Free Paper Sample Dedicated to Professional Development

Published: 2022-04-19
Free Paper Sample Dedicated to Professional Development
Type of paper:  Critical thinking
Categories:  Professional development
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1918 words
16 min read


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Using one of the roles you discussed in your week 1 tutorial, complete the following table (300 words):

My desired Role is: Event and Entertainment manager

Key Skills required My current experience in this skill

Leadership Skills

I am a manager of human beings who need skills that enable them to be good entertainers in various events within their scope of disposal. Can lead people with all efforts to see things working positively. I am a hardworking leader and highly professional leader, and I am always endeavoring to convene deadlines of any given obligation and work intimately with other people. I am constantly motivated by my great desire to convey the most excellent services, troubleshoot as well as solve the most complex event and entertainment duties ahead of me. By so doing, I am always adhering to the culture plus values of the organization. On the other hand, I am an event and entertainment professional with high ability to express myself, and ready to adapt to all variety changing working environments, and knowledge to recount to an extensive assortment of event membership. Additionally, at all times, I enjoy learning new event things; working properly under pressure and I enjoy to overcome challenges and compel to perceive event and entertainment aspects to completion. As a junior manager, my seniors know me to have an immense eye for a facet, am enthusiastic to gain knowledge and overcome any possible challenges and issues, and I have a genuine interest growing my career in event and entertainment industry. I am extremely organized, considerable to details with the most outstanding communication skills.

Ability to plan and prioritize workloads

I have abundant experience when working in local entertainment rooms and it has enabled me to meet deadlines after I have planned well to do things under very high pressure.

How does this role match my long-term vision?

Advantages Disadvantages

This current role as a junior event and entertainment manager acts as a stepping stone in my future anticipated carrier in games and sports. It has laid a milestone me for and will work on it with my formidable skills and knowledge that I have gained in a different arena of working experiences.

Event and entertainment is a field that needs one to dedicate all time. Therefore, I will lack enough time with my family since I will be spending all my day training and entraining others.


Comments on primary and secondary team roles (150 words):

In my obligation, I play both primary and secondary roles within the scope of disposal. I am always exploring ideas which might have wider applications than in the immediate course of actions. By giving enough time to myself, I do offer the best services at whatever cost. Another primary obligation is that I usually co-ordinate along with using productively other person's talents and abilities to see things through completion. I maintain a steady, systematic approach as a manager and to see everybody working other my portfolio can relate things to whatever pressures.

These obligations present my strengths and my readiness to execute duties to see all ends meets. On the other hand, these primary and secondary roles present my total commitment to working under pressure and to be ready to assume senior roles in future event and entailment field. Finally, I do agree with the outcomes since laid a milestone me for and will work on it with my formidable skills and knowledge that I have gained in a different arena of working experiences.


Cross-cultural awareness and negotiating

Where we have more than two communities presenting different customs and believe, there must be a misunderstanding of culture to each other that might lead to friction at long last. Therefore, this section we consider the scenario of Saudi Arabia with vast oil wealth for building $400bn of the infrastructure of rail, healthcare as well as construction projects. While a British and Chinese firm also awarded two contracts. One of the misunderstandings will occur regarding management of each project since the two cultures will differ. Some will prefer long term while others will prefer short-term strategies to complete the project. Some will believe in hiring locals while others will belief hiring outsourcing. Therefore, this culture will bring misunderstanding of the highest order.

Strategies to undertake to minimize these misunderstandings are by forming a joint working committee that will adjust working terms and conditions of the two sides to the highest level possible. This will enable Saudi Arabia, and British Chinese firms agree and have one working voice that will propel the work through to completion (Chaine and Mestas 2017, p. 123).


Preparing an action

(100 words).


