Free Paper Sample: Globalization of Health Care

Published: 2023-12-20
Free Paper Sample: Globalization of Health Care
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Globalization Health and Social Care
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 702 words
6 min read


The globalization of healthcare develops an alarming interconnected workforce spanning international systems, boundaries, processes, and structures to deliver healthcare services and enhance the health of people around the world. Globalization of health care is a multi-billion-dollar phenomenon that is associated with cultural, legal, economic, and health consequences. Globalization in healthcare has negative and positive effects on the health sector. The effects of globalization on aid are a fundamental concern because of the alarming and reducing internationalization of diverse healthcare risks. Globalization is very important in the healthcare sector since there is an increased demand for high technology to be applied in disease scanning and medication; hence there is a high potential for receiving huge profits working globally (Mittelman & Hanaway, 2012). The globalization of healthcare provides tremendous possibilities for good, like the rapid response to catastrophe, also, it can lead to a faster spread of diseases like the outbreak of COVID-19.

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Positive effects of Globalization of Healthcare

Due to globalization, communication and transportation systems are highly improved; hence it facilitates rapid response to catastrophes and epidemics such as COVID-19, malaria, and cancer hence saving the lives of many people. In developed nations, the globalization of healthcare has an overall positive effect since it results in the improvement of the health sector and rapid economic growth (Bauchner et al., 2016). Globalization leads to open trade; hence the country will grow economically and earn more income, which can be utilized to improve healthcare delivery.

The globalization of healthcare has economic benefits that need to be interconnected into health from the national economy to the healthcare system. Economic growth should be sustainable and consciously directed towards helping the poor, through the advanced design of pro-poor national economic standards and explicit consideration of dissemination impacts in the decision at the global level. Therefore, the resources attained by globalization on the healthcare process are more favorable to developing countries and should be utilized to strengthen health systems, enhance healthcare delivery services, and ensure universal access to cost-effective health intervention is implemented effectively.

Negative Effects of Globalization on Healthcare

The rapid increase in the emergence and re-emergence of infectious diseases such as the coronavirus (COVID-19), AIDS, and tuberculosis are the negative effects of globalization (Fervers et al., 2016). There are numerous approaches to looking at the negative impacts of globalization, such as dividing the diseases that can be spread into communicable and non-communicable. For instance, the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) virus is a communicable disease that can be spread rapidly when countries work globally. Notably, being in a globalized world, there is a high risk of contracting a flu virus or COVID-19, since when it starts anywhere in the world, COVID-19 outbreaks in China, spread all over the world within a few days due to globalization.

The negative effect of globalization on healthcare is that it may lead to an increase in people’s quality of life in low-income nations. Globalization in healthcare has led to the adoption of highly advanced technology in the medical sector; hence less manpower personnel is required leading to a high unemployment rate, a decline in productivity, and a reduction in the country’s economic growth (Brill, 2015).


In conclusion, there are huge benefits in healthcare when operated globally; hence it is high time that healthcare service delivery should be globalized. Healthcare professionals are the ones who are responsible for ensuring that they promote healthcare as a global human right and should not be assumed to be similar to other essential goods. Therefore, to realize more positive impacts than negative issues due to globalization, healthcare professionals should be more careful before they launch headlong into the globalization of healthcare and train health experts so that they become certain of huge benefits globally.


Bauchner, H., Berwick, D., & Fontanarosa, P. B. (2016). Innovations in health care delivery and the future of medicine. Jama, 315(1), 30-31. doi:10.1001/jama.2015.17452

Brill, S. (2015). America’s bitter pill: money, politics, backroom deals, and the fight to fix our broken healthcare system. Random House Trade Paperbacks.

Fervers, L., Oser, P., & Picot, G. (2016). Globalization and healthcare policy: a constraint on growing expenditures. Journal of European Public Policy, 23(2), 197-216.

Mittelman, M., & Hanaway, P. (2012). Globalization of healthcare.

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