Essay Example: Ethics, Compliance Auditing and Emerging Issues

Published: 2023-08-08
Essay Example: Ethics, Compliance Auditing and Emerging Issues
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Business ethics Ethical dilemma Business communication
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1879 words
16 min read

Ethics is applied in various global aspects to act as the parameter for gauging whether behaviors being exhibited by individuals are wrong or right. Ethics is also used in overseeing the interactions and associations made by human beings in their daily activities. It leads to business ethics, which can be defined as the overall application of moral practices and principles which conduct any form of business. For it to be viewed as useful and legitimate, there is a need for a given to align itself such that it will be deemed to practice proper behavior based on societal standards (, 2020). the ethical systems created and imposed in any work environment or organization have the role of ensuring that there are few cases of ethical dilemmas posed on whether the conducts of the individuals involved are wrong or right in their undertakings. Ethics encompasses human traits that are all over.

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On the other hand, it is expected that businesses should always conduct compliance audits, which are meant to boost their rates of productivity and growth. Compliance audits can be defined as the extensive review of how companies have to keep up or adhere to the regulatory guidelines set for the same purpose. Security experts, information technology consultants, independent accountants, and many other entities conduct compliance audits in most cases. Some of the factors that are essential in the review include various ways of risk mitigation, user access controls, and the reviewing of policies that are set regarding safety.

The global economy has, over the years, experienced a high rise in statistics regarding the individuals who are underemployed or unemployed. For the former, it means that these persons are in situations where they can be good employees due to their high skills but are working on low-skilled jobs or low-paying jobs because they cannot get adequate jobs that match their expertise. This group also entails part-time employees who prefer to work on a full-time basis but are not able. These two aspects, that is, unemployment and underemployment, are crucial for culture stabilization for the future and for reducing the rates of poverty that have been witnessed all over the world. The primary focus of this report is to form or create an ethics program needed to foresee underemployment and unemployment. The paper will be in various subsections to allow for a better understanding and explanation of:

  • Nations that have high cases of underemployment or unemployment rates
  • Company ethical decision-making discussion
  • Ethics training program recommendation
  • Lastly, it will discuss some of the importance of compliance audits, ethics training, and ethics itself.

Countries with High Rates of Employment Concerns

Across different nations, there is an undeniable impact of underemployment and unemployment, as it can be seen from the labor markets. As a result, this has led to the heaving high-risk deviations to some of the factors such as financial hardships, which can be a company's ethical concern. There have been a lot of cases in which organizations resort to behaviors and practices which are unethical so they can boost their levels of productivity and maximize the profits they make (Feldman & Kaplan, 2019). The employees can sometimes emulate the same, especially when they are under strenuous looms of financial hardships and the constant threat of unemployment. Diligence emphasis has led to cases of unemployment in some countries, thus witnessing high extended unemployment cases. It is, however, ironic that the more time an individual takes while being out of a job or unemployed, the higher the chances of them remaining the same. It becomes difficult for a person who has been unemployed for a long time to get a job. A few countries that have registered high unemployment cases include Portugal, New Zealand, Hungary, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Norway, Ireland, Canada, and Denmark, and the country that the highest unemployment rate in the contemporary world is Spain.

Below is a chart that exhibits the rates of unemployment in a demographic sample. It is sourced from Eurostat, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

As already noted, the country with the highest unemployment level of unemployment in the world is Spain. The aspect is a result of the broader economic collapse and global crisis. It is important to note that being an organization or entity that ensures it becomes a global frontier, the strategies implemented by the management are in the best interests that are within the threshold set by the ethical merits to reduce the cases of unemployment within the region. The factor is only achievable if there is a gist on the organizational impact of ethical decision-making.

Organizational Ethical Decision Making

The implementation and formulation of various ethical decisions that conform to societal and company sets of values can be quite a draining experience, which is made of weighing various alternatives and options just to find one of those that can satisfy the parties involved. The conclusion and evaluation or picking and sticking to some ethical decisions need a combination of moral reasoning and principles. As a definition, moral reasoning is the process through which people have to go through to ascertain if their actions are about to take or are taking align with the sets of ethical standards. often, the moral work is based on some characteristics of principal agents and divided such they are into a traditional two-part made up of:

A firm's ability to understand that individuals with caring characters are often bound to do their activities in the manner they deem right and ethical

The ability to consider the aspect that norms precede the withholding and preservation of essential relationships and performing what is right.