Completion date:

Milestones (steps to be taken) By date By whom Evidence that milestone is completed Done

1 Introduction of the project

01/ may/2018 Thomas Erickson A report on the same to all members 2 Material assembling

06/ may/2018 Emily Ann A report on the same to all members 3 Material coordination

09/ may/2018 Dominic KYT A report on the same to all members 4 Tools and instrument assembling

11/ may/2018 Elias Eninty A report on the same to all members 5 Time and scheduling events

16/ may/2018 Johnson Charles A report on the same to all members 6 Execution of first half of the project

20/ may/2018 Santra Emmy A report on the same to all members 7 Execution of last part of the project

25/ may/2018 Esnas Alan A report on the same to all members 8 Concluding section

30/ may/2018 Milca Jackson A report on the same to all members WEEK 6 SECTION 12 AND 13

(300 words)

Activity: Resolving Problems and Conflict

Define problem The actions are taken Positive outcomes for myself The effect upon other people Further action needed

1 Students not attending classes

The action was to reach out to all students and if possible to reach out to their parents and guardians and discuss in details how and the way can make these students attend classes. All benefits and advantages of attending classes should be stated, and this will enable both parents and students to see the importance of attending class without missing. One of the positive outcomes for me is that all set objectives to my teaching principals will bean accomplished in a formidable manner. This will show positive effects since all people within and around this institution will have a society that understands the importance of education and will be ready to see things working through to completion If these will not work properly, then it will be compelled to take further actions to see students attend classes in a recommended way (Nikulchev and Matishuk, 2017, p. 56). One of it is involving local leader who will push them to go to school

2 Students are not responding to emails.

All student will be requested to provide an alternative email address such as an email to parents so that parents will be taking actions against them when they don't a response to emails One of the positive outcomes for me is that all set objectives to my teaching principals will bean accomplished in a formidable manner. People will become attentive and ready to response quickly Students might be requested to provide their phone numbers where sums will be sent through on an addition to their emails.

3 Disagreements within the group

Choose a team leader who will act as a moderator There will be a smooth working atmosphere People will enjoy working among teams The team leader will take actions against those who will go against set terms and conditions

4 a lack of effort from some students or a tendency to dominate in others

Giving them advice will enable them to take things serious as it will be imperative for their future academic There will be a smooth working atmosphere and improvement of results All students will enjoy the work programs provided ahead of them Disciplinary actions will be undertaken against those who not take instructions seriously.


Ethical awareness

(100 words)

The first ethical issue is lack of respect. In group work, there is always a team leader who organizes events and sees everything working properly as per the set goals. Every team member is expected to follow the set rules and condition that would see all elements are accomplished accordingly. Thus it comes a time when some members lack respect to a given leader who will be responsible for seeing things to completion. This is one of the ethical issues that limit the faster progress of the teamwork in many cases. Another ethical issue is lack of trust. This is one of the dangerous ethical issues that is not profound to a good working relationship among different parties in an organization


Professional development plan

(150 words)

My professional plan is in the field of events and entertainment. I have formidable plans to see a faster progressive growth of my carrier in this field. I have a long-term ambition for growth and development of event and entertainment field which is the milestone of my aspirations within my scope of disposal. I have a good listening and understanding skills where am flexible to work in a wider range of people from different settings. I can see them enjoy an environment that has positive, motivating factors for better development.

I am always adhering to the culture plus values of the organization. On the other hand, I am an event and entertainment professional with high ability to express myself, and ready to adapt to all variety changing working environments, and knowledge to recount to an extensive assortment of event membership. Additionally, at all times, I enjoy learning new event things; working properly under pressure and I enjoy to overcome challenges and compel to perceive the event and entertainment aspects to completion (Wilbur, El-Awaisi, Paravattil, Zolezzi and Pawluk 2017, p. 666).


In every professional one need to have certain skills and knowledge acquired either by learning or natural to see his/her career developed in a unique and proper way. This section of paper entails skills acquired and to be used in event and entertainment field. By using Belbin team roles, will be able to identify people based on their personality and their strengths and weaknesses team members. People will be divided into three Action Oriented Roles, and these people can take challenging issues and come up with formidable actions and people who will be enjoying when working under pressure. Here I will need to improve my group and to train them in various situations. This is because the field of events and entertainment needs people who can work tirelessly and cannot compromise issues at whatever cost majorly when working under very high pressure. The team sometimes should even undergo training in very hard situations that would need proper orientation and advice to do things in a right way (Palacios 2018, p. 344). This has been one of their strengths under my working directions. Implementing efficient, by turning ideas into plans as well as plans into action is also the positive strengths that have to uphold the team to stand still.Interpersonal skills and effective communication are deemed to be very effective among the team. Communication has been a stepping stone which has been considered to be an element helping faster and efficient flow of information from top management to the other members of the team. There have been prompt responses with no delay and have been not taken into consideration as the strength of the working team. The team has been able to use each person's interpersonal skills to share events and entertainment light m...

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