Free Essay on Group Development: Building and Strengthening Team

Published: 2022-06-14
Free Essay on Group Development: Building and Strengthening Team
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Communication
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 640 words
6 min read

In every setting, people will always talk about building a team while very few understand the dynamics on how to create the experience of teamwork or the process of developing an active organization. In its broadest sense, belonging to a group revolves around feeling part of something significantly more significant than yourself. As such, team building is primarily concerned with having a clear understanding of the objectives of the group or organization (Kozlowski, 2018). Above all, every member of the team should work towards the accomplishment of the goals by defining the objectives, mission, and visions to have a common focus. Within a team, there are specific roles assigned to each member. Further, there is need to understand the different phases of group development and the factors that facilitate group development.

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Roles and Needs within a Team

A properly functioning team should have a shaper to maintain a positive mental attitude while at the same time striving to find the best possible ways to overcome the challenges that might be facing the team. Implementers are practically tasked with the responsibility of turning the ideas of members into actionable plans. Finishers in a group detect errors as well as omissions thus ensuring that the team adheres to deadlines. Finally, a team should have individuals who play the coordinating role by delegating duties and guiding the activities of the group.

Phases of Group Development and Facilitation

There are four primary stages of group formation. The first stage is forming stage characterized by members being positive and polite. Some other members might be anxious. The role of the leader in this stage is to be dominant since most members are not aware of their roles and responsibilities. Secondly, storming stage is characterized by people pushing against established boundaries, conflicts between members and frustrations (Kozlowski, 2018). Norming is the third stage of group development in which members start resolving their disputes, socializing and working towards achieving the goals of the group. Finally, performing scene is when members of the group work hard with minimal friction towards attaining the purposes of the team. Significant small teams reach the adjourning phase where the team is disbanded through restructuring. Group facilitation is essential towards ensuring fulfilling the needs if the team. In each of the above stages, there is need to facilitate the actions of the team by having action plans, brainstorming and having proper mechanisms in place for problem-solving and decision making.

Strategies for Strengthening Teams

Several approaches can be employed towards ensuring that a team is strengthened. First, the team leader should define and communicate the vision of the team and work towards achieving them (Turner, 2014). Team leaders should also encourage the recognition of members so that they feel appreciated and valued. Through appreciation, team members will have a sense of commitment and engagement. Thirdly, leaders should ensure that they communicate from the heart especially in matters revolving around the vision, mission, and goals to be achieved. Finally, every team should have delegation and empowerment of its members so that there is shared collective responsibility.

Group Cohesion

Group cohesion refers to the existing bonds that link members of a group to one another while at the same time to the group as a whole. While group cohesion is multifaceted, the main characteristics include but are not limited to social relations, task relations, emotions as well as the unity of members (Eys & Brawley, 2018). Through the positive group cohesion, members can work closely together and ensure achieving the goals of the team through shared responsibilities.


Eys, M. A., & Brawley, L. R. (2018). Reflections on cohesion research with sport and exercise groups. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 12(4), e12379.

Kozlowski, S. W. (2018). Enhancing the effectiveness of work groups and teams: A reflection. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 13(2), 205-212.

Turner, M. E. (2014). Groups at work: Theory and research. Psychology Press.

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