Integrating Teams to Maximize Performance: Challenges and Strategies - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-09-17
Integrating Teams to Maximize Performance: Challenges and Strategies - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Management Business
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1220 words
11 min read


The integration of multiple teams can yield good results and result in improved team performances. However, diverse groups may experience challenges that reflect continuous conflicts in policy implementation and decision making. Establishing a common link among different teams working on a project can realize improved coordination and performance. The development process under multiple teams is affected by conflicts from team members, decision making, and autonomy in duty policy and strategy implementation (Shemla & Wegge, 2019). This paper covers a comprehensive evaluation of the formation of effective development teams and program implementation teams with respect to complex team structure with conflicting principles.

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Effective Team Formation

Effective team formation takes into account the team's target and the coordination of the team members towards a common goal. The various organizations involved in forming a complex team structure can pull resources together to drive the target of the team's overall objective (Green, 2017). As highlighted in the case study, the formation of a coalition team from multiple players can be challenging based on each member's organizational culture and practices. The bureaucracy in the team's development lies in the restructuring and integration of the duties, roles, and member participation (Green, 2017). People with divergent ideas can form an effective group. However, some controversial arguments can derail the efforts of the team. Members with flexible ideas that can be molded and integrated into various perspectives can influence the program's success. For instance, Victoria Adams and Duane Hardy have ideas which can be aligned to the program's success. Adams points at schools and Woodson Foundation as the integral parts of the program's success, but Hardy cites most power should lie in schools and partly in parents. The two ideas can be integrated to balance the power between schools, the Woodson Foundation, and parents' role in driving the success of the project. Some member presents one-sided arguments which reduce the participation in project improvement. For instance, Candace Sharpe believes schools implement commendable efforts in enhancing performance, eliminating truancy, and student crimes. However, insignificant results can be visualized from their efforts. This indicates that Sharpe is willing to adhere to unproductive policies. In this case, where change is much needed to realize the success of the project, conservative members such as Sharpe and Arif Kaufman (most liked by students) are not important to the success of the program.

Diversity is a key point of consideration in the formation of a coalition team. Cultural, ethnic, and gender variations are crucial factors in the formation of a coalition team. The case of Woodson Foundation, the public schools' system, and the National Coalition for Parental Involvement in Education (NCPIE) provides a challenging situation with the individual teams portraying differences in mode of operation, member constitution, and ideologies. Therefore, the formation of a coalition among multiple teams can integrate different elements which include a clear mission and purpose of the team, a shared mission among the individuals, set objectives which are realistic to the set tasks and a particular structure of decision making and participation of the executives (Brown, Wells, Jones & Chilenski, 2017). The multiple teams can adopt a common purpose and a mission that drives the operations. The purpose of the coalition is to influence the performance, eliminate truancy and crime rate among students, and reduce teacher burn out and turnover rates. In meeting the mission and the purpose of the program, each team needs to contribute is approached in resolving the key concern. Truancy, crime, and poor performance are highlighted in the case study, which presents a crucial matter for the coalition teams to work collectively.

The skills of particular members need to be designated to areas of specialization which steer the program based on the strengths of the implementation members. Roles and responsibilities are defined along with the channels for communication and decision making. In this case, regular communication is vital for the program's consistency and smooth transition. The process of coalition formation focuses on empowering the community in addressing an urgent issue and facilitate the distribution of resources to enhance the efficiency and delivery of the program targets. Integrative negotiation strategies allow for the incorporation of diverse ideas and brainstorming to obtain an inclusive framework of operation acceptable to all stakeholders (Stoshikj, 2014). The negotiation process addresses the contradicting concepts and derives the best approach that can enhance the program's success. Based on the case study, members have varying opinions on the formation and the running of the program with much resistance experienced on the authority of each group and its contribution to the program goals.

Program Implementation

The selected program team attains program implementation. The input of each team determines the implementation process. The variations in culture need to be addressed to achieve effective management and policy implementation framework. The various stakeholders show diverse cultures contradictory to each other. The system believes that the jobs created through the program need to be unionized and need to work as per the policies of the schools. However, attaining the success of the program advances past the ground policies. The concern in the operation of the stakeholders is in the overall leader of the program and implementation platform. The power-on decision making and implementation of the policies is a concern for the system, Woodson Foundation, and NCPIE. The system district schools have a culture of direct control over their policies and decision-making regarding school programs, which may contradict with other partners. Woodson Foundation bases their operations on experimentation and attaining efficiency. In this light, the organization empowering and improving different systems in society. NCPIE believes in diversity and has an inclusive administration structure that accounts for all the ethnic groups in the schools around Washington, D.C.

The leaders can generate a transformational message by harmonizing their diverse cultures and creating a common goal fostered by a shared vision. The participation of each partner should be prioritized to improve school performance (Roche, 2017) collectively. The partners have different cultures but have a common goal, which includes meeting the needs of students. The system will benefit from the good performance of the students while Woodson Foundation and NCPIE can be united to increase parent involvement in streamlining student performance.

The best strategy for managing diversity will, therefore, include setting up a leadership platform that is diverse and inclusive. Diversity is portrayed in various dimensions that outline the inclusion criteria for the management team (Shemla & Wegge, 2019). Recruitment should also be diverse with supportive workplace policies. However, a common culture can be established, which includes the features of different teams. Therefore, various stakeholders can harmonize the ideological differences and cultural variations towards a common goal.


Brown, L. D., Wells, R., Jones, E. C., & Chilenski, S. M. (2017). Effects of sectoral diversity on community coalition processes and outcomes. Prevention Science, 18(5), 600-609.

Green, A. (2017, April). How do I create a management team?. In BSAVA Congress Proceedings 2017 (pp. 370-370). BSAVA Library.

Roche, M. K. (2017). Community Schools: A Whole-Child Framework for School Improvement. Institute for Educational Leadership.

Stoshikj, M. (2014). Integrative and distributive negotiations and negotiation behavior. Journal of Service Science Research, 6(1), 29-69.

Shemla, M., & Wegge, J. (2019). Managing diverse teams by enhancing team identification: The mediating role of perceived diversity. Human Relations, 72(4), 755-777.

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