Management of People - HRM Essay Sample

Published: 2019-06-24
Management of People - HRM Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Human resources
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1397 words
12 min read

Managing the population in the workplace environment can be a daunting task for the busy managers and other company executives. It is important that every employee in the place of work takes up the initiative and endeavors towards a holistic environment (Rosen, 2012). . Threats to office operations come in many ways. Some are short term while others hurt the business core. Some short term challenges include attacks and health concerns. Such challenges can easily be prevented and taken under control in case they occur. As a result, many companies have set up insurance policies against such drastic occasions (Arthur, 2012). In spite of all insurance covers, it remains a major threat when it comes to maintaining a companys reputation. A number of factors lead to this occurrence. However, all of these factors have one thing in common. The employees background. This essay looks at why someones background could lay a death bed for a leading company.

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Mitch is a senior partner in one of the leading law firms in the state of Florida. According to him, however, the firm prefers to integrate specific graduates into their system. By specific, Mitch explains that they only employ Lawyers who have undertaken their undergraduate programs at either Yale or Harvard. To be more specific, the firm only picks interns from Harvard school of Law. The law industry is growing at untamed speed hence the need to work with the best, notes Mitch. Someones educational background reduces the risk of a high-end firm employing fake and incompetent employees. In the current digital world, most youths have become specialists in faking their documents through online hackers that run untouched websites such as dark web and the unknown. As a result, many companies have introduced policies that will enable them to capture such culprits (Arthur, 2012). . Because every educated job seeker requires a transcript while applying for a job, Many firms such as Mitchs have instituted the handwritten protocol.

This policy works in a complex but special way. When applying for a job say at Mitchs law firm, the applicant should have an original copy of handwritten signatures from each Professor in his or her senior year on campus. The lecturer is to remain with a copy of the signature just in case the firm needs to confirm that the student is a legit graduate. As an advocate for honesty, I believe this is one of the best policies. Many companies within the region have incorporated the system to ensure they are not accommodating any ghost workers. Apart from this some firms also cross check the transcripts brought forward with those reserved in the universities records (Gibson & Krohn, 2013). . Make no mistake for the Universities records are hard copies of the students papers. To ensure that the policy is not abused, every applicant has to go through a vetting process or long interview with the companys supervisors. That way, according to Mitch, those in charge can familiarize themselves with the new guys and get to observe his character.

Evans is a perfect example of recent graduates who have fallen victim to the long hands of the law. After graduating from high school top of his class, Evans had a knack for reading a variety of books be it fictional or educational. As a result, most of his high school friends used his talent to ensure they scored high grades. The examining body in his previous school was not that strict hence many students would find ways of cheating in their exams. It was only during final papers in senior year that the rules got a little bit tighter. Due to this, many of the frequent exam fraudsters had to invent new methods to make sure the hard work they had put in exam cheating was worth it. This is where Evans gained his first form of self-employment. He would receive a call from a senior year student at the school and identify the paper the student required to pass.

In no time, he had come a master in the game, and he did not need to revise every now and then before he stepped into the examination room. Word about his unique skills reached fellow high school goers in different schools and each senior year, Evans was taking orders from dozens of students. He even did papers that concerned young girls despite his handsome appearance. Evans was hoping that through this process he would raise enough money to get into either Cambridge or Yale, which were his universities of choice. On one occasion, however, Evans was spotted sitting a paper in a certain school. He was immediately reported to his Principal at his former school. As a result, his admission to Yale to study pure statistics was terminated in an instant.

This did not deter him from continuing with his paper sittings. He, however, had to find a different way to earn an extra living since most schools were aware of his kind of people. He got indulged in drug trafficking and given his well-versed knowledge in statistics, his employers gained interest in him. Within weeks, he was no longer roaming the streets. He was always seated at his table analyzing strategies for his employers while getting high off their free supply. By the time his grandmother realized his trade, he was well informed with the market dynamics. Based on economic trends, he could predict future stock and currency exchange rates. This equipped him with the skills of a full-time economist and statistician in Wall Street.

It was now easy to advise any company on how to penetrate marketplaces and which strategies to employ so as to survive in dire economic times. Tired of waiting for university acceptance Evans decided to go the hard way. He employed a tech genius to create valid certificates and transcripts from a top university. Satisfied with the documents created, Evans took a great risk and applied for a position as an analyst in an investment firm. After only a week of waiting, he was called in for an interview where he amazed everyone with his skills and competence. The executives did not have to seek references to know that he would be a unique asset to the firm. However, with great power, comes great responsibilities. Evans appeared in the daily newspaper for all the right reasons, but those who knew him earlier could not help noticing he was there on dishonest grounds. Soon word arrived at his office place regarding his true character and background.

After only serving for one year as an analyst, Evans was bound to receive a heavier jail sentence for his lack of integrity. His supervisor was also forced to quit his job after questions were raised about the grilling exercise he had conducted on him before he was employed. Apart from that, Evans actions greatly affected the companys reputation in terms of trustworthiness and integrity. Many clients who had invested through the firm started doubting its credibility, and soon they were withdrawing their trust in the firm. The founders and board of directors were almost back to square one.

Observing someone from their first day at work can help the supervisor state whether the employee has the potential to grow with the business. If he is smart but lacks the basics, one can tell if he is teachable or not. If he is not, most likely, he or she was just putting up an act about how smart they are. Investigations into such individuals normally point in the opposite direction according to Mitch. The investigators end up discovering the employees faked identities as well as their true motives (Nixon, & Kerr, 2008). Most of them are just honest Americans looking to live the dream. But in either case, no great company will ever risk their reputation for hiring uncertified employees to work for them despite their potential or competence.


Arthur, D. (2012). Recruiting, interviewing, selecting & orienting new employees. New York: AMACOM, American Management Association.

Gibson, C. L., & Krohn, M. D. (2013). Handbook of life-course criminology: Emerging trends and directions for future research. New York, NY: Springer.

Nixon, W. B., & Kerr, K. M. (2008). Background screening and investigations: Managing hiring risk from the HR and security perspectives. Amsterdam: Butterworth-Heinemann.

Rosen, L. S. (2012). The safe hiring manual: The complete guide to employment screening background checks for employers, recruiters, and job seekers. Tempe, Ariz: Facts on Demand.

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