Comparing and Contrasting Main Characters Between Young Goodman Brown and the Narrator - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-16
Comparing and Contrasting Main Characters Between Young Goodman Brown and the Narrator - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Literature Theatre
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1003 words
9 min read


Primarily, the paper revolves around the analysis of protagonists in "Young Goodman Brown" by Nathaniel Hawthorne and "The Tell-Tale Heart (Narrator)" by Edger Allan Poe. The research focuses on the contribution of both protagonists within the scope of the two plays. Goodman Brown serves as the main character within the context of the "Young Goodman Brown" story, while the narrator is also the main character in the "The Tell-Tale Heart" tales by Edger.

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The essay addresses the similarities and the differences between Goodman Brown and the narrator as the protagonists within the two plays, upon deploying the desired themes.

Comparing and Contrasting

In the tale "Young Goodman Brown," Goodman Brown is poor in decision-making other than the narrator in the tale "Tell-Tale Heart" by Edger Poe. Goodman brown hesitates to return to her unsafe wife faith even after recognizing that some of the community's trusted and respected people are secretly dwelling on the devil. The curiosity bared by Goodman Brown drives him to even touch the serpent-like walking stick while attending the meeting. On the other hand, the narrator in the "Tell-Tale Heart" decisively makes an informed decision to murder the vintage guy after recognizing that it's the right time to execute the mission.

The narrator in the "Tell-Tale Heart" efficiently executes his mission perfectly compared to Goodman Brown in the tale "Young Goodman Brown." The narrator identifies the right turn, time, and the tactics upon maneuvering the desired mission. When the narrator arrives late at the 8th night, the vintage man wakes up and cries out. The narrator stays still, stalking the antique man as he sits wide awake and worried. The narrator is aware of how fearful the old guy is, having experienced the lonely terrors of the night (Poe, 2020). Soon, the narrator hears a stupid pounding that he translates as the old man's terrified heartbeat. Worried that a neighbor would possibly pay attention to the loud thumping, he assaults and kills the vintage man. He then dismembers the body and hides the pieces underneath the floorboards within the bedroom. He is cautious no longer about leaving even a drop of blood at the ground. As he finishes his activity, a clock strikes the hour of 4. At the equal time, the narrator hears a knock at the road door. The police have arrived, having been called via a neighbor who heard the vintage guy shriek. The narrator is careful to be chatty and to appear regular. He leads the officers all around the house without appearing suspiciously.

Besides, the two protagonists within the two plays also bare similarities in that they are all honest and moral to their intended participation within the play. For instance, Goodman Brown, in the tale "Young Goodman Brown," is afraid of not only disappointing her lovely wife but also afraid of betraying his religious Faith (Nathaniel, 2018). That is the protagonist's connection with God. On the other hand, the narrator sticks to the plan upon accomplishing his intended mission and ends up executing the vintage guy. However, Goodman Brown bears distinct traits on being influenced by massive influence compared to the narrator in the "Tell-Tale Heart" tale since the narrator gets influenced by the thumping sound of a vintage guy's heart, which leads to his confession.

Conclusively, the plays foster various significant teachings to the readers' life or the audience. For instance, "The Young Goodman Brown" deploys the significance of having a clean stand concerning one's religious purity and hence safeguarding the inevitable loss of innocence. The narrator in the "Tell-Tale Heart" deploys the significance of executing his or her daily activities with plan-based motifs for the expense of success.

Summary of the two plays

Following " Young Goodman Brown" by Hawthorne, the tale begins by the protagonists wishing goodbye to his spouse, Faith, in Salem Village. Faith, carrying pink ribbons in her cap, requests him to stay along with her, pronouncing that she feels scared while she is via herself and free to suppose troubling mind. Goodman Brown tells her that he has to journey for one night most effective and reminds her to say her prayers and go to bed early. He reassures her that if she does this, she will come to no harm. The protagonists take Faith's very last consent, wondering to himself that she may have guessed the evil purpose of his experience and promising to be a responsible man after this one night (Nathaniel, 2018).

Through the protagonists, the tale reveals numerous themes focusing on the prevailing wickedness among the member within the societies people are living in today. During the promised last night's journey, Goodman brown encounters different forces that keep fighting his Faith in doing what is right. The protagonist seemingly gets confused in the meeting since he ends up losing trust from everyone around him, including his lovely wife (Nathaniel,2018). Hence the play portrays how hypocritic people are, and thus one should take care of whom to bank their trusts.

On the other hand, in " The Tell-Tale Heart," the protagonist (unnamed narrator) commences the story by addressing the reader and claiming that he is anxious; however, now not mad. He communicates that he will inform a tale in which he will guard his sanity yet confess to having killed an antique man. However, his motivation becomes neither ardor nor choice for cash, but rather a fear of the person's faded blue eye (Poe, 2020). Again, he insists that he isn't loopy due to the fact his cool and measured movements, even though criminals, are not the ones of a madman. Every night time, he went to the vintage guy's condominium and secretly discovered the person slumbering. In the morning, he might behave as if the entirety had been every day. At the end of the story, the narrator ends up committing a crime and getting intimidated by the victim's low thumping sound. He confesses to the investigators that he murdered vintage Guy.


Nathaniel, H. (2018). Young Goodman Brown. Charles River Editors.

Poe, E. A. (2020). The tell-tale heart. Lindhardt og Ringhof.

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Comparing and Contrasting Main Characters Between Young Goodman Brown and the Narrator - Essay Sample. (2023, Dec 16). Retrieved from

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