Essay Sample: Economic Impact of Registered Nurses Tardiness on an Institution

Published: 2022-03-29
Essay Sample: Economic Impact of Registered Nurses Tardiness on an Institution
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nursing
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 973 words
9 min read

The registered nurses are highly depended on by patients due to the significant role that they play in the health sector. The registered nurse is part of the backbone of the Millennium goals in ensuring that they eradicate the chronic diseases and guarantee a health to both the infants and the adults. On the economic aspects, the nurses are also imperative in the case where they treat patients who pay for the services offered and hence leading to profit for the health institutions that they are working for and also, they promote economy by treating patients who run economic generating activities and have been restrained by disease, in such a case they ensure that everyone can stand on their feet and get back to the economic generating activities. However, tardiness among Registered Nurses (RN) has proven to e a threat to the economic development of the society, there are some health institutions that experience an escalating trend of tardiness among the nurses hence prompting for the investigation to analyze the effects that it has to the overall society. The following essay seeks to discuss the economic impact of registered nurse's tardiness on an institution.

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Just like any ordinary people, the registered nurses might have some reasons, perhaps domestic ones that make them to be late for work or completely miss to go to work; however, such prolong behavior, regardless of its cause, might adversely affect the economic sabotage to the institutions. Also, there are further impacts that tardiness can cause to the registered nurse, among them include:

Customer service is ruined

Since the work schedule is precise and has followed the specific protocol of the working institution, everyone's' attention and attendance are necessary as per the schedule either working as an individual or as a group. When the one RN gets late to the duty area they ruin the entire team, especially whether is the division of labor and consequently running the customer service (Jayasekara, 2009). The customers will notice some confusion when some duties are neither done correctly or there is absolutely no one available to perform in time. In such a case, the customer will notice the confusion that is going on and they will possibly never recommend anyone to the institution and neither would they come again for services, hence leading to the economic loss to the institution.

Furthermore, under the same aspect, the RN who get; late at their workstation are always in a panic and become anxious when doing their initial duties immediately after arriving as result of the guilt they have due to tardiness (Jayasekara, 2009). The customers who will not be served appropriately due to the negligence brought by the late RN would make them feel dissatisfied and have a negative perception to the entire institution hence setting its economic state in a risk of collapsing, especially if the case occurs repeatedly.

Delay of Some Activities

In the health institution, each and every health practitioner has his or her duties and responsibilities to perform, and internal coordination is always necessary especially in attaining the short term and long term milestones, visions, and missions of the institution. Although tardiness interferes the process and ruins the smooth strategy placed by the management of the institution, the RN comes late and the doctors at the facility who depend on the RN cannot effectively perform their assigned duties and meet their daily expectation (Jayasekara, 2009). Tardiness, whereby the RN will come late will delay the process as dressing the patient's wounds, administering the dose to the patients, maintaining the tidiness of the wards and to provide the overall comfort platform that the doctors can attend to the patient. Such kind of delay leads to the economic destruction of the company since the newly arrived patients cannot be attended to by the RN and hence seeks the same services somewhere else where they feel they will get the services that they deserve.

Internal conflicts with management

Since the organization policies are against tardiness then the RN who will be found culpable of the act will meet the wrath of the management. The disciplinary actions would be taken to the RN who will be found guilty, some of the RN would become emotional and retaliate the disciplinary decision that is taken against them and possibly leading to misunderstanding among the board of management on the institution due to the excuse was given by the accused RN (Manias,, 2003). In such a case, there would be a possible internal wrangle among the members of the board management when each group of members develops their own perception of the issue. The wrangle will possibly affect cooperation and interaction and hence lead to poor decision making when it some to the crucial issue regarding the operation and management of the institution, therefore gradually affecting the economic state of the institution.


Tardiness among the RN, which leads to the delay of activities in the institutions, would prompt procrastination. Some activities would have to be postponed since the scheduled time was never obliged as required, definitely leading to confusion in the institution and weakening the economic progress of the institution (Manias,, 2003).

Decisively, tardiness has become a thorn on the foot of economic triumph of many organizations, regardless of the position or role of every person, being punctual to work is more crucial for the organization to accomplish its vision, purpose and financial goals. The registered nurses are noted to be among the notorious health practitioners who practice tardiness and therefore making the institution to experience loss.


Jayasekara, R. S. (2009). Issues, challenges and vision for the future of the nursing profession in Sri Lanka: a review. International nursing review, 56(1), 21-27.

Manias, E., Aitken, R., Peerson, A., Parker, J., & Wong, K. (2003). Agency-nursing work: perceptions and experiences of agency nurses. International journal of nursing studies, 40(3), 269-279.

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Essay Sample: Economic Impact of Registered Nurses Tardiness on an Institution. (2022, Mar 29). Retrieved from

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