Essay on Nurse Manager's Role in Workplace Civility, Change Management, and Healthcare Quality

Published: 2023-11-05
Essay on Nurse Manager's Role in Workplace Civility, Change Management, and Healthcare Quality
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Health and Social Care Nursing
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1149 words
10 min read


Workplace civility can be termed as activities or actions that indicate respect and admiration towards other individuals, making them feel appreciated, and valued, and contributing towards the attainment of the set objectives and goals (Hoffman, 2015). Conversely, incivility at the workplace can be defined as slight intensity deviant conduct with unclear intent to hurt or harm the target individual in abuse of the workplace standards for mutual respect (Logan, 2016). This paper aims to examine how a nurse manager can solve workplace incivility, outline change, and conflict resolution in a healthcare setting, and ways nurse managers can improve quality healthcare.

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Workplace incivility is a critical issue in healthcare infrastructures, posing a problem not only to health practitioners but also who normally tolerate harmful behaviors and the general care that is being offered under the shadow of incivility (Hoffman, 2015). Incivility can be characterized by disrespectful or rude behavior towards other colleagues at the workplace. In the health center setup, incivility can have numerous negative effects on the individual experiencing incivility, such as psychological, behavioral, and somatic effects (Hoffman, 2015). Actions such as bullying or disruption can also result in medical errors, raise the cost of medical care, and considerably reduce patient satisfaction with healthcare services (Logan, 2016).

As a nurse leader, it is significant to have all that it takes to deal with and solve workplace incivility in a healthcare center (Logan, 2016) since incivility at healthcare facilities reduces productivity, medical errors, staff disengagement, staff turnover, and many other negative effects. One way to solve incivility at the workplace as a nurse manager is to encourage acts of kindness among the employees (Logan, 2016). Encouraging the employees to support and be there for each other reduces the chances of bullying and rudeness among the employees. Also, acts of kindness, such as offering an honest compliment, being a good listener, giving thanks to small acts that someone has done, smiling, and many more, will boost cohesiveness among the nurse employees.

As a nurse manager, not talking and listening to gossip and rumors will, in a great way, reduce and solve incivility. As a leader, it is essential to go with facts and observe openness at all times (Hoffman, 2015).

Examine Change Theory, Change Management, Conflict Resolution, And Strategies to Promote Innovation

Change Theory

Change is a vital part of the nursing exercise. Various factors drive change in the nursing field, and these include new technologies in nursing, labor force shortage, increased cost of treatment, and general patient care (Cummings et al., 2016). And the aging population. Implementations of change must be based with good motives within the context of the institutional objectives and goals. Some of the change theories outlined in the course are Lewin's change theory (Cummings et al., 2016).

Lewin's change theory focuses on the three-step model founded on the premise that character is a dynamic balance of forces opposing each other. The driving forces work to facilitate change by directing the employees in a preferred direction and, at the same time, preventing forces that can hinder change. Employees are directed in the opposite direction. Lewin's theory steps include unfreezing, change, and refreezing (Cummings et al., 2016). Also, transition theory, Lippitt's seven-step change theory, and Roger's five-phase change theory and William Bridge's theory of transition. All these theories explain the change theories that exist within the nursing practice.

Change Management

Change management is an integral component of any organization setting. In nursing, change management is the process of a deliberate introduction of planning, and a carefully executed process that is carried out in a manner that is systematic (Cummings et al., 2016). Change management applies models, tools, skills, methods, theories, and techniques in implementing the change in nursing practices. The management of change in nursing is obtained from various disciplines such as business management, organizational behavior, economics, engineering, and many more (Cummings et al., 2016). The objective of change management is to initiate change that will benefit how service delivery is generally being done. When managing change, it is important to connect with individuals to minimize the chances of possible friction and resistance (Cummings et al., 2016).

Conflict Resolution

Organizational change is most cases result in conflict, which can be hampered by factors such as attitude and culture. In nursing, set-up conflict can be defined as a natural difference resulting from groups or individuals' parties that differ in needs, values, attitudes, and beliefs. Conflict in a health care setting can also result as a result of professional and personal background differences. Some of the conflicts available in nursing include issue based-conflict, ego-based conflict, value-based conflict in nursing, and many more. Conflict resolution is the formal or informal process that two or more parties apply to reach a peaceful dispute settlement. In a healthcare environment, conflict can be solved through litigation, negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and conflict avoidance.

Strategies to Promote Innovation

To innovate is coming up with novel ideas and incorporating them in the nursing practices. Innovation is integral since, through innovation in a healthcare setting, the general quality of health care is improved, diseases are prevented, and the nursing practitioners discover information and improved ways of promoting health. Some ways to promote innovation are by empowering the employees to take action and make decisions and providing necessary resources for innovation.

Discuss the Management Process and Its Impact on the Delivery of Optimal Healthcare

The management process involves planning, organizing, leading, controlling, staffing, coordination, and motivating (Ginter et al., 2018). Managers in healthcare settings have a moral and legal duty to ensure that high-quality care of patients is attained and achieved. The manager is in a position to initiate policies, procedures, systems, and organizational changes to ensure that optimal healthcare is attained (Ginter et al., 2018). Healthcare managers play an essential part in ensuring the quality of patient care, and the safety of the patient is guaranteed in a health care facility. This can be achieved by motivating and stiffing the employees.


In conclusion, the nurse manager needs to have the necessary skills that will enable him or her to deal effectively with challenges that arise in the life of duty, such as workplace incivility and conflict. The nurse manager also needs to ensure a high-quality healthcare system is developed by proper staffing and motivating the employees. Innovation is incorporating new ideas in nursing practices; innovation should be encouraged for improved healthcare delivery.


Cummings, S., Bridgman, T., & Brown, K. G. (2016). Unfreezing change as three steps: Rethinking Kurt Lewin's legacy for change management. Human Relations, 69(1), 33-60.

Ginter, P. M., Duncan, W. J., & Swayne, L. E. (2018). The strategic management of health care organizations. John Wiley & Sons.

Hoffman, R. L., & Chunta, K. (2015). Workplace incivility: Promoting zero tolerance in nursing. Journal of Radiology Nursing, 34(4), 222-227.

Logan, T. R. (2016). Influence of teamwork behaviors on workplace incivility as it applies to nurses. Creighton Journal of Interdisciplinary Leadership, 2(1), 47-53.

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