Essay Example: How to Make Accurate Observations

Published: 2023-08-13
Essay Example: How to Make Accurate Observations
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Christianity Bible
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 546 words
5 min read

The Bible has pointed out how to make an accurate observation. Biblically the word observe means to take heed to. The Bible urges believers to be keen to see things that they perceive. The book of Exodus in the Old Testament is one of the books that teach making accurate observations. Through the book, the Israelites are commanded to observe the feast of unleavened bread because it is on that day that their armies had been brought out of the land of Egypt (Exodus 12:17. Also, it points out the Israelites need to observe the feast three times a year (Exodus 23:14). Lastly, through this book, the children of Israel are commanded to keep and observe the Sabbath throughout their generations (Exodus 31: 16)

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How to Ask Key Questions

When reading the Old Testament, a reader may be forced to ask questions. The guidelines for asking the key issues are using the Wh- questions, which are how, where, why, when, and who. First, the reader needs to know the person being addressed by the writer, whether an individual or a group of people. Secondly, the response of the recipient poses the second question of what did they say and where they were during the message. The question of when falls under the speaker and respondent, which unveils the place and time in the life of the two participants. The question of how points out by what way did the event happen. For example, the call of Abram can fit into this explanation (Genesis 12).

How to Study the Old Testament Genres, Part 1: Law

The Old Testament law seems to be challenging to read and understand. The Old Testament law starts from the book of Exodus 20 up to the publication of Numbers. Exodus gives means for restitution when you get to your neighbor's farm (Exodus 21: 21-36). The book of Exodus points out the laws that should be followed by believers. For instance, it states, “Do not murder” (Exodus 20:13). The book of Leviticus is used by God to teach the law where the Israelites are instructed to harvest their grains, and they need to leave some for the poor to come and gather (Leviticus 19:-10). Through this law, people understand how to help the poor in society.

How to Study the Old Testament Genres, Part 3: Wisdom and Poetry

The poetic figure of speech was written in ancient languages, which makes it hard to understand and interpret easily. Wisdom and poetry are in five books which are written by King David and King Solomon. This genre can be studied by asking questions on how, who, where what, and when. Several times the key questions are answered by the opening verse, Psalms 3 has an introduction that responds to the questions why who, and when. The reader needs to pay attention to the literary devices used, such as symbolism, parallelism, as well as repetition. The reader needs to consider the book's historical and cultural context or verse he or she is reading.


Anderson, S. W. (2020). The book of Psalms. Lulu. com., T. B. (2009). Exodus. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing.

Jacob, W. (Ed.). (2007). The first book of the Bible is Genesis. KTAV Publishing House, Inc., E. (2008). Leviticus. Brazos Press.

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