Paper Example: Bloom's Taxonomy

Published: 2023-10-16
Paper Example: Bloom's Taxonomy
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Learning Students Mathematics Essays by pagecount
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 666 words
6 min read

Bloom's Taxonomy and Learning Outcomes Knowledge is a critical factor in thinking. When learners understand, they show the ability to grasp the meaning, explain, restate ideas, and understand, interpret, or extrapolate necessary information. When students apply, they take care of issues using obtained information, realities, strategies, and rules. They recognize associations and connections and how they apply. An accentuation here is put on students having the option to use earlier information in new circumstances. When students dissect components, relationships, and authoritative standards, they separate data into segment parts, decide how the parts identify with each other, recognize intentions or causes, and make derivations and discover proof to help speculations (Gleason, J. 2006). At long last, when students make, they manufacture a structure or example from various components. They likewise set up parts to shape an entirety. Here we would anticipate creating a one-of-a-kind correspondence, plan, or proposed set of tasks as well as inferences of a lot of dynamic relations. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to learn how to use multiplication properties using mental math. Mental math will help the students estimate and multiply 1 digit and 2 digit numbers with greater numbers. Students will be able to divide 1 digit number and 2 digit number by greater numbers, they will also be able to divide tens and hundreds, estimate quotients, solve problems multiply decimals by powers of ten, exponents on ten and lastly estimate products of decimals.

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Step 3: Assessment Measures

In this phase, we plan the assessment measures to determine student progress toward the established learning outcomes. Many assessment options are available. For example, writing, debating, participating in projects, or completing quizzes or tests can monitor and measure progress. What is important is that we choose assessment tools aligned to the learning outcomes, so we are sure that what we are testing is what we want students to learn. Assessment items should address the different levels of thinking, understanding, and reasoning that best align with the learning outcomes plan for instruction. I will apply both formative and summative assessments. Some of the formative evaluations include; in-class discussion, instructor created quizzes to gauge their understanding ability, I will use weekly assessment tests to check if they are following, and lastly, I will let them have presentations on what they have understood (Meador, 2019).

Step 4: Methods and strategies for studying the course

In this phase, we will use ways that will actively engage the students and provide time for learning. Some of these methods include interaction with peers, collaboration experiences, practice with concepts and skill, teacher-student interaction, more practice quizzes, weekly presentation, and many more approaches that will be beneficial in the study of this unit. Using these approaches in a new design or curricular will put student learning outcomes first (Ralabate, 2017).

Step 5: Materials and resources for the course

After understanding the methods that will be used, we are now going to look at the materials required in this course. Basic mathematic requires various elements. These materials are used for rough work and study. Some of these materials can include graph books, geometrical sets, calculators, log tables, and pens. One of the core resources that we will use in this unit is the first college mathematics book by Miller & O’Neil.

Step 6: Template

Learning Outcomes Assessments Methods and strategies Materials and resources

Estimate multiplication, division, Solve writing, debating, participating in projects, or completing quizzes or tests

interaction with peers, collaboration experiences, practice with concepts and skill, teacher-student interaction, more practice quizzes, a weekly presentation graph books, geometrical sets, calculators, log tables, and pens.


Gleason, J. (2006, May 27). Teaching Mathematics Online: A Virtual Classroom - Preparing for the Course | Mathematical Association of America. Retrieved 9 July 2020, from

Meador, D. (2019, August 6). 10 Characteristics of Great Students. Retrieved 9 July 2020, from

Ralabate, P. (2017, December 11). Universal Design for Learning: Meeting the Needs of All Students. Retrieved July 07, 2020, from

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Paper Example: Bloom's Taxonomy. (2023, Oct 16). Retrieved from

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