Professionalism Definition Essay Example

Published: 2018-07-19
Professionalism Definition Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Research Job Profession
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 635 words
6 min read

What is professionalism

Professionalism is deemed to be a set of competencies or skills that can be used to describe a given profession. In any given organization or sector, success is predominantly dependent on the levels of professionalism adopted by the key stakeholders, that is, it is imperative for an individual to be a professional in order for him/her to succeed. In a society that is characterized by varied field or sectors, being a professional can entail different attributes. For instance, to be a professional can imply having different degrees or certifications from different professional institutions. It follows that professionalism is all about a particular set of attributes, competencies, skills or qualities that can be used to describe or define a professional.

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A specialized set of skills or knowledge is one of the attributes that encompasses professionalism. Apparently, a professional is committed to developing or improving a particular set of skills in his/her line of interest (field of the profession). This can involve seeking degrees or certifications from various professional institutions where they can acquire and improve their knowledge. For instance, for someone to is called a business profession, it follows that he or she must acquire relevant knowledge from the field of business. This can involve attending or enroll for classes that can boost one’s knowledge in the field of business. It is, therefore, imperative for individuals to keep updating their knowledge in their respective fields as a way of enhancing their professionalism.

Importance of competency in professionalism

Professionalism is also characterized by competency. Professions are trusted to complete a given task assigned to them, regardless of the circumstances. This intimates that professionalism foster reliability and convenience. According to this attribute of professionalism, individuals are expected to rise above excuses and adversities in order to deliver on what is expected of them. Professionalism is also characterized by honesty and integrity. Professionals are people of their word and they are bound by truthfulness, honesty, and their actions. As a way of enhancing professionalism, different fields/institutions have come up with the code of conduct/ethics that are meant to govern individuals, when it comes to acting professionally as far as honesty and integrity are concerned.

Apparently, professionalism is essential since it leads to higher standards and success rates among individuals in any given field/institution. It is understood that individuals who depict higher levels of the profession in their respective careers are characterized with higher success rates and they are deemed to be contented with their careers. Due to the knowledge, competencies and skills, they have acquired, professionals are able to maintain to have cordial and lasting relationships with their clients as well as their coworkers. Professionalism is also vital, especially for those individuals who wish to further their careers. In most instances, professions usually maintain their high levels of professionalism, not only at the place of work but also at home. It follows that professionalism makes one be dedicated to maintaining values, standards and morals in all aspects of their lives. Professionalism makes individuals look beyond personal successes or glories and focus on collective success for the group.

Army is one of the fields that upholds the element of professionalism. Apparently, a soldier or a military officer is judged on the basis of his ability to carry out the assigned task in a successful and professional manner. Just like any other field, professionalism in army involves the acquisition of relevant skills and competencies that enable soldiers to perform their tasks or jobs in an efficient and professional way. It involves intensive training in respect to the professionalism requirements of the army. This training targets at imparting a particular set of skills, competencies, and knowledge in a soldier (army), which are the core attributes of the professionalism.

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Professionalism Definition Essay Example. (2018, Jul 19). Retrieved from

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