Essay Example Comprising the Math Lesson Plan

Published: 2022-08-19
Essay Example Comprising the Math Lesson Plan
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Teaching Mathematics
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1171 words
10 min read


Number of students 25

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The make-up of the class (eg age, strength / weaknesses, nationalities, mixed abilities) is Bi-lingual group of students and an even mix of boys and girls aged between eight and nine. The students originate from diverse ethnic backgrounds. The class has the following strengths:

  • They speak English as their first language
  • They are highly diverse
  • They are very motivated to learn
  • They are very active not only in academic activities; but also extra-curricular activities

The following are some of the weaknesses.

  • The class has a large number of students
  • Some are slow learners.

Aims of the lesson

By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to name three properties of quadrilaterals, describe and draw the shape of a rectangle, square, parallelogram, rhombus and trapezoid.

Secondary aims of the lesson

To differentiate the properties of the 5 trapezoids by their shapes

Anticipated difficulties

Being a math class, the following challenges may be experienced (Clements & Sarama, 2014)

  • Boredom among the students especially during explanation
  • Short concentration span
  • Demotivation
  • Perception that the lesson is difficult
  • The students may not understand the connection between their lives and geometry.
  • Math block may become a challenge especially when the student believes overtime that they are not good at math.
  • Varying student abilities may slow the lesson because the slower students may need more time for explanations.

Strategies to overcome difficulties

According to Clements and Sarama (2014), ways to overcome such difficulties include:

  • Solving the problems as a team through discussions
  • Encouraging visual presentation on the board for the student to sea
  • Mixing up weak and sharp students
  • Encouraging creativity through use of art, because it involves shapes
  • Encouraging class participation
  • Assigning small tasks as their homework such as making a kite.

Materials to be used

  • 2D and 3D shapes
  • Pretend money
  • Pictures
  • Worksheet (Matching the shape and its name)

Timing Stage / Procedure Interaction / Reason for doing the activity

10 min

The class will be introduced to a new lesson. First, the teacher will mix the class, by letting a weak and sharp student sit together.

The teacher will then introduce the topic to the student, by asking them to name the common shapes that they know as she writes down on the board. T -S Through random naming of the shapes, the teacher will ensure that the students jog their minds on what they already know about common shapes that they encounter at home and in class.

This will also be an opportunity for the students to warm up to the lesson (Clements & Sarama, 2014). This is because they will start with what they already know in geometry.

20 min

Presentation Stage.

The teacher will first introduce the students to properties of quadrilaterals. Using the 2D and 3D shapes, she will be able to elaborate those properties to the students.

She will then list down the five quadrilaterals and their shapes to the students.

Again, she will use the 2D and 3D shapes to elaborate them. T - S This exercise will ensure that the students understand the different properties of quadrilaterals. Based on this understanding, they will be able to relate to the shapes of the quadrilaterals and their properties.

Use of shapes will also ensure that the lesson is practical and that students are able to capture what the teacher is teaching.

Visual examples will also ensure that slow student remain active and would have a better understanding of the lesson presented (Clements & Sarama, 2014).

5 min

CCQs - Using pictures to elaborate the newly introduced concepts, especially the shapes that may not be available in 3D

T - S Use of pictures will not only improve the understanding of the new content, but also, the student will match the visual and the written content.

According to Clements and Sarama, (2014)It will better inscribe the lesson further into the student hence increasing their understanding.

8 min

Practice session

The teacher will ask the student to draw quadrilaterals by hand on the board, before introduction of inscribing sets.

The teacher will also ask the students to name the quadrilaterals drawn on the board.

The teacher will ask students randomly to match the object and the name.

T - S Asking the student to draw quadrilaterals on the board will boast their confidence on the lesson.

The teacher will also be able to identify the shapes that are still difficult for the students to understand to give room for more examples and elaboration.

Through the practice session, the students will increase the understanding of the lesson (Clements & Sarama, 2014).

8 min

Practice session through art

The teacher will divide the class into 6 groups to establish the understanding of the lesson by the student.

The students will be asked to use colours to differentiate the five quadrilaterals based on their name.

The teacher will ask the students to use a different color shades for a different shape. S - S This stage enables the students to learn the shapes further through their own practice and discussion.

It helps the students to think as a group, and work collaboratively towards solving a problem.

According to Clements and Sarama (2014), it also encourages interaction of weak and sharp students, to boost their understanding.

The students are able to learn from one another.

9 min

Production - (Individual work)

The students will be asked to name the properties of quadrilaterals.

The students will be asked to draw a quadrilateral against the name given. S This will test whether the students understand the properties of quadrilaterals.

It will also test whether they can apply their visual and written knowledge regarding quadrilaterals.

5 min

Final rehearsal

The students will say the properties of quadrilaterals loud.

They will also name the five quadrilaterals loud. T - S This will put the lesson to an end.

It will also act as a final reminder of what they have learned.

Other Activities to be included and Reasons

The other activities to be included in the lesson plan will include construction of the five quadrilaterals using available materials in class for instance manila papers. These activities will be useful, as it will limit boredom in class, by ensuring that the students remain active, and it will improve their concentration and their skills. Construction of a kite will also be a fun activity for 3rd graders, as it will ensure that they apply their knowledge in their practical life.

Impracticability Solution

In the case that the activities do not work as anticipated, the teacher will change the strategy and adopt a simpler and generalized concept, or make it a fully participative lesson.

Supporting the Lesson Plan

To support the lesson plan, it would be critical if it is presented to another math teacher of a different grade to review the existing mistakes and modalities on how to improve the lesson plan presented. According to Clements and Sarama (2014), an opinion from a second party will also be useful for future lesson preparations for the student.


Clements, D. H., & Sarama, J. (2014). Learning and teaching early math: The learning trajectories approach. Routledge.

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Essay Example Comprising the Math Lesson Plan. (2022, Aug 19). Retrieved from

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