Free Essay on Personal Development and Self-awareness

Published: 2022-02-16
Free Essay on Personal Development and Self-awareness
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Psychology Personal development
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1372 words
12 min read

It is essential to advance personal development and self-awareness among individuals in groups. The 'Johari' window classic is a suitable method used to attain this task of deep knowing and enhancing communication between the participants in the team. American psychologists Harry Ingham and Joseph Luft established this model in 1955. The idea was as a resultant of the upshot of the group undercurrents in the University of California and which was later developed by the Joseph Luft. This model is also symbolized as a feedback model of self-awareness (Tappen et al., 1990). The Johari Widow ideal is commonly used to promote the individual's awareness of other people. This model is currently based on two ideas-trust, which involves revealing data about yourself to others and studying yourself from the related feedback. Each person is embodied by the Johari model through a four widow panel. Each quadrant panel indicates personal information, motivation, feelings, and whether the information is known by oneself. The overall Johari window is to analysis the leadership as a model in an organization.

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Self-awareness is an essential key to success and happiness. Without self-awareness, we move through experiences and knowledge detached, unaware of how others accept and perceive us, and incapable of taking full responsibility for our upshots. Conventional wisdom would chief we believe that our leaders with the most skills and the most superiority would have the most significant stages of self-awareness (Wu et al., 2013). Surprisingly, the vice versa is true as leaders rise through the organization, emotional intelligence, and self-awareness decline. Travis Bradberry, the writer of Emotional Intelligence, stated that "EQ scores ascent with titles from the bottommost of the corporate ladder up to the middle management. In this case, the middle managers view out with the top EQ scores in the work points since firms tend to encourage peoples into these spots who are excellent and levelheaded with people. Hence, for positions far ahead of middle management, the outcome is quite diverse. "For the names of the manager and above, the scores incline faster than a snowboarder on the black diamond. Blind spots are stated as the Achilles patch up of leadership. Weakness is features that we can purposely make it secure with practice, desire, and time. Blind spots, thus, are personal characteristics or aspects we don't even understand about that may hinder how we react, act, believe or behave, and therefore effectiveness or limits.

Extensive research opinions to dozens of leadership blind spots include:

Going it alone

Being searching of your conduct on other people.

It is better to be an "I know" attitude.

I am escaping the difficult conversations.

I am blaming others on different circumstances.

Treating commitments informally (not devoting other people's time, resources, and energy)

Conspiring against others

Withholding emotional commitment (which is known as emotional blackmail)

Tolerating "good enough" (can be symbolized by low standards of performance.

In adding to own blind spots, blind ads also ascend in organization, teams, and even market awareness, which gives a better understanding of the leadership in overall. Curing your blind spots will open the door to learning, growth, and useful performance improvement (Meyer et al., 2010). However, it is essential to keep the level of the blind spot at a perfect parameter within the leadership measures. These includes:

Ask feedback correctly. It is crucial to ask one piece of information at a time. This helps to analyze any rising suggestions and queries to provide relevant feedback.

Surround yourself with different thinkers with the aims of learning from them. Your societies of studying should reflect a diversity of experiences, perspectives, and several approaches to problem-solving that can easily be adapted.

Examine your ancient to classify patterns. How have you flourished as a leader? What struggles have you faced? What circumstances have led to undesirable outcomes?

Identify triggers. We all have prompts- conditions that cause us to react without full thinking capacity instinctively.

Set out a blind-spot friend. It is applicable to choose a mate who can hold the accountability of your behavior alterations.

Hidden spots, the experience that leaders overrate, are more problematic. Still develops weakness which can't be seen by the leader in our case subordinate or supervisors, even though they are apparent to anyone around. There are four 'panes' in window Johari are:

The Arena. This is where data is known to yourself and also who is known to others. There is shared skills based on our relations with another individual.

The Facade or Mask. Again, this where information is recognized to self, not known to other people.

The Blind Spot. About this, the information is known to others. Hence you do not understand about oneself. This data can be in the practice of body language, mannerism, tone of voice, habits, etc.

The unknown. Where the information is not identified to yourself or other individuals, some of this may be far below the surface that I may not aware of it. Other data may be made communal in a conversation.

The Johari window assists answer the age-old queries of how to establish trust among groups and thus to build a capable team. Ever seen or certainly been a portion of a team that had cooperation? That the team participants were open and honest, employed well with each other? Out of outcome, the team probably attained sound stages of success and were very real in meeting objectives and responsibility. You possibly too, got a feeling that things appeared more quickly, and there was the feeling of organization and fun amongst the team. You will perhaps decide to agree that trust is dangerous for any success of the group. I'm sure you have seen cases in teams when confidence hasn't been there: disaster the normal follows. Trust, then appears an integral part of creating a capable team.

Transactional Analysis for Effective Communication

The transactional study is a psychoanalytic model and means of therapy wherein social transactions are investigated to define the ego conditions of the patients such as childlike or adult as a basis for knowing behavior. Examples of transactional analysis where subordinate act like parents in the workplace include; complementary transactions, crossed transactions, stroking, and transactional games (Hargaden et al., 2014). For the reciprocal deals, there is successful communication in the workplace, which involves one member initiating a discussion in one or more ego states. In the case of a crossed transaction, it can take place between employees and supervisor or even between staffs themselves.

Although several theories in Berne's work have been cast-off, his "Ego States" and also OK Corral" has been used much more in the business of all types and sizes than any other Ego. This theory has been widely to aid better understanding of communications among individual with different Ego states. Furthermore, OK Corral concept has been applied in the regions of customer facility and more broadly in the dominion of leadership development. There is a standpoint in the leading persons in the entire team. Therefore, this allows them to dodge overdoing parental responsibility and the child ego state.

Johari window and transaction analysis bring about effective communication between staffs and subordinate in the workplace. There is the development of a leadership platform for the leaders in controlling the entire employees in the organization. For the case of Johari, widow, trust is endeavor as the critical issue for the working staff. The whole organization is sustained and able to develop a working environment for all workers and their supervision parameters.


Hargaden, H., & Sills, C. (2014). Transactional analysis: A relational perspective. Routledge. Retrieved from:

Meyer, J. P., & Parfyonova, N. M. (2010). Normative commitment in the workplace: A theoretical analysis and re-conceptualization. Human resource management review, 20(4), 283-294. Retrieved from:

Tappen, R. M., SanchezMurrell, M. A., Hopkins, S. J., Donovan, G., Dolan, J. B., & Moore, N. (1990). Challenges for continuing education of public health nurses in Florida. Public Health Nursing, 7(4), 236-242. Retrieved from:

Wu, T. Y., Hu, C., & Yang, C. C. (2013). Abusive Supervision and Workload Demands from Supervisors: Exploring Two Types of Supervisorrelated Stressors and their Association with Strain. Stress and Health, 29(3), 190-198. Retrieved from:

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