Education Essay Example: Benefits of School Uniforms

Published: 2017-08-22
Education Essay Example: Benefits of School Uniforms
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Students School
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1716 words
15 min read

Schools are present everywhere throughout the universe, and large portions of these schools confront the same issues as different schools. One open issue rotating around schools are the worries on the clothing regulation. The majority of the Government funded schools have the decision to let students wear one type of uniform. Starting 2009, 21 states experience on the principle of wearing school uniform. Based on the government solution, the use of uniforms has numerous advantages as compared to disadvantages. However, so far numerous issues have been explained, I for one adoration acting naturally and dressing the way I need. However, I trust that it could become advantageous. Several schools have different school uniforms that assist in defining their identity. More so, uniforms have been seen to have its advantages. With the exercise of the school attires, there are no worries about security in urban schools with the fear of school students being run over by the busy traffic. This has become successful making majority of the parents to take their children to urban schools because they believe that the introduction of school uniforms made those people with vehicles differentiate students from seeing their uniforms. The use of school uniforms has driven numerous school locales to require outfits for their students. Besides this reason, the use of school uniforms allows the students to maintain uniformity and make the school appear neat. This essay aims of the reimbursements of the utilization of school attires to students pursuing their education at different levels of education.

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With the fact that every school in a certain area has the right to choose freely about the kind of school attire to be dressed by its students, we can utilize variety crosswise over schools and after some time to distinguish the impacts of uniforms. As stated earlier, the use of school uniforms has helped school heads to monitor and run schools with ease. For instance, if by any chance a student become late to enter the school universe, it would be easy to locate such a student with the help of the school uniforms. Why do I state that it could be easy? Well, it is simple in that irrespective of the school uniform and rather a student has decided to come to school with casual, the teacher could easily mistake the student as being a visitor or even a passerby.

According to Brunsma (2004), the introduction of school uniform in most parts of America was because they see a life of a student being significant as compared to the ordinary citizen. The student in school uniform is the pillar of the society and if not taken good care of, it might topple off since its life is fragile like glass that could easily break if not taken good care. As stated by President Bush, a student in a school uniform should be given the fast priority irrespective of the situation. In America, roads users especially those driving their cars are always on the lookout ensuring they do not make a mistake of knocking a student down. Such an act is like just taking yourself to a life imprisonment sentence. Hence, we can argue that President Bushs decision on the use of school uniform by the students made look like a simple task for them to go through traffic places.

School uniforms differ depending on the level on which the students are. For instance, one cannot compare the uniforms being worn by the students in the lower level to those in colleges, for instance, medical colleges. In this case, the uniforms differ and serve different purposes for example; the primary level and secondary level are worn to mark uniformity. Whereas the college level like medical college, where there uniforms to show that their studies are goal oriented with one goal set that is to offer medical service to the sick and the injured. Colors also matter in that one could easily differentiate the two. The medical students are required to wear watches in addition to the complete uniform.

School outfits are a type of solidarity in the school; wherein the pupils dresses with similar attire that gives them the personality. This doubtlessly gives them the character of another school. If you are wearing the uniform that recognizes you with a sure college or school, individuals will be ready to recognize you. This often happens during school trips, for instance, a visit to the show. Under several occasions, students have been reported to be missing to the point that announcement has to be conveyed by means of microphone with the help of speakers. In most cases, you will hear the person making an announcement depending on the color of the uniforms to the students reported missing. Marking the end outcome, you will note that the entire idea works because the lost students will locate to the place where the bus was parked. Another point of preference of wearing school uniform is you that one can feel pleased due to the inclination that you have a place with a sure school. Simply wearing the uniform together with its logo can give you the most obvious opportunity to feel glad for your school. For example, if, in any case you happen to link one of the utmost performing schools in the area, one will be proud to wear the school uniform of that very school so that you can get noticed by other people. According to DeMitchell & Fossey (2015), school uniform is additionally imperative for you to spare time changing garments or outfits because you are trying to impart meaning of the right mix of the shirt, jeans, pullover or skirt (Mittelstaedt, 2009). This allows it easy for you to spare time because you simply need to wear your uniform when going to class. You don't need to contend with your schoolmates since everyone is dressed on the same thing. This is exceptionally normal particularly for secondary school and students. To "fit in" numerous individuals feel compelled to purchase costly attire (Viadero, 2005).

