Addiction to Pain Killers - Argumentative Essay Sample

Published: 2022-05-19
Addiction to Pain Killers - Argumentative Essay Sample
Essay type:  Argumentative essays
Categories:  Drug Drug abuse
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 944 words
8 min read

Various social problems continue to plague human life. Among these is the issue of addiction to some drugs that people have to deal with in their daily lives. In particular, the matter of habit to the usage of painkillers comes out as a significant concern in different communities. Accordingly, there have been various mechanisms that have been put in place to help tackle the problem as more people become addicted to the painkillers (DuPont et al., 2018). Nonetheless, little success has been recorded as the consumption of such products continues to soar. Many reasons have been brought forward to help explain the minimal success. One of these reasons is the failure to thoroughly develop an in-depth analysis of the issue of drug addiction within the angle of psychology to advance some forms of the solution to the matter. Against this background, it can be argued that an analysis of the problem of drug addiction can be done in different spectrums within the perspective of psychology to help solve the issue.

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The first framework relates to the description of the problem and its implications for the affected individuals. In essence, people use certain drugs to relieve themselves from pain. However, the continuous usage may lead to addiction. With time, the obsession with the utilization of painkillers may be detrimental to the general health of the affected people. For perspective, reports indicate that some estimated 2.1 million Americans recorded disorder related to prescription of an opioid to relieve pain in 2012 (DuPont et al., 2018). In effect, this implies that the victims suffer due to addiction; hence, they need medical interventions. The other implication is that these persons join a considerable portion of the Americans who have to deal with the different effects of over-dependence on painkillers.

The second aspect lies in how psychology can participate in the conversation around the issue of addiction to painkillers. To begin, psychological experts can help develop appropriate and more effective diagnostic procedures in dealing with the problem. Ideally, this is supported by the notion that psychologists have the potential to provide the much-needed processes that help diagnose drug addiction problems within the individual (Evans-Brown, & Sedefov, 2016). Second, psychology is relevant to the management of the concern because psychologists may assist in identifying treatment procedures in cases where addictions are as a result of mental issues.

The third context entails the way in which some peer-reviewed articles address the problem. Some of such papers include research by DuPont at al. (2018). In sum, the article asserts that psychologists can help people who are addicted to painkillers understand why they started abusing these drugs. Also, it indicates that this can help them identify common triggers that make them continue misusing these drugs. The article also underscores the view that psychological interventions in dealing with drug addiction can support patients in cultivating strategies to avoid triggers to drug abuse. Lastly, it shows that psychologists can help individuals to develop skills that assist them in having more control of their lives and decisions; thus, managing the social problem.

In an article by Evans-Brown & Sedefov (2016), there is an indication that though psychological interventions to the problem of compulsion to the use of certain drugs are advisable; it may have some shortcomings. According to the article, the reason behind this is that the use of psychoactive substances may both disrupt and support how the illicit drug market functions. Therefore, it gives the drug problem greater complexity. In this way, the literature supposes that the use of psychological approaches in dealing with addiction to drugs needs to be done with care. Majorly, this may include the use of regulatory strategies that are pursued to detect and prioritize signals of potential harms and to communicate such risks effectively.

The last perspective revolves around some suggestions that are provided for addressing or improving outcomes for individuals. Based on the findings in the articles, among others, it can be suggested that there is the need to incorporate psychological experts in the fight against addiction to painkillers. Consequently, this is because they can help in the diagnosis and treatment of the problem. For example, they help identify the causes of the addictions and possible interventions procedures that can help reduce the effects of the social problem. Thus, the involvement of psychologists forms a vital intervention procedure towards the general fight against the problem of drug addiction in any given human society.

It can also be recommended that the usage of psychological medication processes should be carefully done. All this is because some underlying facts may interfere with psychiatrist's help in dealing with the problem. Therefore, is imperative to consider some regulatory approaches that help distinguish and highlight inherent indications of probable harms involved in psychological strategies for treating drug addiction. In fact, this will enhance chances of realizing desirable outcomes in mitigating drug addiction outcomes.

To conclude, an analysis of the problem of drug addiction can be done in different spectrums from the standpoint of psychology to help solve the concern. The first background relates to the description of the problem and its implications for individuals. The second aspect lies in how psychology can participate in the conversation around the issue of addiction to painkillers. The third context entails the way in which some peer-reviewed articles address the problem. The last outlook revolves around some suggestions that are provided for handling or improving outcomes for individuals suffering from the addiction.


DuPont, R. L., Parran, T. V., & Wilford, B. B. (2018). Understanding and Preventing Opioid Misuse and Abuse (DRAFT). Oxford Medicine Online. doi:10.1093/med/9780190265366.003.0009

Evans-Brown, M., & Sedefov, R. (2016). New psychoactive substances: driving greater complexity into the drug problem. Addiction, 112(1), 36-38. doi:10.1111/add.13528

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