Essay Sample on Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences

Published: 2023-02-28
Essay Sample on Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Intelligence
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 650 words
6 min read

How we consider the importance of intelligence is that it signifies the capacity to apply aptitudes and information. Gardner portrays knowledge as A bio psychological potential to process data that can be enacted. Not every person knows; it just takes practice and learning to be astuteness. Gardner said that there are nine unique approaches to recognize the criteria for knowledge (Denton, 2018). The eight distinctive nine specific tests are verbal, melodic, intelligent/numerical, visual/spatial, development, relational, intrapersonal, naturalist, and existentialist.

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There are various ways that intelligence can be tested, similar to the Wechsler scales and the Stanford-Binet. The Wechsler scale is used for linguistic and execution ideas, though Stanford-Binet is applying to a look at your psychological age and subsequent request, which winds up being your IQ score. Generally, Gardner was the person who recognizes the various knowledge that understands the ability of intelligence. Because of Gardner being neuropsychology, he classified information into criteria drawn from the natural sciences, coherent investigation, developmental brain science, test brain science, and psychometrics (Lane, 2008).

The best intelligence theory was Gardner's thoughts; he even got some analysis of his theory. There were other individuals like Phi Delta Kappan, who said that Gardner's theory was a fantasy. Rather than seven-eight was eight, that is the thing that Kappan noted that he could ready to quantify intelligence (Shearer, & Karanian, 2017). He additionally said that knowledge is equivalent to an area or a control, implying that to be in the class of idea, you have to place yourself in some particular criteria. Kappan is attempting to say that different knowledge drops by discipline, implying that intelligence is practice.

Gardner clarifies and characterizes the seven intelligence. One of them is Legitimate numerical, the point at which somebody can think intelligently and do scientific issues (Pritchard, 2017). He additionally portrays Semantic knowledge, which includes the dominance of composing language that conveys what needs be. He said that two intelligences are the thing that shows if an individual has a Solid execution in typical school situations and to creating high scores on most IQ measures. The others like music knowledge, which is the point at which somebody can create their very own pitch and tone. Real Kinesthetic is the point at which you can get things done with your body to tackle the issues, similar to specialists and competitors. Relational and Intrapersonal knowledge are two extremely unique, relational spotlights on others, while intrapersonal focus their considerations to themselves.

Overall what Gardner stated, there is diverse knowledge that individuals can have. There are a few people that can't help contradicting Howard, yet he has demonstrated he point about the different expertise that an individual can have or create. He even notices that the majority of the numerous intelligence doesn't call attention to the hypothesis of character, profound quality, inspiration, or some other mental develop (Martin, 2006). The idea isn't just consistent smarts yet various criteria of knowledge. Howard Gardner clarifies and characterizes what kind of intelligence individuals has and what they can be utilized for.

In conclusion, I trust Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences is the best model for estimating intelligence. Howard Gardner explain and defines what type of intelligence people has and what they can be used for. It clarifies that while our knowledge is comprised of nine distinct ideas, we as a whole vary since this intelligence can be supported and fortified.


Denton, S. (2018, July 23). How can 20-year-olds enhance their intelligence? Retrieved February 3, 2019, from

Lane, C. (2008). The Distance Learning Technology Resource Guide. Retrieved February 3, 2019, from

Martin, J. (2006). Multiple intelligence theory, knowledge identification and trust. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 4(3), 207-215.

Pritchard, A. (2017). Ways of learning: Learning theories for the classroom. Routledge.

Shearer, C. B., & Karanian, J. M. (2017). The neuroscience of intelligence: Empirical support for the theory of multiple intelligences? Trends in neuroscience and education, 6, 211-223.

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