The philosophies that are stemmed from agents differ regarding non-consequences, and consequences-oriented theories as they have more likelihood of becoming more discerning on how the ethical standards are handled among agents and people. They also have less possibility of becoming less discerning regarding the identification of how moral some practices, actions, and activities can be.

The knowledge of an individual's character is helpful for their cronies in making certain decisions and aligning them with their morals. Moral ethics considers the level of morality in the role of an individual and ethical decision formulation. The virtues that people hold is what dictates their abilities to understand moral laws (Lee & Cheng, 2012). The attributes of Aristotle can be used as a viable case example. He argued that an individual who has good moral character would eventually develop the correct habit of being humble, honest, trustworthy, and fair to help them wade through life. In every situation, they find themselves in. Aristotle believed that ethics need to be exercised and discerned by people throughout their lives, but not only when they have been given a position. Any person who possesses the values and virtues that have been mentioned would be deemed to be of good character. Nevertheless, different societies have different rules and norms that they want people to adhere to. As such, the individuals in those settings are led by those rules and, sometimes, regulations or standards.

Several factors can be used in guiding individuals in their pursuit of ethicality and moral reasoning at high levels. As it was discussed in the first part of this paper, moral reasoning is meant to assist an individual in discerning what is bad and right by the use or application of logic. Some factors that one may consider include the consequences that can be brought about by their actions, how those involved would be affected, and understanding the accomplishment of their intended activities while trying to make or come up with such an analysis. It is the moral choices that give us the urge of consenting or resisting points of hurting the feelings of others, especially when trying to protect them from being hurt or damaging others (Post et al., 2002). One can only make such kind of judgment through their ability to weigh the available factors and see the consequences that can come about as a result of the actions that have been taken. The ability to reason morally accounts for or considers various factors that are needed or come into play when making such an analysis. The determination of an individual to stick and stand by what is deemed to be moral, from the societal perspective, even in daunting situations, is what creates much-needed strength. It minimizes the flexibility built by the morality and ethical principles that are generally accepted or used in the given society.

One has to be a morally capable agent before one can be inclined or subjected to some societal aspects of morality. However, in ensuring that these individuals exhibit or portray the good conduct that is needed, there has to be a combination of values that are virtuous within them in their work-life and domestic way of living without having to be forced to do anything. There are four elements that are used in boosting and motivating individual moral reasoning levels. They include:

Moral creativity: Here, it entails the ability of an individual being able to view or see situations in ways that are not biased and in multiple ways

Moral imagination: In this factor, there are a lot of things that make it almost the same as moral creativity. It is defined as an individual's capacity to see various circumstances through the outlook or eye of different individuals. In layman's language, it fits in the shoes of other individuals. This element encourages resoluteness and relatability when conflicted in following personal beliefs and values or adopting and going with the flow of other people's ideas. Having a perspective from different angles allows an individual to stop selfishness in various aspects.

Perseverance: This element means that an individual can make decisions that are of the expected and required set of moral standards on a given action plan then tweak the plans and ways that had already been planned when faced with difficulties, challenges, or obstacles of achieving the goals that have been set.

Reasonableness: a reasonable person is resolute to honesty frames to other people and individuals while making sure that they are committed to their goals and set of moral values. As such, it means that they would be open to hearing what other people, even those they don't agree with, say. However, this does not warrant or indicate that they would go with or agree with what they say, especially when morally not acceptable.

These factors mentioned above are essential in ethical plan implementation, especially when keeping moral values and norms desirable.

Ethics Training Program

Recommending an ethics training program formation and implementation is essential, especially when it projects to teach the internal stakeholders, i.e., management, employers, and employees on how well to work and show the external stakeholders, i.e., clients and customers of the organization. We go further to provide information meant to assist the management and employees in being accurate in their process of decision-making while resolving the doubts faced by the adoption of the code of conduct of the company. Through the training, a problem-solving criterion and services that are customer-oriented are created. The employees need to get adequate training on how they can handle clients who are not happy, as that alludes that the clients will not want to transact with rival businesses.

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Essay Example: Ethics, Compliance Auditing and Emerging Issues. (2023, Aug 08). Retrieved from

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