Argumentative Essay on God's Existence

Published: 2023-10-31
Argumentative Essay on God's Existence
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  God
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 661 words
6 min read

God is a supernatural being who is believed to be the creator of all that us in the heavens and what is on the earth. God is a spirit. This means that it is not possible to see God walking by the roadside. But the Spirit who lives in the natural human being can sense the presence and the existence of God. The Spirit in human beings is said to be the Holy Spirit, who fills the Christians when they accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior (Howe, 2020). When Jesus was leaving the earth, He left us a helper who is called the Holy Spirit. The Spirit usually helps us in times of trouble. Every person on this planet earth should be aware that there is a second death to whoever will not have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior before their bodies die. Jesus was sent by God himself to save the whole world from sin. To add to this, God is three on one. There is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Truly God exists!

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It is unfortunate, especially when I hear a group of people called the atheist, claiming that there is no God or gods. They claim that things happen naturally. I oppose this claim. Because even in the natural world, I have never seen things happening by themselves. There must be someone doing something for all activities to take place. Hence I claim that God exists because He created the physical world (Howe, 2020). God, himself did the creative work. God created the physical world. All trees, the stars, the air we breathe, the sun, all living and nonliving things, in total. The items, which are naturally existing, were created by God. The Bible claims that the world was created within six days (Howe, 2020).

Additionally, it is right to claim that nothing can come into being without having any origin. You will never have things happening by themselves. For anything to exist, there must be someone who has worked for it.

Christians claim that God is a spirit; that is why we cannot see him. I feel that this is a big lie; indeed, God does not exist. Because the truth is in what we see and not what we cannot see; therefore, it is right to say there is no God. There is not even a single day I have met God. Hence God does not exist (Milem, 2007).

On the other hand, the reborn Christians have always claimed to be productive and in great peace. They say that God has brought them peace and all kinds of riches. Yet there are great sufferings in all corners of the world. This Christian God does not seem to consider his people (Milem, 2007). If God were existing, He would have saved the humans from suffering. Hence, there is no God.

Finally, atheists claim that life is better without God. Because, being a believer, is a matter of following, very many rules and regulations so that you will not go against the beliefs. But if you do not believe at all, you can freely do everything. You have all the freedom. Rules usually are very hard to follow (Milem, 2007). And if you break them, you are likely to be punished. Therefore, living freely is the best option in our day to day lives. Oops! This is a misleading claim. Like the way a shepherd herds the sheep, it’s the same way the Lord Shepherds us. If a sheep goes astray, the shepherded will punish the sheep. It is the same way the human shepherd (God) will punish those who assume that no shepherd is accountable for their actions. God exists, take care.

Work’s cited

Howe, Richard G. "A Thomistic Argument for God’s Existence." Answering the Music Man: Dan Barker's Arguments against Christianity (2020): 64.

Milem, Bruce. "Turner on Reason and Proving God’s Existence." Philosophy and Theology 19.1/2 (2007): 79-94.

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