Essay Example on the American Revolution Facts

Published: 2017-11-29
Essay Example on the American Revolution Facts
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  History United States American revolution
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 638 words
6 min read

America: The Story of US Revolution

1. The difference in the 1790s, when compared to the 1760s, is stark as night and day given that in the 1760s America was under British monarch rule while in the 1790s America was an independent nation. As such, in the 1760s America was comprised of 13 colonies governed by British rule while in the 1790s independence had come to America which became the United States of America (Yazawa, Henretta, & Fernlund, 2011). The transformation from colonialism to independence is the representation of the struggle of the birth of the American nation represented by the stark differences between the colonial rule of the 1760s and liberated American nation of the 1790s (Cohen, 2008).

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2. However, what remained the same throughout the period of the 1760s to 1790s was the state of African-Americans as slaves as well as the enmity between British loyalists and American revolutionists. To that extent, individuals who had fought for Britain through the decades loyally were repatriated back to Britain (Yazawa et al., 2011). That includes loyalist soldiers and allies some of whom were loyalist African-American slaves. Further, the laws in the new nation of America guaranteed equality of humanity but only on paper as slavery of African-Americans continued in the Southern parts of Mississippi river and beyond (Cohen, 2008).

3. The groups most affected included loyalists to the British crown who were captured and forced to repatriate back to Britain. King George the III of Britain who lost the war also bore the brunt of being the King under whose watch Britain lost to Patriots in the war for American independence (Yazawa et al., 2011). Other individuals equally affected to a considerably lesser extent include France and Spain both of who entered the war in support of America. The African-American community was equally affected greatly as slavery did not end with the independence of the country and their struggle for freedom had merely just begun (Cohen, 2008).

Facts about the Revolutionary War

4. The political changes of the 1770s and 80s changed Americans social lives since the country became a sovereign nation after the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1783. During the same period, part of Americans withheld the new Constitution that assured all individuals of freedom and dignity as human beings. However, three-fifths compromise allowed southern slaveholders to consolidate power and advance slavery in the south for many years after the declaration of American independence (Cohen, 2008). Through the same period, the government extended voting rights of individuals establishing a strong federal national government, senate, congress, judiciary, and the house of representatives providing an astute political foundation for the future governing of the countries politics.

5. I utterly disagree with the statement that the American Revolution was a significant and historical event that actually had little impact on American society in the two decades following its conclusion. To that extent, the I observe that the American Revolution was the beginning or the birth of the country that would be the representation of freedom for all humanity all over the world. The declaration of independence in the United States sparked revolutionary drive throughout other colonies of Britain all over the world hence changing the lives of Americans and beyond (Cohen, 2008).

6. Nonetheless, not all lives changed for the better as for African-Americans slavery continued to be a reality as two decades later African-Americans were still enslaved by white owners who exposed the slaves to wanton suffering and dehumanizing conditions (Cohen, 2008). Therefore, I would not hold that things remained the same, but that much of the situation changed for the better except for the African-American community that continued to be enslaved due to White supremacy (Yazawa et al., 2011).


Cohen, M. (2008). Philosophical Tales. New York: Blackwell.

Yazawa, M., Henretta, J. A., & Fernlund, K. J. (2011). Documents for America's History, Volume 1: to 1877. New York: Bedford/St. Martin's.

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