Statement of Purpose for Graduate School, Admission Essay Example

Published: 2022-07-14
Statement of Purpose for Graduate School, Admission Essay Example
Essay type:  Admission essays
Categories:  Admission help Application letter
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 495 words
5 min read

I had always possessed an insatiable affinity for antiquity, but I had never considered assimilating my passion for history with my natural love for Public History until I became a public Records Researcher in 2015. Immediately, I realized my inalienable connection with the study of history both as a profession and career. Having tasted the importance of Public History through my encounter with public records research, I enrolled for a Public History Seminar in the fall of 2016, and I was privileged to meet an acclaimed personality in the field of Public History, Dr. T. Lindsay Baker. My attraction to Public History was suddenly provoked even further because I quickly fell in love with its intuitive and commendably evocative power abundant in his lectures and begun to yearn for more knowledge. Nothing could compare to my joy when I was invited to be an Undergraduate Panelist at the University of Texas at Arlington Annual Graduate Research Symposium in April 2016 because the event was ominous of more milestones. Spring of 2016 brought with it more opportunity because I enrolled for courses in Museum Studies and The History of Technology, once more under the leadership of Dr. T. Lindsay Baker's scholarly wisdom in history. The two Courses were equally exciting, but I predominantly enjoyed Museum Studies because of my past as a public researcher yet I have not discounted my pursuit of the History of Technology entirely. The two courses were just an addition to a Course in Historical Methods I had completed under Dr. Jensen Branscomb in the fall of 2017. My interest in Public History has grown even more since I obtained my bachelor's degree for I have maintained leadership positions and membership in institutions nurturing both as a profession and a passion.

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However, Public History is not the only history-related field I adore in life; I am genuinely intrigued by community and volunteer work related to the recovery and restoration historical sites because I helped raise funds for the restoration of a historic Town Building City Park Kennedale Town Center.

Both of the two passions of mine, Public History and Preservation of Historical artifacts, albeit convincingly dissimilar, have one inseparable feature; they tell the story of my irresistible commitment to pursuing Public History at a Master of Arts (MA) level. This is why I am set for a school at the Texas State University. I have been a recipient of the O.A. Grant History Scholarship and Evelyn Wisdom Scholarship following my exemplary prowess in History: defining evidence that my getting a chance at Texas State University for an MA Program in Public History would a natural leapfrog for me, one I am ready to take and sacrifice much for, with enthusiasm and industry. Honestly, I am naturally committed to this intellectual journey and the Texas State University to achieve my next academic milestone in the pursuit of knowledge in Public History as my calling. I have made my informed decision. Presently, I look forward to yours.

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Statement of Purpose for Graduate School, Admission Essay Example. (2022, Jul 14). Retrieved from

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