Free Essay: Background on the Company

Published: 2023-11-13
Free Essay: Background on the Company
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human resources Leadership management
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1422 words
12 min read

Creative Marketing Co. is an advertising agency that mostly focuses on developing marketing strategies for organizations in the automobile industry. The company provides services in designing and creating advertisements for automotive companies in the digital and non-digital space. In the next decade, the company seeks to be the market leader in developing digital marketing strategies and techniques.

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In its organizational structure, Creative Marketing Co. uses the line organizational structure. The structure consists of an executive at the top of the structure as the CEO and then under him are the heads of human resources, marketing and sales, accounting, product development, and creative departments. Under the heads of the department are the supervisors of the various departments.

Human Resource Manager

Human Resource Manager Roles

Recruitment. One of the core functions of the human resource manager lies in the recruitment process. The human resource manager develops strategic guidelines for recruiting qualified candidates for a required job description. The human resource manager serves the mediator's role between the company and the prospective employee by communicating the organization's policies and terms of the contract before the employee is hired. The human resources in the recruitment process should also be able to attract the organization's talent by assessing the organization's needs and developing a plan of action in acquiring personnel to fulfill the needs (Noe et al., 2018).

Training. After hiring the employee who fits with the company's goals and objectives, the human resource manager assumes the role of training the new employees. Training new employees are crucial in getting them acquainted with the company's work ethics and pattern. The human resource manager role is to develop a suitable and unique training program for the different job descriptions of the job. The employees are trained while on the job to sync with the organization's working guidelines and enable the human resource manager to establish the employee's artistry. After the training period, the human resource manager assesses the results training program to establish its effectiveness and weaknesses and establish areas that need to be rectified.

Appraisals. The human resource manager conducts a performance assessment of the employees routinely for motivation. The manager reviews the appraisal reports, collects feedback from the employees, and communicates his findings, which helps the employees understand what is expected of them and changes their work.

Resolving Conflicts. There are bound to be conflicts in any organization as the employees consist of different people with different behaviors, cultures, and backgrounds. The dispute may be between two employees or between the employees and the management. The human resources act as the mediator between the two parties involved and intervene to find a solution that solves the conflict. The manager solves the solution by conducting investigations, to establish a resolution that is free from biasness.

Rewards and Incentives. The manager's work includes employee motivation, which is done in various ways, such as awarding holiday packages, awarding bonuses, and promotions. Rewards and incentives induce the desire to excel at a given task by the employees, thus increasing the company's productivity.

Organization. The human resource manager is responsible for organizing all the organization's functions, including receiving new employees, carrying out induction, introducing them to their colleagues, and assigning a mentor. The activity also involves listing their job description, expectations, and defining their responsibilities. The manager also monitors the attendance through the clock-ins and outs of the employees to ensure that the employees observe time management.

Payroll Management. Payroll management involves calculating salaries, wage cuts, reimbursement, and developing payslips, which are done by the human resource manager.

Challenges of Human Resource Managers

Balancing Between Management and Employees

The human resource manager acts as the link between the management and the employees, which can be quite challenging to balance the interest of the two without leaning on one side. The company's management might require profits, loyalty, and cooperation while the employee interests may include improved wages and salaries, safety and security, career development, and better working conditions (Staffing, n.d.). The manager should ensure the interest of the two is taken care of without leaning one side.

Dealing With Trade Unions

The human resource manager faces the challenges of the trade unions, which may oppose the set policies, guidelines, and procedures developed by the manager (Staffing, n.d.). Hence the manager should ensure that the demands and interests of the trade unions meet and align with the company's policy and desires.

Dealing With the Emotional and Physical Needs of Employees

Different employees have different emotional and physical needs, which can be quite challenging to identify each employee's specific needs (Staffing, n.d.). Hence, the manager should try to identify the employees' attitudes, requirements, and feelings for motivation. The manager should thus be able to maintain the proper emotional and physical balance of the employee.

Maintaining Workforce Diversity

Workforce diversity denotes the diverse people working in the business from different backgrounds, ages, races, gender, religious beliefs, education, and work experiences. The manager might face a difficult task in balancing the vast diversity and ensuring that the organization meets the required regulations on workforce diversity (Staffing, n.d.).

Leadership Skills

Technical Skills

Technical skills are the abilities and knowledge required to perform specific tasks gained through attaining proficiency by executing physical or digital tasks. Practical skills involve working with tools; hence it is practical and requires training and experience to master. Technical skills are practical; hence can be easily assessed and evaluated. They are required in fields such as information technology, designing, and accountants (Managerial Skills: 5 Skills Managers Need (explained), n.d.). The technical skills in Creative Marketing Co will enable the employees to design and develop a practical and creative marketing method. A manager needs to not only give decisions but also needs to have the technical skill to perform the specific task.

Conceptual Skills

Conceptual skills are capabilities that enable one to comprehend complicated situations and formulate inventive, successful resolutions (Managerial Skills: 5 Skills Managers Need (explained), n.d.). Conceptual skills commonly occur naturally in a person to think analytically to address challenging scenarios with an innovative approach. Decisions based on conceptual skills are usually fruitful as they mainly focus on solving the problem rather than defining and describing the problem. Conceptual skills include problem-solving abilities and conflict resolution. Conceptual skill is essential as it enables the manager to have a complete understanding of the organization.

Human Skills

Human skills encompass an individual's capability to relate and cooperate with other people in the organization to complete tasks through instructions to others. Human skills also involve the ability of individual people as they are leading to a positive relationship. For example, some of the employees may be introverts, and others may be extroverts; hence it is essential to understand their characteristics and accept them for who they are. For a manager to be effective in mastering humanistic skills, the manager should possess or develop skills such as the ability to motivate, the ability to inspire, and possess communication skills.

Communication entails the way an individual conveys and receives information either verbally or in written form. For effective communication in the workplace, the leader needs to learn to communicate in various contexts. A manager requires to have interpersonal and communicational skills to perform and assign tasks.

Diagnostic Skills

Diagnostic skills entail an individual's capacity to identify and envision a specific problem and analyze it. Manager diagnostic skills accompanied by analytical skills will enable him to identify potential approaches a scenario and also visualize the outcomes of the employed approaches (Managerial Skills: 5 Skills Managers Need (explained), n.d.). The skills can be acquired through formal training, practice, and experimentation.

Leadership Development Plan

A leadership improvement proposal is a detailed blueprint drawn to train, build leadership characteristics, and capability for both the current and future leaders in the organization. The plan should be able to develop leaders who can address both the strategic and human needs of them within the organization or business (McCauley & Hughes-James).

Learning Objectives

  • After the exercise, the leader should be able to develop managers with technical skills required in the company's operations. The objective will ensure that managers can perform. Technical skills include designing.
  • After the training, the leader should develop interpersonal skills such as building relationships and having the right communication skills.
  • To identify groups of talent in the organization and guiding them through career development and succession programs.
  • To assist employees in developing and increasing their self-awareness to enable a better understanding of their weaknesses and strengths.
  • To train managers to be highly effective and creative mentors and coaches.

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