Benefits of Online Healthcare: Diverse Options for Patients - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-27
Benefits of Online Healthcare: Diverse Options for Patients - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Healthcare
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 878 words
8 min read

In recent times healthcare patients have had an advantage of diverse healthcare options unlike before. Many medical information has been available online, and most of the patients use the internet as an alternative medical facility. Some patients no longer need to visit the closest hospital, a medical Centre near their location, or clinics with multiple centers near their community. Although online medical information has served an advantage to both the patients and the healthcare providers, the healthcare marketing departments have endured the pressure.

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This is because they need to establish a healthcare marketing plan that reaches all their registered and new patients in the facility (Healthcare Success, 2020). Although a medical facility might be performing well at the moment, it is essential for the marketing department to continually market the medical facility to make it be at the forefront of competing healthcare. This goes along with responding to customer feedback.

GoHealth Urgent Care, popularly known as Go Health, is a chain of healthcare facilities in the United States that provides health care services around the communities. The health care provider has put patients as the priority through creative and innovative initiatives to improve community health. GoHealth has partnered with significant healthcare organizations and enhanced its services by staffing the health centers with knowledgeable and experienced health care providers.

The organization provides walk-in and telemedicine services and has medical centers in New York, Oregon, Washington, North Carolina, Missouri, Delaware, Arkansas, Connecticut, and California. In all the centers, the organization provides walk-in health care services to the listed cities (GoHealth Urgent Care, 2020). In most of the cities where the organization is located, they offer virtual telemedicine services. GoHealth allows its doctors to interact with patients via video at their homes by applying digital devices such as mobile phones, laptops, tablets, and iPad. During this time of the global pandemic, the organization has been vital in giving healthcare to patients comforting their homes.

GoHealth Urgent Care serves people who require urgent health care services in New York. The health Centre help patients overcome the long queues that are associated with emergency care services. The center is considerably cheap compared to other emergency health care providers since they have brought their services close to the people. Having launched its telemedicine system, GoHealth offers healthcare services for patients in the comfort of their homes. The patient must book an appointment at least 24hours before the consultation to process their service (GoHealth Urgent Care, 2020).

The United States is a region in the world that has used technology in almost all current operations of their lives. Talk of technology, making work easy you relate to the United States. Most of the people in New York are generally busy as the pressure to sustain life is increasing. Hence technology has been used as a tool for making work easy. Technology has been applied in the health sector to match the culture of the American people. Telemedicine has helped the patients who may need consultancy services and find it time-consuming to visit the hospital. The urgent medical centers also fit the American culture which is always on saving time.

The main marketing criteria that have been employed by GoHealth is the use of technology and time management as a way of attracting their customers. Hospitals are facilities characterized by long queues and services criteria based on the first-come and first-served basis. A lot of people become impatient during the queues (Healthcare Success, 2020). Hence with GoHealth urgent walk-in clinic, a patient can consult a medical health officer and get treatment in the soonest time possible.

With the rising use of delivery services, the medical field is also adapting to the same. GoHealth identified the opportunity and decided to deliver medical services under the comfort of the patient's homes. This may seem a complex and complicated task, but it reduces hospital operational cost and risk of getting opportunistic infections while in the hospital. The drugs prescribed through the telemedicine platform can also be home delivered. Hence a patient experiences maximum health care satisfaction through the use of the internet.

The modern-day generation is internet addicts and like it when all their operations are maximized through the internet application. The cities that telemedicine has been established are the major cities of America, such as New York. These are busy cities with a lot of population traffic, economic activities, and the benefit of modern-day internet and telecommunication infrastructure. The choice of GoHealth in marketing, therefore, fits the busy cities of the United States. This gives them an upper hand in attracting customers as compared to their competitors.

The marketing platform that has been used by GoHealth may not apply to other hospitals and medical facilities in the United States. For one to use this marketing strategy, a lot of capital is needed to facilitate the process. Also, the telecommunication network might be a challenge for telemedicine since not all people are interested in using digital services. Integration of medical Electronic Health Record (EHR) to every clinic is also not an easy process.


GoHealth Urgent Care. (2020, August 27). About GoHealth urgent care. GoHealth Urgent Care.

Healthcare Success. (2020, August 12). Healthcare marketing: 15 strategies to gain more patients | Healthcare success, the healthcare marketing agency.

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