Essay Sample on Reflection on Problem-Techniques

Published: 2023-12-13
Essay Sample on Reflection on Problem-Techniques
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Analysis Problem solving
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 694 words
6 min read


Human life is characterized by numerous and consistent problems and challenges that demand proper and systematic problem-solving techniques. Problem-solving is the process of systematically defining and examining a problem to establish a sustainable bridge between the current condition and how things ought to be (Kennedy, 2015). There are numerous problem-solving models and techniques that can be applied in the decision-making processes. Effective, feasible, and sustainable decisions are subject to the determination and proper use of decision-making techniques.

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Problem-Solving Techniques

Various problem-solving techniques can be applied in the decision-making process. The first technique is the proper definition of the problem to differentiate facts from opinions and specify the determinable underlying causes. Problem definition includes breaking down the problem into small factions to determine specifically where the problem lies and clearly state it (Berger et al., 2013). The second technique is the generation of various alternative solutions and assessing them to determine the more feasible one. Instead of coming up with a single solution, devising multiple potential solutions ensures that the final solution chosen is nonbiased and specific to the problem being solved (Dunlosky et al., 2013). The third technique is the application of the appropriate approaches to select a final solution out of the available alternatives (Dunlosky et al., 2013). The evaluation of the alternatives should be relative to the target standards, some established goals, potential outcomes, and exposure to bias. The fourth technique is the proper implementation of the solution and follow-up. The technique involves testing and monitoring the solution to see the potential outcomes.

Problem-Solving Techniques that Works Best for Me

The problem-solving techniques that work best for me are problem definition and implementation of the solution. Although not efficiently as I have learned, I have always perceived it vital to understand a problem before I think of devising a solution. I have valued the practice of problem analysis and finding route causes before I jump into conclusions. I have also believed that the outcomes of the solutions that I devise greatly depend on how I implement them.

Previous Use of the Technique

One of the complex and challenging problem-solving scenarios that I have faced is selected the right course to pursue in college. I had various courses in my mind, including English, psychology, and business, and I had to settle on one of them. Confused, I started with problem analysis, and I found that my main issue was not the course to pursue but a poorly defined career goal. I revisited my career ambitions and uncovered that my long-term career desire is to help people live a more informed life, be happy, and attain mental wellness. The definition of the problem made it possible to assess the problem with facts rather than opinions and make the right decisions.

Ways to Improve Problem-Solving Abilities

Developing effective problem-solving abilities depends on consistent improvement. Some ways to improve problem-solving abilities include listing as many alternatives as possible, thinking literally by assessing problems from different perspectives and developing an action plan that outlines what needs to be done, how it needs to be done, and when it is to be done (Kennedy, 2015). There are various instances in which a lack of such abilities has led to failure in my problem-solving processes. One instance is when I decided to break up with my parents due to a few misunderstandings. I later realized that the decision was rushed and was not based on facts.


The adoption of the right problem-solving techniques underscores the effectiveness and robustness of the solution implemented. It is important that before making a decision, a person assess the underlying situation to uncover the sources of the problems and determine how best they can be addressed.


Berger, D. E., Pezdek, K., & Banks, W. P. (Eds.). (2013). Applications of cognitive psychology: Problem-solving, education, and computing. Routledge.

Dunlosky, J., Rawson, K. A., Marsh, E. J., Nathan, M. J., & Willingham, D. T. (2013). Improving students’ learning with effective learning techniques. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 14(1), 4-58.

Kennedy, P. (2015). Session 3: Problem-solving. Oxford Clinical Psychology.

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