Free Essay: Dangers of American Football

Published: 2023-07-23
Free Essay: Dangers of American Football
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Categories:  Medicine Sport Anatomy Healthcare
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1301 words
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Over the years, debates have been sparked in the medical field and sport, where some people argue that football should not be played. Others support that football should be played safely to curb the violence associated with it, such as mild traumatic brain injury. In most instances, CTE has been identified to be the cause of mild traumatic injuries. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) may be caused by a concussion, which is caused by an immediate stop that makes the brain come into contact with a person's skull (Harrison, 2014). A concussion can lead to personality change, depression, and memory loss. Because CTE and concussion are not taken seriously and treated within a specified time, the lives of the players are exposed to higher risks.

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Research and brain scans by UCLA reveals that protein in the brain of a play causes chronic traumatic encephalopathy (Grundstein et al., 2017). About 81 to 91 of National Football League players with injuries have the symptoms of (CTE). After the murder-suicide of Jovan Belcher, Kansas City Chiefs' and Junior Seau suicide of NFL player, head trauma issue, and its long-lasting effects have become a severe debate in medical fields and sports. Although Belcher's depression was not diagnosed to get the specific cause of the disease, Seau had been fully diagnosed and was revealed to have succumbed CTE. In essence, CTE refers to a progressive neurodegenerative brain disorder, which is caused by depression, severe mood swings, and concussion. There ceases to be a cure about CTE and how to stop the NFL (Lakhan & Kirchgessner, 2012). However, the NFL admits that there is a correlation between concussion and CTE caused while playing football. NFL also assures the public that they will do what it takes in their capacity to reduce the incidences of severe brain trauma to its player, such as donating about $ 30 million to health to conduct their studies.

One of the leading dangers in American football is a concussion. In all the aspects of competition, the impact of head' hits affects how the players function and live. In the National, Football league concussion are more prevalent as hits acquired in the NFL are harder as compared to other leagues (Grundstein et al., 2017). Young lads as old as 8-year-old are more likely to experience a concussion in football. Ideally, concussion is a dangerous disorder that can cause long-lasting effects on a person or a footballer. Reports have captured data of children who experienced a concussion in a normal football play. Zackery Lystedt, an eight-year-old boy, in 2008, was hardly tackle while playing football where he hit his head onto the ground. The report has it that Zackery ceased not to be knocked by the hit, but he laid down for a slight period before proceeding with the game. He was forced to play the remainder of the game, but could hardly finish before he collapsed. Zackery was rushed to hospital in what needed brain surgery. Ever since the rule of football has changed. Players who sustain injuries have to be cleared medically by the team nurse, doctor, or doctor, but they are allowed to engage in a game. The change in the system has yielded significant protection of the players (Lakhan & Kirchgessner, 2012).

Most highly paid or superstars are protected against hit to the head as compared to other players. Although these players are protected, concussion and different blows to the head has never been implemented. In NFL, the quarterbacks hit their heads on the turf or experience a jarring hit when they run after leaving the pocket (Grundstein et al., 2017). In the 1970s, the rules were not yet established when Ken Stabler led the Oakland Raiders. When Stabler died at the age of 69, his brain was examined and was found to have sustained a severe CTE. Today, medical doctors are included in the team to check players' health.

One of the greatest controversies in football is the use of drug and anti-addictive drugs. Since football is a rugged sport, players are exposed to different injuries and are marred with dangerous opioids by team doctors and coaches. For that reason, the players are pushed beyond their designed limits, which has a detrimental effect in the long run. Footballers who have sustained brain tumors are more likely to have CTE. Current and former NFL players have been accused of using painkillers in football.

Research shows that about 52 percent of former NFL players alluded that they applied prescription pain medication in their careers (Janssen, 2017). Out of those retired players, 71 percent claimed that they misused drugs at that time, where 15 percent of those who used drugs agreed to have abused drugs within the last 30 days. Team's doctors have complained that some football players apply highly addictive painkillers (Manchester, 2017). A lawsuit against NFL in the past had been filed to handle the abuse of anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers. A former 49er's player, Jeremy Newberry, claimed that he used to take two to three Vicodin before the game, and also the same amount at halftime. He also claimed that he used to take a shot of Toradol before a match kickoff. In essence, Toradol refers to anti-inflammatory medication, which reduces hormones that causes pain and inflammation. The potency of Toradol is commensurate that of morphine (Harrison, 2014). In spite of Jeremy's steadfast claims, the NFL still denies the allegation.

Footballers subscribe to substance abuse to perform even before they completely heal from injuries. In their older stages, they always believe that they can hardly function without the use of such drugs. Miami Dolphins' player, Dan Johnson, was addicted to painkillers even after overcoming two back injuries' surgeries (Camp et al., 2010). He still used the drug while playing. As a result, he broke several of his bones, making his teammates call him "The King of Pain." The constant use of painkillers made him develop different suicidal thoughts. Most retired players do not face a long-term side effect from a longer period of substance abuse. Although others have committed suicides, most of them still battle addiction now.

In conclusion, Research and brain scans by UCLA reveal that protein in the brain of a play causes chronic traumatic encephalopathy. About 81 to 91 of National Football League players with injuries have the symptoms of (CTE). Young lads as young as 8 years old are more likely to experience a concussion in football. A concussion is a dangerous disorder that can cause long-lasting effects on a person or a footballer.

One of the greatest controversies in football is the use of drug and anti-addictive drugs. Since football is a rugged sport, players are exposed to different injuries and are marred with dangerous opioids by team doctors and coaches. Hence, there is a need to change regulations in health and sport system to provide significant protection of the players.


Camp, W. C., Stagg, A. A., & Deland, L. F. (2010). The American Football Trilogy: The Founding Documents of the Gridiron Game. Lost Century.

Lakhan, S. E., & Kirchgessner, A. (2012). Chronic traumatic encephalopathy: the dangers of getting" dinged". SpringerPlus, 1(1), 2.

Harrison, E. A. (2014). The first concussion crisis: Head injury and evidence in early American football. American journal of public health, 104(5), 822-833.

Janssen, P. H., Mandrekar, J., Mielke, M. M., Ahlskog, J. E., Boeve, B. F., Josephs, K., & Savica, R. (2017, January). High school football and late-life risk of neurodegenerative syndromes, 1956-1970. In Mayo Clinic Proceedings (Vol. 92, No. 1, pp. 66-71).

Elsevier Grundstein, A., Knox, J. A., Vanos, J., Cooper, E. R., & Casa, D. J. (2017). American football and fatal exertional heat stroke: a case study of Korey Stringer. International journal of biometeorology, 61(8), 1471-1480.

Manchester, S. (2017, July 25). 111 N.F.L. Brains. All But One Had C.T.E. Retrieved from

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