Paper Example: Access, Cost, and Quality for Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs)

Published: 2023-10-16
Paper Example: Access, Cost, and Quality for Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs)
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Profession Nursing care Essays by pagecount
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1043 words
9 min read

APNs play an important role in determining the quality of service across various aspects of healthcare. The rising cases of illnesses call for more attention ranging from financial support, quality of healthcare service, employers, and employees in the healthcare sector, and adequate access to the services provided. In almost all healthcare institutions, the major concern is the quality outcome of programs and interventions to provide solutions for healthcare problems; however, access, cost, and quality for APNs significantly matter (Joel, 2018). Quality of care and sufficient access to healthcare services is paramount, but in many cases, cost-effectiveness plays a significant role. Shortages of major factors in healthcare that is access, cost, and quality, greatly impact the outcomes of APN's practice. APNs are in a good position to produce quality outcomes, considering that all the major factors influencing their practice are met. This paper discusses the access, cost, and quality of healthcare regarding the role of APNs. It also describes recent quality initiatives in the healthcare system.

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The rising demand for quality healthcare service is significantly influenced by the ability of an individual to the required services across various aspects of healthcare. Access to health insurance coverage or any term of payment is not the only factor to consider when determining the quality of the outcome. The adequacy of APNs and their ability to offer specified services to their best is dependent on access, cost, and quality of the work environment, the organization, products, and services (Joel, 2018). Here is a discussion of the three components that influence the value of healthcare based on APN's perspectives.


APNs play a critical role in advocating for adequate access to healthcare services form various levels of healthcare. Access is one of the components that influence the process of delivery and structural concerns in an organization. For APNs to meet quality outcomes, it is essential to ensure that all the concerned bodies are at stake and facilitate adequate access to healthcare (Joel, 2018). Therefore APNs must consider advocating for adequate availability of products and services to facilitate service delivery and explore their potentials in healthcare to help provide solutions for the rising need for quality healthcare. It is the role of APNs to provide suggestions and implement legislative principles to improve the healthcare environment, thus influencing adequate access to healthcare at different levels. APNs must be able to develop standards and approaches to achieving access to healthcare services; this would act as one of the ways of contributing to APN practice beyond their specified roles in any healthcare setting.


Cost is one of the principal components in the healthcare system that APNs must consider to influence quality, safe, effective, equitable, and efficient practice. It is there to ensure that cost-effective service delivery is implemented to solve some of the problems facing various levels of the healthcare system in terms of cost. Cost of healthcare is a seen from societal or national perceptive because cost cut across various expenditures (Joel, 2018). The general population is the consumer of healthcare services, employers, and employees, including APNs, who also depend on costs to meet quality outcomes.


Various measures to improve the quality of care in the healthcare system have been put in place by the government and individual healthcare institutions. To attain excellence in service delivery, APNs serve a critical role in influencing various resources in an organization to solve quality-related issues. Advocating for quality healthcare provides opportunities for APNs to serve as solutions to some of the problems facing healthcare in terms of access and cost. APNs must be able to define the quality of service from their context and advocate for high-quality care. The rising cases of chronic health conditions is a clear indication that APNs have a critical role to play. They must consider competency-based practice to attain quality outcomes.

Recent Quality Initiatives

There is a rising concern about quality initiates nationally; the initiatives remain the best measures in excellent outcomes in healthcare in terms of access, cost, and quality. National Health Care Quality Roundtable provides various quality initiatives. These include collecting and analyzing data to determine quality, assessing individual performance and facilities to establish standards, and communicating the decision-making process to all stakeholders. Furthermore, observing and reporting of the quality of service and addressing various needs in healthcare are among the recent initiatives that have influenced the quality of care (Joel, 2018). Different institutions and government agencies such as CMS and AHRQ have shown more concern about these initiatives. TJC has also shifted from assessing healthcare structures to outcome assessments to ensure the quality of service.

Relationship between Quality Measures and Evaluation and Role Development

There is a significant relationship between quality measures and evaluation. Measures are the initiatives that have been put in place to ensure quality healthcare. Evaluation, on the other hand, is the assessment of the implementation and outcome of the initiatives to determine if the intended quality of service has been attained. Today healthcare organizations are required to report on quality measures to assist in evaluating the outcomes of various initiatives. After evaluation, the government or healthcare organization can decide on development strategies to improve the quality of care.

The role of APNs can be changed dramatically if these measures are not in place. Primarily, the role of APN is to boost the quality of care; therefore, quality measures must work to help them concentrate on the outcome (Joel, 2018). Lack of these measures may change their role from different perspectives, including assessing their ability to attain specified outcomes at the individual and group level.


Conclusively, APNs play essential roles in healthcare; they work beyond medical practice to addressing various issues affecting healthcare operations such as access, cost, and quality. It is their role to ensure that all patients of different backgrounds and deferent health conditions have access to quality and affordable care. APNs must be knowledgeable about various aspects of healthcare involved in all levels to provide helpful information and service in the healthcare system. Quality measures act as the key factors in determining quality outcomes. Therefore APNs must be able to implement quality initiatives that have been put in place effectively.


Joel, L. A. (2018). Advanced practice nursing: Essentials for role development. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company.

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