The use of school uniform recognizes the effect of uniforms on students accomplishment, participation and conduct utilizing understudy information level board information from a vast school. Since schools are allowed to set their particular uniform strategies and most schools receive outfits amid the period for which we have information, we can deliver causal evaluations of uniform effects on understudy results through the utilization of school and understudy settled impacts alongside school-particular time patterns.

Donnelly (2014) states that the use of school uniforms possibly give direct upgrades in security by making it simple to recognize unapproved guests to a school. It keeps the utilization of group hues and emblem, and diminishing burglary since students are wearing equal and same in the classroom with no exception whatsoever (DeMitchell & Fossey, 2015) He continues to argue that uniforms may impart regard for power in students which, thus, could enhance conduct and diminish classroom disturbances. The other point is that, a sympathy toward youths, especially young ladies, is the fact that there might be considerable associate weight to dress well that could, thus, prompt low self-regard if a kid cannot dress appropriately because of low wage or parental inclinations. Uniform refute a lot of this companion weight by obliging students to wear the same dress. Uniform additionally make the procedure of dressing for school speedier, especially for pre-adult young girls, conceivably giving additional time to resting or concentrating on.

Further clarification on the use of school uniforms to mark equality, different students comes from different families with different capacities on wealth acquisition. If by any chance the rule on the use of the school uniform could be abolished, the majority of the students would feel not to be at a required place. Could you imagine a student from a rich family coming to school with one of the expensive attire whereas your family could only get you a cheap one to get you going? This could be embarrassing hence creating a space among the fortunate and the unfortunate. We can always thank the introduction of the school uniform since it treats everyone as being equal irrespective of their background. As spotted on several occasions, students with school uniforms have always received lifts on their way to school from strangers not because they are children, but because they are students who hold the entire future generation.

In conclusion, as far as the school attire is utilized, there are no worries about security in urban schools with the fear of school students being run over by the busy traffic. This has become successful making majority of the parents to take their children to urban schools because they believe that the introduction of school uniforms made those people with vehicles differentiate students from seeing their uniforms. Besides this reason, the use of school uniforms allows the students to maintain uniformity and make the school appear neat. School uniform allows the school operation to be conducted in an advantageous manner. For example, it is informal to monitor students in school uniforms as compared to those without the school uniforms. Hence, in case a stranger comes to school, he or she would be easily identified and dealt with accordingly. Simply wearing the uniform together with its logo can give you the most obvious opportunity to feel glad for your school. In short, the benefits of school uniform overlook the disadvantages.


Brunsma, D. L. (2004). The school uniform movement and what it tells us about American education: A symbolic crusade. Lanham, Md. [u.a.: ScarecrowEducation.

DeMitchell, T. A., & Fossey, R. (2015). The Challenges of Mandating School Uniforms in the Public Schools : Free Speech, Research, and Policy. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers

Donnelly, M. (2014). Dress Codes & Uniforms in Public School

Gentile, E., & Imberman, S. A. (2012). Dressed for success? The effect of school uniforms on student achievement and behavior. Journal Of Urban Economics, 711-17. doi:10.1016/j.jue.2011.10.002

McDaniel, T. R. (2013). Making the School Uniform Decision: Is It Right for Your School?. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 49(4), 162. doi:10.1080/00228958.2013.845504

Mittelstaedt, A. (2009). Dressing Up a Constitutional Issue: First Amendment Protection of School Uniform Protests in Lowry v. Watson Chapel School District and the Threads Remaining to Enforce School Policies. Hamline Law Review, 32609.

Viadero, D. (2005). Uniform Effects?: Schools Cite Benefits of Student Uniforms, but Researchers See Little Evidence of Effectiveness. Education Week, 24(18), 27-29.

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