Essay Sample Exploring Human Interaction: Synchronous Tuning of Human Brains

Published: 2023-08-14
Essay Sample Exploring Human Interaction: Synchronous Tuning of Human Brains
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Communication
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 559 words
5 min read

Human interaction is a unique aspect which has been a mystery for may year. The study explored seeks to determine whether human brains synchronously tune into each other. Most bodily functions, especially cortisol margin, is estimated to have a high correlation with simultaneous interpretation when people are close to each other. The research is experimental, involving direct exploration of the factual finding using real individual samples. Experimental Research, by definition, refers to adhering to scientific research method, including aspects such as variables which can be directly manipulated by the researchers. Following the stated hypothesis on whether human brains get synchronized upon contact. The measurement observed is used to use to make substantial findings for proving the hypothesis.

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Using experimental design in this form of research has significant advantages. The researcher conducting the investigation has total control over the variables being used. Aspects such as stressors causing challenges to the expected results can always be avoided. The shaping of the research is based on intuitive practices on the research topic. Despite having bias and prediction on the expected results, the study is always reflective.

The main limitations of using experimental research are that the results obtained are always subjected to human error. The scanners used or scanning the human brain may be having some errors which are translated to the results. Human feelings are still artificial, lacking definitive methodology to establish through the practical form. The main question is whether the sample size is used for the study to have the same behavior. The human response can differ significantly, especially when there are other underlying factors. Results applying to a given case are tough to replicate. The designing of the mind scanning machines is based on human understanding of certain variables hence raising concerns on whether results being applied to a given situation can be used to other instances.

The sample used for the study was ten couples spending 45 minutes in a brain scanner. Drawing results from such small population results given won't be substantial enough to represent the human population. To study social interaction impact on the human brain, at least 1000 people should have been used when experimenting. Factors such as cultural impacts and other underlying conditions are essential in any study involving human beings.

During the study, there is a high possibility of confounding values existence. There is a high probability that the results of any variables influencing general human behavior impacted the investigation. Instances of some factors such as pre-existing conditions could have led to the achievement of the wrong conclusions. Human beings are subject to specific terms, which can have a significant effect on general thinking and overall brain behavior. The researchers, however, did not consider employing such probabilities in the study.

The researcher adopted experimental research hence obtaining first-hand information from the real figure. Therefore, using this form of measurement in establishing the hypothetical findings reflects only factual findings as opposed to other forms f research in which the study has to evaluate multiple instances to develop a given result finding.

From the study conducted involving ten couples, the results obtained shows a strong correlation between human brain synchronization and underlying relationship. Natural interaction study, however, has been controversial for long; hence establishing a single finding represents a better start. Therefore, the study forms a strong basis for future research on human interactions.

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Essay Sample Exploring Human Interaction: Synchronous Tuning of Human Brains. (2023, Aug 14). Retrieved from

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