Free Essay Comprising the Latin Music Concert Review

Published: 2022-06-17
Free Essay Comprising the Latin Music Concert Review
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Music Personal experience
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 564 words
5 min read

The concert was performed in Africa by the Fania All-Stars band. The band leaders are Celia Cruz and Johnny Pacheco. The makeup consisted of an African attire with prints and strips often found in parts of West and East Africa. The music consisted of a combination of Instrumental, Latin, and a big band. From my experience of the dancers, I figured that the band was professional. The way they were organized, the musicians and the drummers were well choreographed to give a stunning performance.

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The music that I am listening to is classified under Afro-Cuban. The songs are a mixture of south America and African pieces brought together to form the music. The dances are also a mixture of the two cultures making it both entertaining and emotional. The salsa dance that is used in some parts has also brought out the Afro Cuban concept of the song to the forefront. One of the pieces that were performed is the Bolero by Felista.

The soloist and the ensemble group were entertaining to watch. The performance was impeccable, and personally, I would rate them as a professional performance. One of the key musicians that were featured is Johnny Pacheco who I found very entertaining to watch and listen. The group was composed and confident in whatever they were doing. I did not feel like they missed a single step. The performance was a success and was able to hold my attention throughout the music period.

As a member of the audience, I was fascinated by the performance of the group. Although I had attended similar concerts, I had not attended the one performed by this group. The way they were organized, the dances and the sound quality of their music was captivating. I found my self-immense in the dances and the music although I did not understand much of what was being said. However, in music, you didn't necessarily have to understand every word that is sung.

The music that I was enjoying had been very entertaining. We were listening to it with some of my friends. Even though I was a virtual participant, I felt like I was part of the group listening to the music. However, I prefer going to live concerts rather than watching them online. I also prefer going to these concerts with a group of friends rather than doing it alone. The company is part of the entertainment and fun during these events.

I can't call myself a musician, but I have I have been part of a school band. The music was just for fun and not professional. However, the experience gave me an opportunity to enjoy music played by other people. My experience as a musician in school was fun, and I got an opportunity to compose some songs and learn how to play the drums and the guitar.


The music was educational and exciting. I enjoyed watching the music especially, the beats and the dance moves. The dress code was also impressive with its many patterns. I was able to learn about the way the music is incorporated and combined with different dances and drums to bring it to life. I would attend the concert again. I would also recommend another person to attend this event if they have time. However, a person attending the concert should be open-minded and ready to learn different cultures.

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