Free Paper Example on Military Service

Published: 2023-11-24
Free Paper Example on Military Service
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Army Personal development
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 511 words
5 min read


Military service is a service by a person or a group in the army or military organization as of choice or as a result of involuntary conscription. The mandatory military service enforced as a norm to every 18 years old citizen of a particular nation has its merits and demerits. The process of justification of the military service skill to every young man needs scrutiny and analysis of opinion with ideas of senior expertise in military consideration. The favorable consideration is resulting hand in hand with the compulsory military service to the young men.

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The heavy compulsory equipment of the military service to young adults helps them in various situations in mental and physical consideration. The development of mental and physical capabilities. The military skill builds human mental stability in the exercise of learning military skills (Pihlajamäki et al., 2019). The physical exercise knows in the military service helps the general human body to be stable in the health.

The military services program learn in all service helps young men learn traits gain and life skills that are helpful in the life of the human. The process of learning military service helps young men to gain the skills and attributes that make them more hireable in social life (Pihlainen et al., 2020). Nonetheless, the military service equips one with life skills on adjusting to life in times of crisis and how important is social life in society with peace.

The military services give social professionalism skills that are down in the military academy. The military is capable of teaching the important professional skills that are times not learned in many until they are out of a job after college. Your generation and men need to learn military skills and services. They can secure employment and professional skills that will propel them to a good living in the society (Pihlainen et al., 2020). In a nation that everyone learns military services, it is referred to as the discipline forces that help in making moral, upright citizens.


The military services and paramount to learn as citizens of a nation in the age bracket of young men. The military services give advantageous help to citizens in consideration of professionalism. The military services emphasize the skills and social life in society in society. The smartness and discipline skills are instilled in the participants in a group of people in the community by mandatory military groups. Health skills and the necessity of having the skills in military services in society.


Pihlainen, K., Vaara, J., Ojanen, T., Santtila, M., Vasankari, T., Tokola, K., & Kyröläinen, H. (2020). undefined. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 23(9), 841-845.

Pihlajamäki, H., Parviainen, M., Kyröläinen, H., Kautiainen, H., & Kiviranta, I. (2019). Regular physical exercise before entering military service may protect young adult men from fatigue fractures. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 20(1).

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