Conceptualization of The New Testament, Religion Essay Example

Published: 2022-03-11
Conceptualization of The New Testament, Religion Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Bible
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 650 words
6 min read

The Chapter 7 of the Conceptualization of the New Testament is a chapter that outlines the frameworks actualities about the congregation in Asia Minor. It is a letter to the Colossians that tends to offer a test to the congregation. Despite the way that the congregation in Asia Minor appeared to have loads of issues, Paul seriously needed to become 'all things for all people.' To guarantee that everything was in his foreseen bearing, Paul assured that there was no bargain with gospel sanctions with the syncretism (Flemming, 2009, p. 230). This exposition tries to sparkle a light on the part of the Gospel and Syncretism, the perspective that Christians are associated with in regards to postmodernity and the best approach to bear on a satisfying life.

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Disregarding the way that Paul was the focal point of the center for the Colossians, despite everything he demonstrated a part of testing the salvation of Christian conduct. Besides, the part of addressing if to be sure Jesus is Lord came up since by then the Colossians and the general population at Asia Minor did not anticipate that Jesus will have rivals on the off chance that he was the Lord.

According to the way Paul shows his aspect of teachings in Asia, he shows tremendous and remarkable sensitivity to the context that is the book of Colossians. For instance, to resurface the Colossian's worldview of the Gospel and to turn them away from their dominant culture, Paul spent his missionary life with Colossians trying to reshape the notion that they had put in their minds. For that matter, Paul spent his entire period with Colossians teaching them about the cosmic dimensions of Christ's redemption and lordship. The aspect of Paul's teachings about Christ's lordship and more specifically on redemption was the unique part of his mission with Colossians. Therefore, Paul concentrated more on the presence sufficiency in believers' salvation from their sins after believing in Christ as the Messiah sent from heaven and who came to die for their sins. Paul's tasks were more specifically to affirm that the Messiah sent from heaven was indeed Jesus Christ and that he had come to save humans from the salvage of sins that they inherited from their forefathers.

According to Paul's way of teaching in his mission with Colossians, she employs a way of persuading but not coercing thus depicting that he had a sensitive engagement with Colossians and never had a heavy-handed intrusion. To handle the rival teachings that had been ingrained into the minds of Colossians, he had to use the words like mystery, power, wisdom, and fullness and gave it new Christ-centered meaning. According to 'an instructive pattern for the encounters that the church has regarding syncretism' (Flemming, 2009, p. 231), the vast number of non-western worldwide views, popular folk beliefs, and established religions also share the same quarters. Regarding the societies in North America, Australia, and Europe which live in postmodern lifestyles that are characterized by cultural and value relativism, the kind of Christianity practiced in the nations is that of a splintering truth or post-Christian. The churches show high privilege of shaping their 'religious plurality' (Flemming, 2009, p. 232) and the lives and religious values of the society.

Regarding the way Paul managed the opposition imposed by the people in Asia Minor, his pre-packed theology allowed him to speak the Gospel directly to Colossian's fears and felt needs as a way of addressing their worldviews and the behaviors they showed. According to (Flemming, 2009, p. 233), Christians are urged to proclaim that Christ is the only one sent to defeat the powers of fear, amulets, rituals, occult, shamans and other non-religious practices. For that matter, Christians are urged to live a life that shows that they believe in Christ so us not to be overshadowed by occult, amulets, shamans, and rituals.


Flemming, D. (2009). Contextualization in the New Testament: Patterns for theology and mission. InterVarsity Press.

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