How to state evidence in an essay: simple guide to major success
Working on academic writing is a demanding experience that requires certain knowledge, skills, precision, and professionalism. It is not enough to introduce the topic and include some arguments. Instead, the writer should present evidence in an essay that can validate the perspective and make it sound reasonable.
How do you succeed with the assignment? Browsing the web, you will come across a multitude of effective tips, guidelines, and recommendations that will help you introduce evidence in the most effective and professional way. At the same time, if you are not willing to deal with all those types of evidence and their peculiarities, you can take advantage of a professional essay writing service that will provide you with the best solution at the most reasonable cost. Focus on time-tested and reputable platforms that can guarantee on-time completion of your papers. Once you manage to find a worthy company, the writers will do their best to incorporate evidence efficiently, integrate quotations smoothly, and cite your sources skillfully.
What is evidence in an essay
What is evidence in an essay? This is the first question you should answer before diving into the peculiarities of evidence presentation. According to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, evidence is the sources, facts, and examples that can be used to support your argument. Depending on the paper type, the form of evidence can vary a lot. Thus, quotations, anecdotes, paraphrasing of reputable data sources, and similar methods can be used for the achievement of the desired results.
Introducing evidence in the academic paper is a way to provide credible and reliable support for the presented perspective. By hiring expert writers from a trustworthy essay writing service, you can be absolutely sure the right kind of evidence will back up your claim.
Evidence is not an effective way to introduce arguments; instead, it is a strong foundation on which important essay statements stand. When working on academic papers, it is indispensable to include quotes, tables, diagrams, and other types of evidence to keep the writer’s point of view credible, meaningful, and influential. Otherwise, the arguments included in the text will sound like groundless personal opinions.
To find effective ways to introduce your evidence in the essays, you should first familiarize yourself with its different categories. Not all of the evidence types are universal, so make sure you understand their use and benefit from their implementation.
Quotation is one of the most effective instruments on the way to introducing evidence in an essay. At the same time, taking advantage of it may be tricky, as it requires some knowledge and understanding. Signal phrases are important here, as they help writers emphasize the prominence of the presented quote and its relevance. Make sure you stick to the formatting and citation style as you include the quotations in your paper. Besides, choose the peroper signal phrases depending on the specific context.
- In his essay, Allport claims that “prejudice is caught rather than taught.”
- As stated in Allport’s essay, “prejudice is caught rather than taught.”
Paraphrasing is the next way how to introduce evidence in an essay. It also has some requirements meeting which will contribute to the effectiveness of the achieved result. The main idea of paraphrasing is to use somebody’s idea in your own words. Although paraphrasing and quoting are completely different things, both require proper formatting and corresponding citation style. Check out a good example of using paraphrasing as a way to introduce evidence.
- As Allport explains, the more you learn, the harder it is to detect unfair assumptions about people. It means prejudice is decreasing as more people start pursuing education (422).
From the most diverse types of evidence presentation, summarizing seems to be the simplest yet effective one. According to it, you do not have to worry about proper citation or paraphrasing. Instead, the main idea of the writer is to understand the essence of the author’s perspective and state it briefly, using your own words. Little explanation, much less detail, and no precision are required. In some instances, to prove the argument, writers choose to summarize an article or even a book, emphasizing how specific the presented idea is. How does a decent summary look?
- “Allport explains that discrimination and prejudice are tightly related and dependable on one another. However, they are not identical processes. Discrimination is about denying the legal and natural rights of people due to their belonging to an unfavored group. As for prejudice, it is reinforced by discrimination”.
Statistical data
This is the most commonly used method to present evidence in an essay. Accuracy, precision, and relevance make it work every single time. To succeed with this option, the writer should take some time collecting data from credible sources, analyzing it, and coming up with reasonable conclusions.
- According to the results of the most recent research, over 30% of people suffer from constant depression, anxiety, and related states.
To keep the presented statistics more influential and meaningful, insert the source of the information.
Anecdotal evidence
When it comes to the most complicated way to state evidence in an essay, anecdote is the exact tool to talk about. It is quite a specific way to introduce evidence, as it should not only be funny and relevant but also meaningful and clear to the most diverse types of readers.
Real-life experiences frequently help to emphasize important lessons and support some arguments. However, in the overwhelming majority of instances, using anecdotal evidence alone is not a good idea, as it also requires some backup information.
What are the most interesting and effective examples of anecdotal evidence? Restaurant review, product analysis, testimony about using a certain brand, or a personal story that expands the reader’s vision and helps to understand the perspective.
How to introduce evidence effectively
The way you state evidence in an essay is predetermined by multiple important factors. First of all, it is indispensable to mind the type of paper you are working on, as well as the evidence type. While paraphrasing can be a universal instrument, anecdotes may require extra explanation, specific genre, or background information to be properly used in the text.
Striving to disover the most effective ways how to present evidence in an essay, you should start with the general rules and recommendations that can be applied to the vast majority of particular instances. Check out some of the guidelines that will help you avoid common mistakes and will draw you closer to the desired results.
- Present unique and exclusive information different than “common knowledge”
- Take advantage of signal phrases that will make the message more vivid and concise
- Give some background information for a better understanding of the evidence
- Integrate quotations
- Draw reasonable conclusions based on the specific data
- Distinguish fundamental concepts
- Highlight the perspective by emphasizing a particular situation
Stating evidence in an essay
When trying to figure out effective ways how to state evidence in an essay, you should know several words and phrases that will guide you toward the desired result. As it has already been mentioned to state evidence, you need to choose special phrases, as citing is not acceptable. Check out some of the most effective ways to introduce your evidence.
- As emphasized by the author
- As the author indicates in the recent study
- According to the writer
- As specified in the book
- As the writer points out in the study
- The author claims that
- For instance
- In accordance with the words of the writer
- This particular source makes it clear that
- The research indicates that
Working on the evidence introduction, make sure you keep your paper consistent and comprehensive. Focus on the diverse citation styles and opt for a single one so that your evidence, arguments, and facts are properly formatted.
Common mistakes to avoid
After a comprehensive analysis of the guidelines and tips mentioned above, you are likely to know how to state evidence in an essay. However, even the awareness of the basic rules and principles does not prevent a lot of writers from making the same mistakes. In their attempts to incorporate evidence in writing effectively, students keep facing the same issues.
- Overusing direct quotes
- Misinterpreting evidence
- Failing to state evidence in an essay clearly and precisely
- Inability to analyze presented evidence
- Improper citation
- Poor paraphrasing
- Inadequate evidence and analysis
If you want to make sure you quote correctly and your evidence is relevant and effective, you can always take advantage of the custom paper writing services that will help you come up with meaningful papers at reasonable costs. Make sure you find a platform you can rely on, stay specific while placing an order, and let the experts help you succeed.
Writing tip from SpeedyPaper
Following the guidelines and recommendations, you know how to state evidence in an essay efficiently so that it works for your benefit. Regardless of the evidence type and peculiarities you opt for, make sure you keep it relevant, appealing, and influential. Proper evidence in an essay is halfway to successful writing. Avoid common mistakes and come up with meaningful and interesting content that will emphasize your expertise, skills, and knowledge.
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