Free Essay Sample on Company Aspects

Published: 2023-11-02
Free Essay Sample on Company Aspects
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Organizational culture
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 754 words
7 min read


The company's culture is vivacious in the decision-making process of a firm. It supports equal consideration amongst partners whereby each stakeholder has their rights respected. Further, customers can get a platform to utilize the company's product and provide enticements to employees by generating testing laboratories for their designs. Organizational structure is essential since decisions arrived by the firm are easily achieved since they are reached and evaluated by all the employees. Besides, a decentralized company structure nurtures collaboration between founders and workforce, relationship management, and shared decision-making. Finally, it paves the way for sharing of ideas and innovations with other stakeholders. The strategic direction will become helpful in amassing more profits in India, and the hope of gaining further markets in other Asian countries (Mankins & Garton, 2017). At the same time, both mission and vision statements will advance the development a boat with rounded innovation to comfort all the fishermen and ensure that it becomes the novel manufacturing firm for creating foldable fishing boats.

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Company Culture

Company culture necessitated collaboration with National Fisheries Development Board, where the U.S boat firm was to use local labor in its industries and use locally available plastics which, are environment friendly. Indian fishers were to be employed to support in designing the foldable boat and offer testing of the boat, who will provide meaningful data on the efficiency of the boat.

A decentralized company structure is advantageous since it will yield perfect collaboration with the employees and the founders (Mankins & Garton, 2017). It will also aid the firm in testing the shared ideologies with the fishers and assisting in implementing the ideal foldable boat with adequate innovation. Lastly, a collective agreement will be achieved with the National Fisheries Development Board realizing its operation in India.

Company Products

The dominant trait in India is that fishing is well-practiced in the country; therefore, there will be high demand for its products. The fishers are fond of traditional boats; hence they will integrate into the foldable boats. Farther techniques of the anglers will boost the viability of the company in the emerging market since they possess more magnificent boat-making ideas.

The new product will fit perfectly in the market. The product will be portable to the fishers hence enabling them to have easy work. Laws within the emerging market favor the setup of the firm to modernize its foldable boat. Moreover, there is the availability of plastics hence making the availability of raw materials affordable. Design Thinking: Process or Culture?’ expounds on the five decisions require incorporation to develop the B2 product. The United States firm will first empathize with enabling them to identify the problems that homegrown fishers had encountered (Kumar & Pattnaik, 2014). The definition of the issue follows where the company will provide means which will minimize problems.

Consequently, it will allow the selected designers to brainstorm ideas that can be used to develop the improved folded boat. The experts will pick the best ideas which can be incorporated. The fourth requires the design team to develop a prototype that provides the footpath for the boat's development. Conclusively, testing will be conducted in both inland and deep-sea to ascertain the new product's effectiveness (Kumar & Pattnaik, 2014).

The three aspects: global legal systems provide for utilization of Indian labor supply; therefore, the accessible workforce gives standard time to manufacture. The manufacturing process, as well as the product, will be environmentally friendly. Company culture will gather for ideas amongst the fishers owing to their vast experience in fishing, thus leading to shared ideas and consultations. Summing up, the emerging market culture; validates that they are fond of practicing boat fishing. They have been using boats before; hence there will be a ready market for the improved product to enhance their services.

The company's statement can influence its marketing strategy, whereby it is ready to absorb the Indian labor force plus being its key for expansion to the Far East. Moreover, it will abide by the National Fisheries Development Board's objectives to enhance zero environmental degradation policies and recycle the plastics within the country.


In conclusion, the company's culture, organization structure, and both mission and vision statements are worthy of it to meets its expansion and growth. Improving a product requires a critical design thinking process in new markets.


Kumar, V. & Pattnaik, C. (2014). Emerging market firms in the global economy. Bingley, U.K.: Emerald.

Mankins, M. & Garton, E. (2017). Time, Talent, Energy: Overcome Organizational Drag and Unleash Your Team's Productive Power. Boston: Harvard Business Review Press.

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