Free Essay Sample on Nonverbal Communication

Published: 2023-11-25
Free Essay Sample on Nonverbal Communication
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Communication
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 526 words
5 min read


The nonverbal message used is a gesture. It is because the person standing is using his arm to communicate and could not be speaking. The message's sender is asking the recipient to leave the room or is directing her to another location. The code used in this scenario is kinesics, where illustration is applied. The facial expression on the recipient shows that the message is negatively affecting her. It is an indication that the recipient is not comfortable moving to a different place. To communicate in this case effectively, a person needs to focus on the gesture movement to avoid miscommunication (Bucata & Rizescu, 2017).

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Facial Expression

The nonverbal communication is a facial expression, where one of the participants is distracted and appears to be absent-minded. The lady sits in an inattentive position and without participating in the ongoing discussion. The nonverbal code evident is kinesics because one of the members displays a low level of attention. The other people in the image appear to engage in the discussion and are not affected by the message. A strategy that a person can use to improve communication is to control emotions such that one can take part in topics that they are not comfortable discussing (Bucata & Rizescu, 2017).

Body Posture

The nonverbal communication is body posture. The lady in the picture sits in a manner that depicts a lack of interest in the discussion. The nonverbal code in the image is kinesics due to the lady's position while the other individuals are discussing. The body posture indicates that one is not paying attention or is tired of the performed activity. The strategy used to improve communication is to maintain an open body position to show that one is willing and ready to communicate (Bucata & Rizescu, 2017).

Facial expression is evident, where all the participants have different facial expressions such as frowning. There is also the use of gesture where the parties involved use their hands. The code used to deliver the message is kinesics because of the different expressions on the face. The announcement causes a disagreement with the people in the image, as it is evident that they are arguing. A strategy used to enhance communication in this scenario is turn-taking (Bucata & Rizescu, 2017). It is because everyone has an opportunity to voice his or her opinion rather than disagreeing at the same time.


Space is the nonverbal communication. The individuals are aggressive toward the lady in the center, invading her space. The code involved in this slide is proxemics because the lady is uncomfortable with the other parties' aggressiveness. The effect of this message is it makes a person uncomfortable, therefore hindering their ability to understand or obtain information. The skills used in this situation are to be observant and know when you are too close to the message's recipient to avoid making them uncomfortable (Bucata & Rizescu, 2017).


Bucata, G., & Rizescu, M. (2017). The Role of Communication in Enhancing Work Effectiveness of an Organization. Land Forces Academy Review, 22(1), 49-57.

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