Free Paper Sample: Difference Between Liberal Humanism and Structuralism. Genealogy

Published: 2022-03-01
Free Paper Sample: Difference Between Liberal Humanism and Structuralism. Genealogy
Type of paper:  Course work
Categories:  Philosophy
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 625 words
6 min read

Part I: Difference between Liberal Humanism and Structuralism

Humanism is a system of thought that focuses on human dignity, interests, and values. It is a devotion to humanity. It highlights man as a responsible being behaving differently.

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Liberal Humanism: Please choose one key belief that undergirds liberal humanism. Paraphrase the belief and highlight how Barry supported the belief:

Liberal humanism is a philosophical assumption that illustrates the importance and agency of human beings, both collectively and individually. It prefers evidence and rationalism rather than the established doctrines or religious faith. Its use in English commenced in the 19th century and emerged from enlightenment. It depicts the attitudes and values of an individual's relationship to the outside world. It comprises of various concepts that are fundamental to people's existence. Different beliefs undergird liberal humanism. For example, human nature is virtually unchanged. Today, people exhibit similar desires and feelings as individuals from thousands or hundreds of years ago. It is also true that people are individuals and that individuality is the human essence.

The beginning theory focuses on change and transformation from an old idea or aspect to newly devised criteria. It highlights the transformation from old approaches to critical studies. Until 2000, literal humanism existed in the United Kingdom. The beginning theory provides mechanisms through which the argument transformed. It highlights the changes that resulted in the new approaches currently used in literal studies. It also highlights how to reduce the various risks encountered in the change process. Theories such as Marxist, feminist and linguistic critic explain changes in the study and reading of literal texts. Change involves how the beginners handle a particular theory. The beginning theory also highlights how beginners in the undergraduate and beginning levels of literal studies ought to approach a given theory.

Structuralism: Now go on to quote Barry on the key element of structuralism

Structuralism was a critical theory in the post-war epoch. It focuses on literacy and linguistic critics. The model criticizes literal humanism and liberal transformation in literacy studies. It is a way of perceiving different aspects in the form of structures. According to Barry, different theories emerge as a reaction to the prevailing theories right before them. Different philosophies focus on literal and critical approach to work shape how individuals read texts and approach different pieces of work. He illustrates that change is irreversible and leads to the transformation of the mechanisms and ways of learning and analyzing differentwritings. He postulates that the presence of new theories and approaches results in a change of behavior and practices. It causes the shift of techniques, especially for beginners.

Part II: Description of your place in Genealogy.

Please answer the four questions Barry asks and respond to the questions based on Barry's questions.

Genealogy is the study of families. It assists in tracing an individual's history or lineage. It also explains the emergence of different social beliefs and philosophical aspects. As a human being, my genealogy relates to that of Jesus Christ. Human beings originated from God's creation.

Teaching English as a degree subject first occurred in 1828 at the Kings College in London.

Leaders barred Catholics, Jews, Methodists and atheist's entry into the system. One had to be a member of the Anglican Church and male to take a degree in English until the nineteenth century.

All the lecturers had to be unmarried church members of the English clergy.

When attempting a literary interpretation, grammar and content of the text are the two chief elements to examine. Grammar and the content of a text help in understanding and interpreting a text. Focusing on these two properties leads to not only reading between the lines but also comprehending other devices in the book, such as metaphors, similes, symbolism and other stylistic devices.

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