Essay Example on the Importance of Setting Performance Expectations

Published: 2023-03-13
Essay Example on the Importance of Setting Performance Expectations
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Human resources Job
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1314 words
11 min read


Performance expectation is a critical topic that defines the competitiveness of a worker and the entire production sector. According to Bradler, Dur, Neckermann, and Non, (2016), performance evaluation and setting of targets is a crucial essential step that is worth considering, especially where competition and standards are required. The benefit of setting performance expectations provides a considerable blueprint of clarity that serves both the employees and the managers. As a result, the essence of these concepts increases the accuracy and expectation of workers from their superiors, hence ensuring that minimal errors are performed in a given task. (Mone & London, 2018) concludes that performance expectations set the baseline of measurement, through which employees and the managers can benefit through evaluating to determine their progress.

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Among one of the benefits that emanate from performance, the expectation is associated with higher levels of accountability in employees. Managers hold every employee accountable for their actions and results from their performance. Never the less, this increase, transparency and a higher degree of productivity, that is not only enjoyed by the organization, by the final consumer due to excellent services and high-quality products.

As Bradler, et al., (2016) observes, most organizations tend to set performance expectations of workers shortly after they are hired. This helps to infuse the new candidate into the system within a short period. Never the less, this limits the possibilities of delayed production or services, due to lazing around of employees. The managers expect the performance to improve, which increases the opportunities for promotion. Never the less, most of the performance expectation set, they are measurable and attainable. This challenges the workers to fully exploit their resources and skills to ensure that the organization's goals are met, by any circumstances.

On the other hand, performance expectation increases the highest degree of discipline within an organization set up. According to Mone and London, (2018), most organizations are sold by the degree of control within the organization. Every member of the organization especially the workers, are expected to perform to a certain degree to ensure that the organization keeps a positive image. As a result, this increases the employees' interactivity and innovation, which creates a better environment for every member of the organization.

As Bradler et al. (2016) outlines, nearly 53% of organizations suffer from poor performance and excessive wastage of raw material. Employees are forced to repeat the same practice on different occasions for perfection. However, the reality of this matter affects the entire production in various ways, such as time and resources. In this case, the need for performance expectations eliminates the possibility of wasting time and scarce resources within the organization.

In the bottom line, there is a rich interconnection of communication between managers and the employees, as they undertake their daily activities. Managers act as the source of information and instructor, while employees follow the regulations outlined in the performance expected to ensure that delivering the products and services are done with extreme care.

Procedure to Follow During Performance Expectation Setting

According to Mone and London (2018), it is critically recommended that a manager should set aside more than an hour when planning or scheduling for the implementation of performance expectations. This can be conducted in the form of setting expectations, which involves conversing with employees. In this case, the entire process should be dominated by a series of extensive discussions on the hope of the job description. The employees should also be reintroduced once again on the essence of job performance, which includes both appropriate and inappropriate behaviours in the job. Moreover, the employee is also oriented on the need for clarifying. Finally, the manager should give the employee a chance to share how they would like to be supported in their daily roles.

Description of Areas in Which John Can Improve

Mr John Miller is currently undertaking a slightly different office following his recent job upraised. However, several regions are worth describing and assessing them based on the laid criteria in "Accounts Payable Manager Job Description." Among one of the basic requirements that Mr Miller requires a critical demonstration of excellent communication skills in showing both verbal and non-verbal skills. This helps in ensuring that critical messages are communicated in the organization to ensure that proper decision making is conducted within the required time. However, according to the data obtained from Mr John Miller's "performance Appraisal," it indicates underperformance in the sector of demonstrating reliable written and verbal communication skills. However, as an accounts payable manager, it is essential to ensure that communication is paramount in ensuring that critical information is communicated to the relevant departments. As a result, his poor communication skill has critically contributed to the higher levels of failing to meet these deadlines.

On the other hand, Mr Miller requires to improve his skills in meeting the company, federal and state deadlines, which is a critical part of his role. Through early payments of these accounts will help improve the relationship between the organization and other significant stockholders that help grow the organization.

Description of Steps

To begin with, John's communication skills both verbal and written needs critical improvement. Through this, the basic strategy that could be adopted by Mr John is to ensure that he undertakes a communication course. This may be learned in part-time as a substitute for supplementing his communication skills. On the contrary, he should also take a closer follow up to one of the top managerial employees to help him familiarize himself with the channel of communication in the department.

On the other hand, meeting deadlines requires proper scheduling of time and ensuring that only things in the schedule are completed. According to (Mone & London, 2018), one of the easiest ways in meeting deadlines requires having a plan of all activities that should be performed in the next day. More so, he should emulate the concept of consulting performance expectations within his organization to ensure that every item in the schedule runs parallel to the expectations.

Progress Evaluation

John's communication skills will be evaluated through different criteria, such as assessing his communication skills through written and verbal communication. More so, this will be evaluated through the use of proper formal communication channels in the organization. On the other hand, meeting deadlines within the organization will be assessed by assessing the number of successful deadlines meeting per month. This will narrow down to improve his absence in the department.

Specific Outcome

Excellent writing and communication skills will be the optimum outcomes to ensure that John's success in these areas. John will demonstrate excellent written and communication skills to ensure that essential data and file retrieving is done with minimal errors. On the other hand, meeting deadlines, will be depicted through early preparation and making prompt accurate and neat payments to various accounts.

Consequences of Noncompliance

Lack of observing the essence of learning to improve his communication skills, he is likely to underperform. Moreover, he will not meet the demands of the organization, as well as increasing the possibilities of increasing errors in the organization. On the other hand, it will be critical for the organization to keep essential compliance of meeting legal and company deadlines.

Final Meeting

The final meeting will be used as a landmark in ensuring that Mr John is fully acquainted with the right sets of arsenals to help the organization meet its goals. The meeting will help acknowledge the performance management plan, through outlining the essence of meeting and the changes that it has impacted on shaping Mr John's skills. Never the less, the performance management plan will be brought to a halt after assessing the performance in these different areas.


Bradler, C., Dur, R., Neckermann, S., & Non, A. (2016). Employee recognition and performance: a field experiment. Management Science, 62(11), 3085-3099.

Mone, E. M., & London, M. (2018). Employee engagement through effective performance management: A practical guide for managers. Routledge.

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