Feasibility Report - Business Essay Example

Published: 2019-11-28
Feasibility Report - Business Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Business
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1697 words
15 min read

A feasibility report is a form of document that evaluates the possible solutions to an identified business issue (PWGSC, 2014). It then determines which of the solutions are viable for supplementary analysis. The primary purpose of feasibility report is to define a projects limitations (Holz-Clause & Hofstrand, 2009). It also defines the probable solutions to the defined issues, needs as well as opportunities (Bryce, 2016). In a featured case study, I head a fast food company called Mr. Chip that is losing its customers to a rival establishment. This essay is a feasibility report on a possible business strategy that can be used to enhance the companys profile as well as attract more customers to the corporation.

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Issues Identification

There are four primary issues that can be considered to be the contributing factors as to why Mr. Chip fast-food joint is losing its customers to a rival establishment. First, the establishment lacks a marketing website where it can promote its products. On the other hand, the rival establishment has a beautifully designed marketing website with all the available delicacies for sale well showcased. Second, Mr. Chip restaurant has poorly trained staff members in terms of customer care services delivery. This is unlike its rival establishment that has professional staff members with great customer care services. In addition, Mr. Chip lacks a system to tracking, analyzing and reporting all its customers satisfaction levels. Finally, the establishments staff members take lengthy periods to address the customers complaints.

Business Strategy Identification

Customer satisfaction, in its most basic form, is the relationship between the perceived performance of a good or service and the consumers general expectations pertaining the products (Agbor, 2011). In the business context, it is expected that higher customer satisfaction levels elevate the rate of consumers loyalty (Beard, 2013). It also protects the market share from rival corporations and causes a reduction in price elasticity. In addition, high consumer satisfaction levels reduce a business cost of attracting new consumers, reduces the failure costs and also enhances the business reputation.

In addition, satisfied clienteles contribute to a long term viability of a business (CSSP, 2007). This is achieved via repeated consumptions, brand loyalty, as well word-of-mouth referrals. Consequently, this results in elevated sales by a business establishment. In the business context, consumer satisfaction describes the entire purchase experience. For this reason, special attention must be employed to ensure that all steps of the consumers buying experience result in the development of absolute positive satisfaction.

Achieving Customer Satisfaction in Mr. Chip Corporation

In order for Mr. Chip fast-food joint to achieve full customers satisfaction levels, there are four fundamental actions that could be adopted. They include developing a marketing website for the business and training the staff members on how to improve their customer service skills. The customer service team could also track, analyze and report on consumer satisfaction as well as ensure that all customers complaints are resolved quickly.

Developing Websites to Enhance Consumers Satisfaction

Consumer satisfaction outspreads past the ordinary human interaction (Berlin Packaging, 2016). In a business organization, the consumers satisfaction is greatly affected by the organizations online digital presence. In most cases, consumers may acquire their first information about an establishment from a website. In such a case, a restaurant may have an easy to navigate website, with numerous photos of the menu offered. Such a website should also have clear directions to the location of the establishment and the nearby points of interest. An attractive website enhances the consumers desire to try the variety of products availed by an establishment.

So as to promote Mr. Chip fast food joints popularity and attract more customers, the institution should develop a marketing website for all its products. The website would be used to advertise the different dishes availed to the establishment to the consumers. The website should be user friendly and with lots of graphics to illustrate the actual dishes available on the menu. The attractive display of such pictures on the establishments website would help in attracting more customers to the institution. It would compel them to have the need to fulfil their desires of visiting the fast-food joint and having the best dishes for their own satisfaction.

Training The Staff On How to Improve Customer Service

If an establishment offers well trained staff with an emphasis on working collectively for the consumers benefit, its operations run smoothly. This is because efficient customer care services aids in achieving enhanced customer satisfaction. The primary goal of an establishments staff should be to achieve absolute customer satisfaction. In most cases, consumers in the hospitality industry are notorious for having high expectations as well as complaints. For this reason, the staff members working in such an industry should be well trained on how to manage the customers complaints most efficiently. They should also be trained on how to avoid such complaints in the first place.

In order to improve the customer care services delivery, Mr. Chips staff members should train all their staff members on how to present and handle their customers goods and services. In a restaurant setting, the primary concern that customers have pertains the level of hygiene used by the staff members in handling their delicacies. As such, Mr. Chips management team should train all its staff members on the usage of professional hygiene standards when handling meals for the customers. In addition, the staff members should be trained on how to be clean and presentable when approaching the establishments customers for an order. As such, the establishments customers will feel satisfied with the meals provided to them by clean and presentable staff members.

