Paper Example: Practicum Objectives

Published: 2023-03-03
Paper Example: Practicum Objectives
Type of paper:  Course work
Categories:  Knowledge Personal experience Nursing care Special education
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 609 words
6 min read

The achievement of attaining practicum objectives for this course required a planned, supervised, and well-evaluated practice. My objectives allowed me to get an opportunity to use my classroom skills in the filed hence making it possible for me to gain professional skills. Practicum experiences that made it possible for me to attain practicum objectives for this course include evaluating therapeutic models. Therapeutic models allowed me to solve issues affecting patients since it makes it possible to apply evidence-based practices during fieldwork. Nurse-patient interaction is another practicum experience, which allowed me a chance to achieve my objective of psychiatric assessment. Interaction with professionals in the filed on a regular basis gave me a chance to fulfill my objective of collaborating with professionals. Interactions with professionals made it possible for me to have a deep understanding of the challenges faced in the field.

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Gaps in practicum experiences and plans to overcome learning gaps in future practicum experiences

Complying with schedules created a gap between my practicum objectives and learning experiences. There is a time I found myself overlooking some of my practicum objectives because of limited time. The time of interaction with my professionals was limited to the time when I was working on. There was no extra time that I made to interact with professionals increasing in-depth gap skills that I could learn. There was also a gap in terms of technical knowledge. I was not able to get exposure to actual data output and interpretation after recording patients' data. Plans to overcome learning gaps in the future are to increase interaction time with professionals in the field by requesting more time with them. It would also be necessary if all schedules were spread out to touch all sections that help me achieve my practicum objectives. On the part of technology, I intend to register with an online class to ensure that I understand different ways of interpreting raw data.

Final Evaluation with Preceptor

My final evaluation with my preceptor is that I got an opportunity to improve my understanding of what is required in my profession. I was able to set up my goals and achieve a good percentage of them. I believe the preceptor made it easy to fit into my practicum by helping me to understand our patients since we are tasked with helping mentally challenged patients. I am now confident and have experience handling tough tasks. The practicum also prepared me to handle challenges that arise with treating patients. I was able to achieve personal objectives, something that pushed me to prepare for future practical work. I learned that the requirements of my work include collaboration and sharing. I had to cooperate with colleagues, who made me understand the importance of collaboration in the workplace.

Personal Growth

The practicum experience is what made me feel that I have personally grown as a professional, and I am now able to explore my field in a practical way. I was able to establish a strong bond with the community through the establishment of programs that integrated cultural, legal, ethical, and socioeconomic aspects of the community. My practicum made it possible to express my Christian worldview. I believe my Christian background helped patients who shared my faith and were able to connect with me without feeling left out. Patients were able to open up, thus making me feel appreciated and get the strength to continue working on my Christian beliefs. My Christian worldview will continue to increase my effort toward helping patients in my community. I get a chance to explore further and try to apply my Christian views even with people in society who do not have a strong Christian background.

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Paper Example: Practicum Objectives. (2023, Mar 03). Retrieved from

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