Free Essay Describing the Management Project

Published: 2022-09-05
Free Essay Describing the Management Project
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Human resources
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 437 words
4 min read

Project Purpose or Justification:

The project is to be useful in defining the entire role of management to an organization and demonstrate how objectives are incorporated in an institution together with the scope of implementation. The project will also identify the ways to improve the performance of an organization where the role of each employee is well stated to secure maximum outputs.

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Measurable Project Objectives:

The primary goal of the project is to have management done by objectives such that there is a balance between the employee's objectives and those of the organization. The project also aims to explain the essence of joint management objectives and the reasons for the provision of feedback after results. Management also needs to describe the work of managers and employees who perform their job together to attain the goals set by the organization.

High-Level Requirements:

The project will require more time to conduct the survey in the sample companies, more members distributed to each task and more resources.

Summary of Milestones:

Management is a broad topic, and it will consist of other subtopics. The main issues in management include management tips, decision making in management among others. Subtopics from a subject like decision making could consist of how a leader makes rational decisions for an organization. Management will incorporate several issues that define the different deliverables for the entire project.

Deliverable Deadline Who is responsible

Management tips 02/12/2018

Decision making 01/01/2019

Management plan 01/02/2019

Success Criteria (Sponsor Acceptance Criteria):

The project will only be successful if it is complete with a new management scheme

High-level risks: The budget is likely to be higher than the one stated above. Additionally, getting information may be difficult especially in the areas where employees are constrained to keeping a company's information secret.

Risk Mitigation Strategy

More resources needed - Set the budget higher

Loss of information - Keep passwords secret

Budget Summary:

The project will involve several studies that will take more time for completion. The methodology requires that we visit different companies to determine their model of management and its effectiveness. Additionally, other forms of collecting information also need sufficient materials. In total, the overall budget ranges between $1000 to$2000. The project will require analysis using modern evaluation systems which are too costly, and the amount may be more than the one stated above Budget Category Source Cost

Assembling necessary materials Sponsor $200

Entire project planning Sponsor $1800

Key Stakeholder List:

Name Role Position Contact Info MBTI Type

Team leader Mastermind INTJ

Professor Idealist INFP

Project Team Members

Name Role Position Contact Info MBTI Type

Researcher Management team ENTP

Designer assembly ESTJFunding Sponsor: (VP accountable for project)

Sponsor Signature

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Free Essay Describing the Management Project. (2022, Sep 05). Retrieved from

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