Analyzing Demographics for County & State Health Comparison

Published: 2022-12-28
Analyzing Demographics for County & State Health Comparison
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Health and Social Care United States
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 993 words
9 min read

Provide a description of the county by selecting 5 DEMOGRAPHIC factors RELEVANT to the health topic your clinical project relates to. Make sure that the data is in a form so that comparisons can be made to parallel statistics for the state (means, median, rates, percentages, rankings). (Examples median income, percentage of people >65, percentage of houses built before 1970).

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DEMOGRAPHIC FACTOR (1 point each-total 5 points) COUNTY LEVEL (1 point each-total 5 points) STATE LEVEL

(1 point each-total 5 points) WHY IS THIS STATISTIC RELEVANT (1 point each-total 5 points) HOW DOES COUNTY COMPARE TO THE STATE (1 point each-total 5 points)

Total Population in 2017 38.91K 2,716,450 Population density forms an essential part of the market demand. Position 18

Median Household income $28.8k $ 52,497 Household income is a relevant statistical data in providing information about the targeted market financial capabilities. Average household income compared to the state 44.8 % below the state level.

Relative Education level Higher degree=1839

H.S Diploma = 12.9k

No H.S. Diploma= 7,464 Percent high school graduate or higher

83.8 %

Education is critical to social and economic development and has a profound impact on population health Highest level of education among people aged 25 years and older, as percentage more or less than Chicago at large.

H.D = -80.4%

H.S Diploma = +42.0%

No H.s Diploma = +99.2%

Employment Status Employed= 47.4%

Unemployed = 6.3 % Employed=52.6%

Unemployed= 5.0% Lack of employment is a great contributor to drug abuse.

Poverty levels 19.7% Persons in poverty, percent

20.6 %

Poverty levels contribute to drug abuse marijuana

Critically look at the information as it relates to your clinical project. What conclusions do you draw from this data? (4 points)

Based on the collected data above, the area is poverty levels are way below the state level and also the number of people with in H.S Diploma is relatively high compared to the state. These two factors are more likely to be the major contributors to the rising unemployment levels which has resulted into the increased drug abuse cases among middle aged adults.

References: References used in APA formatting (1 point)

BIBLIOGRAPHY \l 1033 (2017). Chicago city, Illinois. Retrieved from

Statistical Atlas. (2017). Back of the Yards, Chicago, Illinois . Retrieved from Statistical Atlas:


Select 3 BIOSTATISTICAL factors that reflect why this issue is considered a health problem. Again, make sure that the data is presented in a form so that comparisons can be made to parallel statistics for the state (see above). (Examples death rates, hospitalization rates, pregnancy rates, incidence rates). When using rates remember to state per 100,000 (or whatever base of 10 used) and when using percentages to use the %.

BIOSTATISTICAL FACTOR (1 point each-total 3 points) COUNTY LEVEL (1 point each-total 3 points) STATE LEVEL (1 point each-total 3 points) WHY IS THIS STATISTIC RELEVANT (1 point each-total 3 points) HOW DOES THE COUNTY COMPARE TO THE STATE (1 point each-total 3 points)


18 years and over (%)

21 years and over (%)

65 years and over (%)

Median Age (years)









The data is very crucial in determining which age group is the most affected. In general, the median age is lower than that of the state by 2.8 years.







51.1% The data is relevant in showing which sex group is more or less affected by the phenomenon being investigated The population distribution in terms of sex in both the county and the state is very close with very minimal difference

Poverty (%)

All People Whose Income in Past 12 Months Is Below Poverty Level 22.3% 14.0% Poverty levels is among the greatest contributors of drug indulgence and drug misuse. However, this data will be relevant to be used a reference to back up the argument Poverty levels are way below the state poverty levels by over 7.2 %.

Critically look at the information as it relates to your clinical project. What conclusions do you draw from this information? (4 points) CITATION Chi17 \l 1033 (Chicago Metro, 2017) References: References used in APA formatting (1 point)

BIBLIOGRAPHY \l 1033 (2017). Chicago city, Illinois. Retrieved from

Chicago Metro. (2017). Chicago Metro Sentinel Community Site (SCS) Drug Use Patterns and Trends, 2017. Chicago: NDEWS Coordinating Center.

Statistical Atlas. (2017). Back of the Yards, Chicago, Illinois . Retrieved from Statistical Atlas:


Selects 2 BEHAVIORAL factors that contribute to this health problem. NOTE: Behavioral factors are not necessarily solely controlled by the individual. For the purposes of this assignment, health behaviors are defined as factors uncovered in the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System or Youth Risk Behavioral Surveillance System.

If you state has youth risk behavioral data it will be available at the county levels and can compare county to state. If you are using the CDC site it is reported at the state level, so compare state level data to national level data.

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BEHAVIORAL FACTOR (1 point each-total 2 points) COUNTY LEVEL (STATE LEVEL) (1 point each-total 2 points) STATE LEVEL (NATIONAL LEVEL) (1 point each-total 2 points) WHY IS THIS BEHAVIORAL FACTOR RELEVANT (1 point each-total 2 points) HOW DOES THE COUNTY (STATE) COMPARE TO THE STATE (NATION) (1 point each-total 2 points)

Alcohol consumption 69% 66% Alcoholism information will contribute to concluding on the rate of drug abuse. Alcoholism is relatively same at both county and state levels.

Overdose 97.8% 51.1% Deaths resulting from overdoes offer relevant information that demonstrated the consequences of drug abuse The county level of deaths resulting from drug overdoes are way higher that the state level by over 40%.

Critically look at the information as it relates to your clinical project. What do you conclude from this information? (4 points)

References: References used in APA formatting (1 point)

BIBLIOGRAPHY \l 1033 (2019, March). Illinois Opioid Summary. Retrieved from National Institute of Drug Abuse: (2017). llinois Adolescent Substance Abuse Facts. Retrieved from

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Analyzing Demographics for County & State Health Comparison. (2022, Dec 28). Retrieved from

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