (Yakabuski, 2016). Therefore, not all the changes that the organization had deployed were fulfilled. In this case, workers failed to effectively embrace some of the change initiatives that the management had introduced.

Based on numerous changes the management deployed, innovation transformation had the most impact. The establishment of modern systems in the running of the organization assists the management in countering numerous challenges, which previously hindered financial performance (Voinea, 2012). Through innovation, the company managed to partner with other sectors, which helped in the creation of a positive social impact that assisted in competing with other sectors (Smith, 2016). Partnership assisted the organization in establishing innovative solutions to numerous barriers that affected its overall performance (Voinea, 2012). Additionally, technology development improved company performance as it created a condition that promotes training, thus improving work output at the management level (Yakabuski, 2016). As such, the technology system assisted the company in enhancing financial health, which was perceived as a key approach to countering some of the key issues (Smith, 2016). Through financial health, the company managed to overcome problems such as monetary stress that had affected most institutions across the country (Voinea, 2012). Furthermore, the transformation aimed at improving people’s collective intelligence and ensuring entrepreneurship is more accessible by the application of technology changes such as a cooperathon, which focused on altering how people engaged in their daily activities (Smith, 2016). The application of the cooperathon assisted the company in countering competitors as it opened an environment that promoted innovation, thus creating a positive social impact (Yakabuski, 2016). The approach helped in connecting citizens and other members of communities, which helped in forming a more socially responsible future (Voinea, 2012). This was a crucial inspiring factor that the managed deployed to attract a large number of members across the region.

Even though the innovation transformation having a major impact on the organization's performance, the organization did not achieve its complete mission. However, the innovation assisted the management in establishing a more powerful system, which assisted in countering higher competition (Voinea, 2012). For instance, the company partnered with about 100 other firms, which helped in the creation of a positive social effect that influenced the establishment of competitive strategies (Yakabuski, 2016). Additionally, engaging experts in numerous sectors, such as agriculture and energy, assisted the company in formulating innovative approaches that communities were to use to counter challenges (Yakabuski, 2016). The approach helped in the creating of jobs across numerous parts of the country, thus minimizing social challenges such as poverty.

The changes that the company deployed were so sustainable. Due to sustainability, the company managed to overcome the growing global pressure that the financial market was facing (Hemmadi, 2015). For instance, the establishment of cooperatives assisted the managed in overcoming the external pressure that the company was receiving due to the high competition rate (Smith, 2016). Additionally, the establishment of cooperatives played a vital role, especially in the creation of job opportunities, social cohesion, and poverty reduction (Voinea, 2012). This was a key mission that the company aimed at attaining when the management established numerous changes (Yakabuski, 2016). Therefore, changes that the company deployed played a vital role in attaining consumers’ financial needs. The approach increased customer financial efficiency, which is a critical approach in the growth of a country (Smith, 2016). Furthermore, exercising greater Caisses control assisted the company in understanding numerous risk factors, which were hindering the institution from complying with the government regulations.

As the leader of the company, Leroux did a lot, especially on facilitating numerous key changes that impacted the success of the company. As a way of improving the success of the changes, Lexoux established programs that helped in explain the internal and external aspects surrounding the company performance (Yakabuski, 2016). The approach assisted stakeholders in understanding numerous activities the company was engaging, thus facilitating their support (Smith, 2016). Additionally, Leroux reinforces the need for changes by establishing imaginary lines between events, objects, and activities to ensure all actions members embrace a focus on a particular goal (Yakabuski, 2016). The approach helped in making situations and events within the organization meaningful. This was a key approach the management used to facilitate the effectiveness of the changes (Smith, 2016). Furthermore, Leroux lead and direct other members of the executive on how to overcome the existing barriers. The approach assisted in creating a good working environment that improved its performance.

As a way of improving the future performance of the company, Leroux needs to lead other members of the executive in formulating strategies that will increase performance in the global financial system (Yakabuski, 2016). In particular, Leroux needs to establish a strategy that aims at controlling and improving the internal governance of the company, which will assist in meeting consumer financial needs (Smith, 2016). Additionally, Leroux should focus on risk management strategies that dictate the lending purpose, which will determine the company performance rate.


Hemmadi, M. (2015). Interview: Desjardians Group CEO Monique Leroux on taking coops national. Canadian Business.

Smith, R. (2016). Desjardins CEO’s changes could signal shift in direction. Wealth Professional.

Voinea, A. (2012). Monique Leroux, Desjardins CEO shares her view on the Quebec summit. Coop News.

Yakabuski, K. (2016). Monique Leroux pointed Desjardins in the right direction. The Globe and Mail.

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