Tracking, Analyzing and Reporting On Consumer Satisfaction

In most cases, customer satisfaction is connected to an establishments level of communication with its customers. Through constant dialogue with the consumers, the management team in an establishment can gather information on the strong and weak points of their customer services (Manyasi et al., 2013). For this reason, it is good to attain a feedback from the consumers regarding their levels of satisfaction after visiting an establishment. Consumers feedback can be gathered online via an establishments website or through review cards positioned at the front desks logs. The information collected from the consumers can later be employed in promoting future consumer satisfaction levels.

Mr. Chips management team should track, analyze and report all their customers satisfaction levels. It is easy and inexpensive to implement this strategy in the establishment. For instance, an online section where customers can issue their feedback pertaining their satisfaction levels with the establishments quality of services offered can be designed. Such a feedback section can be placed on the establishments website and used by customers to issue their feedback pertaining how well they enjoyed Mr. Chips products. In addition, a review card booklet can be positioned at the establishments front desk. The booklet can then be offered to all the customers who visit the establishment for them to fill in their satisfaction levels with the goods and services offered. The information attained can then be employed by the establishment to identify the key areas for improvement.

Addressing Customers Complaints On Time

Service recovery is considered to be the last line of defense as far as customer satisfaction is concerned (Li, 2014). The hotelier and hospitality industry can be extremely challenging when it comes to solving and managing the customers complaints on time (Jin-zhao & Jing, 2009). This is because a customer care manager may attain numerous complaints at the same time. That is through phone, email and online feedback platforms from the various customers who visit his/her establishment. As such, Mr. Chips management team should adopt a strategy of solving all their customers complaints on time. One of such strategy would be to employ a few more persons to solve the customers problems.

That is an easy-to-implement task, and it should not cost the business a substantial amount of funds. The management team from Mr. Chip restaurant could also train their staff members on how to manage all their customers problems timely. This is because in most cases, customers often feel satisfied with the quality of services offered in an establishment if their issues and immediate concerns are addressed in time. In addition, it is easy to enact policies that aid in addressing customers complaints in the establishment. Implementation of such policies is also easy since they can be communicated to the staff members during the regular staff meetings.


In summary, a feasibility report is a document that evaluates all the possible solutions to an identified issue/s in a business establishment. In a featured case study, there are four primary strategies that can be used to improve Mr. Chips popularity and attract new customers. First, the establishment should develop a marketing website to advertise its products. In addition, the management team in the establishment should train all its staff members on how to improve their customer services delivery. The management team should enact policies that can be used by the staff members to address the customers complaints on time. Ultimately, the Mr. Chips staff members should develop a strategy for tracking, analyzing as well as reporting all their customers satisfaction levels.

Reference List:

Agbor, J. M., 2011. The Relationship between Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality: a study of three Service sectors in Umea.

Beard, R., 2013. Increase Customer Satisfaction (9 Strategies). [Online] Available at: http://blog.clientheartbeat.com/increase-customer-satisfaction/[Accessed 26 October 2016].

Berlin Packaging, 2016. Improving the Customer Experience: Going Beyond Satisfaction to Deliver Thrill. [Online] Available at: https://www.berlinpackaging.com/insights/improving-the-customer-experience/[Accessed 26 October 2016].

Bryce, T., 2016. The Elements of a Good Feasibility Study. [Online] Available at: https://www.projectsmart.co.uk/elements-of-a-good-feasibility-study.php[Accessed 26 October 2016].

CSSP, 2007. Customer Satisfaction: Improving Quality and Access to Services and Supports in Vulnerable Neighborhoods. [Online] Available at: http://www.cssp.org/publications/constituents-co-invested-in-change/customer-satisfaction/customer-satisfaction-framework-improving-quality-and-access-to-services-and-supports-in-vulnerable-neighborhoods.pdf.[Accessed 26 October 2016].

Holz-Clause, M. & Hofstrand, D., 2009. What is a Feasibility Study? [Online] Available at: https://www.extension.iastate.edu/agdm/wholefarm/html/c5-65.html[Accessed 26 October 2016].

Jin-zhao, W. & Jing, W., 2009. Issues, Challenges, and Trends, that Facing Hospitality Industry. Management Science and Engineering: Canadian Research & Development Center of Sciences and Cultures, 3(4), pp. 53-58.

Li, E.-l., 2014. Customer Satisfaction Study of Disaster Recovery Based on IPA Model. Int...

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