Essay Example on Navigating Ideological Crossroads: Marx, Bernstein, and Mao Zedong in Conflict

Published: 2024-01-19
Essay Example on Navigating Ideological Crossroads: Marx, Bernstein, and Mao Zedong in Conflict
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Philosophy Karl Marx
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 953 words
8 min read

Ideals and Ideologies

Ideals and ideologies are the sets of beliefs to which individuals, parties, or the whole nation attach their daily actions. In most cases, the ideologies are normally based on political practices and views as per the interested parties. How the ideals and the ideologies in the case of discussion based on Marxism where the beliefs in social, economic, and political philosophy have been related to Karl Marx who provided much concern on the impacts of capitalism on work, productivity, and economic transformation as he recommended for workers gradual change to overcome capitalism concerning communism (Ball, et al. 245). Moreover, the discussion focuses on who among the three followers of Marx that is Bernstein, Lenin, and Mao Zedong, was faithful to Marx and how their views differ from Marx's views.

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The ideological and misunderstandings in ideas based on different people on a lively basis have all been encountered throughout today's life records. Thus many people concerned have to encounter less worry as the conflicts have become common in life basis. The positive impact of ideology is that it helps to spot and to eradicate the agents that might cause conflicts on a lively basis (Ball, et al. 246). The way to which ideology necessitates the removal of conflict-causing agents is through; elaboration of political strategies that might have persisted as a challenging issue, providing the tactics and knowledge on how to come up with the decision on singling out what is termed right and wrong in lively basis, rejuvenates the gaining of conscience to people in a way that it helps make a person know the real self in the process of gaining self-esteem and also it helps spread the way at which political conflict should be handled with much concern.

Karl Marx was the most famous socialist who was named according to his social, political, and economic philosophical influence. Marx's opinion and ideas on human affairs appeared to be so much contradictory as many people conflicted on the way socialism seemed to be undertaken. The conflicts on Marx's socialism went to an extent to which his followers encountered misunderstandings amongst themselves (Ball, 248). The conflicts were encountered in most areas until some religions conflicted, leading to other socialists like Christian socialists and Fabian. The conflicts went to how two diversified wings came that resulted from the conflicting parties where some people were termed to be Marxist. They insisted on overthrowing capitalism to clear the path for socialism to become distinct and grow. In contrast, the other group of people who believed that socialism could just be achieved in a simpler manner through peaceful means of politics was called non-Marxist. The quarrels on ideologies resulted in changing Marxism to which they fell under the communism group while the other group named themselves socialism.

Views of Bernstein and Lenin on Marx's Ideologies

Bernstein was a Marxist who did not follow Marxism as he was against socialism and supported capitalism. It was not until Marx's death that many called themselves Marxists which most originated from Europe and other parts of the world, as they supported Marx's opinions right. Some relatively opposed Marxist Socialists' views propose capitalism as their opinion (Ball et al. 254). Bernstein created a contradiction in Marx's foreshadowing relating to the gradual rise in the employed individuals in Europe and America, unlike Lenin, who just did his best in employing while restructuring some parts of leadership practices. In fact, Lenin became popularized as he justified his support to laborers and all people's interests. Lenin was popularized as he depicted his Marxist features graduating him to introduce socialism, which was less the same as communism called Leninism. Lenin's achievement was that he was made the Russian who qualified to lead people through Marxist-Leninist Features. Furthermore, Mao Zedong was one of Marx's followers who betrayed Marxism as he was known for his reformation features as he provided Marxist-Leninist with revolution.

Differences between Bernstein's and Marx's Ideologies

Marx was known for his socialist characteristics, where he led Marxist views on leadership (Angel R. P, n.p). His people had an interest in his Marxism format of leadership where the format was subdivided into two namely; socialism and communism on the opposite side Bernstein who was among Marx's followers, had varying views on Marxism he restructured his views by revising Marxism as he ventured in capitalism as he did not believe in the weak points of capitalism as is suggested by varying perspectives on socialism.

Differences between the ideologies of Mao Zedong with those of Marx and Lenin

Mao Zedong was a follower who was not faithful to Marx as he had differing ideologies from Marxism. As he was the Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party, he had a different opinion on leadership. He valued peasants and he considered them to have the potential for making life transformations (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. Maoism, n.p). Zedong did not base his leadership on Marxist-Leninist ideology on handling vulnerable people in society unlike the Marxist view on peasants depicted peasants have no capabilities or value in society, unlike Zedong who did his best to create optimistic features in peasants in society by referring to weak people in the society to be people who could own features of being potential people in the society. Actually, his aim in making changes in Marxism ideologies made many people prove that they can be successful in life despite the presence of challenges that they might have been experiencing in life.

Works Cited

Angel R. P (np). Eduard Bernstein. 2020.

Ball, Terence, Richard Dagger, and Daniel I. O'Neill. Ideals and ideologies: A reader. Routledge, 2016. Pg 240-270.

The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. Maoism (np). 2018.

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Essay Example on Navigating Ideological Crossroads: Marx, Bernstein, and Mao Zedong in Conflict. (2024, Jan 19). Retrieved from

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