Essay Example on Bob Dylan's Definition of Success

Published: 2019-09-26
Essay Example on Bob Dylan's Definition of Success
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Motivation Personality
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 999 words
9 min read

Bob Dylan's definition of success is certainly resonant with what many persons subscribe to today (Dylan 1-198). It details the conventional attitude sustained by top achievers and professionals in various fields and industries all over the world. This definition of success is prevalent as a consequence of its underlying premise, which underlines the significance of man doing what he desires. The statement is accepted by many quarters as it captures the pedestrian understanding of many self-made success cases on the pathway to personal and career greatness.

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Steve Jobs is perhaps one of the most illuminated cases with his punch line Do what you love and love what you do (Moritz 14-147). He reiterates this definition by pointing out that doing what one does not enjoy is tantamount to enslavement. He maintains that, while the worlds resources and opportunities are limited, its peoples ideas are not. The only elements stopping the people from pursuing them is their self-imposed impediments and attitudes so ill-conceived. A man waking up every morning to do what he enjoys, to Jobs, is the ultimate illustration of success and greatness (Moritz 14-147).

This statement is undoubtedly a factual representation of success as it is seen through the eyes of a substantial portion of the worlds quarters. They believe in enlisting themselves into what they conceive to be enjoyable to them even in the face of criticism and backlash from the rest of the world (Young 1-344). They place their interest in such activities above their financial or economic potential or lack thereof. To them, there is nothing more significant than the contentment they derive from these ventures. They are satisfied with what they do regardless of what others think of them or the meager returns these prospects may represent.

Another sentiment than can be lifted off Dylans definition is its insistence on the virtues of hard work, determination and sacrifice. The three are a universally acclaimed recipe to success and their inclusion in this statement serves further to award it more credence. The illustration that success is contingent on a man waking up in the morning is a subtle cursor to the mammoth congruence determination bears on the achievement of success. A man sacrifices the warmth of his bed to venture into the uncertain world; hence, to do what pleases him is as chilling as it may spell gratification (Young 1-344). The doggedness of having to remain focused and leaving behind ones comfort zone for the pursuit of a fazed and unclear aspiration clocks it to the sacrifice tenet in the path to success.

Bobs definition impresses that the man comes in the night. This prefers the meaning that he has had a whole day of hard toiling, moving against insurmountable odds presented by a society that is hell-bent on breaking and ridiculing him. There could be no definition of success more befitting (Dylan 1-198).

One of the most noteworthy undertones in the attainment of success is the element of risk. Dylans definition succinctly dispenses it. It emphasizes on the prospects of man doing what he wants (Dylan 1-198. Nature, in its raw and uncut form, opposes mans existence evidenced by the various adversities it inflicts upon man unabated and with no warning. As a result, man has developed an attitude that he believes is critical in fostering his very survival (Young 1-344). He has created a convention which he accredits to be the ultimate way of achieving notable success in the world he lives in.

This tradition is majorly premised on the purported significance of academic achievement with better performance being believed to represent brighter prospects. It is unsurprising to assert that what man wants or desires to do is never aligned with educational accomplishment. In fact, it is averse in most cases. The belief that the world has set that the most definite or appropriate way to achieve excellence is through school and books often starkly contradicts most of mankinds intrinsic desires (Branson 1-416). As a result, it often summons unmatched courage and risk to go against this grain and do whatever it is that makes one happy. Almost all persons deemed successful in todays and previous generations attribute this venture to what they have become. They believe that being audacious enough to jump into the unchartered waters of doing what man desires was the ultimate piece to the success puzzle.

Renowned millionaire, entrepreneur and motivational speaker Tai Lopez believes that the hallmark of success lays in the authenticity of the consummation derived from performing the task. Virgin Groups Sir. Richard Branson shares his sentiments. He believes that by one engaging himself in exploits that he delights in, he or she is sufficiently advantaged to sustain the energy required to stay on course even in the face of adverse professional conditions (Branson 1-416). The billionaire business mogul maintains that while it is important, even critical to pursue other pertinent interests such as education, the activities in which one relishes present more gleaming prospects where ultimate success is to be considered.

In conclusion, there are many people in our world today who maintain that success is not only pivoted in doing what one desires but conforming to the requirements of an industry and performing exceptionally well regardless of the constraints it presents. They believe that constricting success to apply to achievement in mans wants is limiting and does not present actual circumstances on the ground. While this point of view may appear factual, it fails to account for the fundamental success tenet, which is happiness. This effectively rules it out maintaining Bob Dylans definition as the ultimate definition of success (Dylan 1-198).

Works Cited

Dylan, Bob. Forever Young: with audio recording. Simon and Schuster, 2012: pp.1-198. Print

Moritz, Michael. Return to the Little Kingdom: Steve Jobs and the Creation of Apple. Overlook Press, 2014: pp.14-147. Print

Young, Jeffrey S. Steve Jobs: The journey is the reward. Scott, Foresman & Co., 1988: pp.1-344. Print

Branson, Richard. Losing my virginity. Random House, 2011: pp.1-416. Print

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