Free Essay on America's Challenges: Issues, Security Threats, and Moral Dilemmas in National Policies

Published: 2023-12-19
Free Essay on America's Challenges: Issues, Security Threats, and Moral Dilemmas in National Policies
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Policy United States Security
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 461 words
4 min read

What are the significant issues facing America as a nation?

The structures of capitalism in America look very different from fifty years ago. Considerable risks characterize the American nation. The current economy is marked by constant change and volatility. The nation is faced with a startling unequal economy where labor and the middle class have contracted. A widening income gap is visible between the wealthiest and the poorest (Baker et al., 2014, p. 416). Poverty in our nation is still a blot. Racial discrimination based on gender, color, sex, age, sexual orientation, and skin color has also cemented the issues American citizens face every day ( p. 424).

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What are the biggest threats to American security?

America's future is posed with threats that may disrupt its security, peace, and shared values. One of the biggest threats to America's security is conflict arising from the world's religious and cultural groupings (p. 454). Secondly, its second major security threat is the environmental crisis or ecological problems. Lastly, the Persian Gulf crisis. This crisis is presumed to be a recipe for the creation of worldwide terrorism (p. 452).

Is America's national foreign and domestic policy morally sound?

As we look back over decades ago, the American national foreign and domestic policy, historical documentation indicates that the morally sound cynics are wrong. Sound morals did matter when crafting decisions concerning the American era. But those decisions made centering on the Presidential outlook, such as the one reached by President George Bush after 9/11, are not morally sound (p. 534). The United States foreign policy tries to oversimplify things. The absence of a world government does not mean the world is little of order, as the US may infer. While most of the US's national foreign, and domestic policies relate to its survival, some people argue that its involvement in so many wars does not quench the survival philosophy.

What is your sense about the best way to move forward to solve some of the issues?

America is a peculiar empire. It is a wealthy nation. The military presence is peerless. It comprises an astonishing culture. Despite the good things told about the US, there are resonating challenges that she faces. These challenges require everyone's collective response. For any challenge to be tackled successfully, each strategy adopted requires every individual to do the right itemized solution. Secondly, issues related to workers' skills and salaries should be addressed appropriately. All workers should have the right skills. A conducive working environment should be encouraged. Entrepreneurs should be given a tax haven. The use of less fossil fuel should be encouraged. Above all, proper institutions, incentives, and regulations should be put in place.


Baker, P., Griffith, R., Lawrence, M. A., & Zaretsky, N. (2014). Major Problems in American history since 1945: Documents and essays. Stamford, Conn: Cengage Learning.

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