Free Paper Example on Description of Progress Tracking

Published: 2023-11-10
Free Paper Example on Description of Progress Tracking
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Project management Strategy Analysis
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 690 words
6 min read


Progress tracking is a systematic presentation of records for easy accessibility towards achieving a specific goal. In tracking progress, the intended information is shared among the teams involved. A suitable group of people is chosen to come up with a solution to the problem after the meeting (Maurer & Hellmann,2010). The data is then recorded on a task board to show the number of tasks that have been tackled and those that are still pending at the iteration level.

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Role of a Task Board

A task board is a visual list of relevant information to the target team. A task board's role is to give a clear account of tasks that are carried out, including the next steps to be taken by each member of the group towards achieving a set goal (Maurer & Hellmann, 2010). Besides, it is applicable during a stand-up meeting to provide a summary of the iteration progress that is on the process. A task board has simple statements that serve as a guide to the team in an organization to complete their tasks at the stipulated time and to ensure that the tasks are correctly in an orderly way.

Maurer & Hellmann (2010) state that a task board plays a major role by determining the company's mission and vision, whether the tasks are many or few in business organizations. As a result, it ensures that the promotion of values in a company takes place throughout, enhancing the demonstration of company policies and goals. The presence of columns on a task board helps an individual decide when to complete a task assigned.

Description of The Triple Constraint Components

Project management involves a series of trade-offs that make things happen in an organization to achieve the objectives of the project. The triple constraint is a framework that informs managers on the trade-offs that will work through and how the framework will influence the other side of the project.


Many variables determine the financial viability of a project. Different resources are engaged, beginning with raw materials to employees, thus labor costs. Cost processes involve cost approximation to figures out of the required financial liability for the total amount of resources needed to finish the work (Cuellar, 2010). Cost accounting establishes a cost baseline. The aim of controlling the cost of producing a commodity is to manage the variation of costs in a project.


Project scope pertains to particular certain requirements or work needed to finish the project. It is crucial to managing scope in any project, be it well-planned waterfall projects or agile software projects (Cuellar, 2010). One will not be able to deliver the project on time or under budget in failure to control the scope of the project. The manager should prioritize his task so that he can plan and allocate resources effectively.


The schedule is the approximated amount of time allocated to finish the project or giving desirable results. Normally, this is done by writing down the necessary tasks required to move from the onset to the end of the project. In this case, a large project objective is broken down into a series of manageable units. These tasks are then classified, dependencies are freaked, and put on the timeline (Cantanio et al., 2013).


According to Maurer & Hellmann (2010), an evaluation is done at the end of the iteration to show the exercise's progress using live or offline demonstrations. Iteration demonstrations help the leaders and members concerned to confirm if the progress that was carried out is capable of achieving the project vision.


Catanio, J. T., Armstrong, G., & Tucker, J. (2013). Project Management Certification and Experience: The Impact on the Triple Constraint. Journal of Advances in Information Technology, 4(1), 8-19.

Cuellar, M. (2010). Assessing Project Success: Moving beyond the Triple Constraint. Project Management, 13.

Maurer, F., & Hellmann, T. D. (2010). People-Centered Software Development: An overview of Agile Methodologies. In Software Engineering (pp. 199). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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