Discursive essay: creating an influential, consistent, and reasonable paper

Discursive essay writing: how to create a paper worth the highest grade

What is the most important aspect of academic writing? What are the challenges most students face working on scholarly papers? Apart from a profound knowledge of the topic and competence in the field, learners do have to differentiate various types of projects and their specifications. Therefore, when creating a discursive essay, you have to start with the definition of the essay type and analysis of the critical peculiarities that can make it unique and extraordinary. 

Writing a discursive essay is generally a challenging and time-consuming process that requires flawless writing skills, awareness of effective tools and instruments, as well as the ability to create a consistent paper that complies with the requirements. It will not take you a lot of time to discover that the goal of a discursive essay is to present diverse viewpoints on a specific topic. Therefore, instead of a detailed analysis of the topic and drawing some conclusions, students will only have to focus on reflecting the ideas of others. 

Is the assignment easy? Absolutely not, as it requires not only time and effort but also skills, knowledge, and competence. Nonetheless, the struggle is real, especially if you are determined and goal-oriented. Besides, you can easily cope with the paper writing process using one of the best paper writing services. Professional writers will provide learners with the most relevant, consistent, and effective papers quickly and at a reasonable cost. Contact the team if you are ready to rely on professionals, specify your requirements, and get the help you need. Dealing with reputable services, you will not have to worry about the quality of the delivered discursive papers, the safety of the payments, or the anonymity of the experience. 

Definition and characteristics of discursive essay

What does discursive essay writing start with? Defining the type of paper you are going to work on is a great way to have it. It will contribute to the consistency of your work and will guarantee a smooth start to the writing process. 

A discursive essay is a type of academic paper, the main idea of which is to analyze a specific topic and present the subject matter from various perspectives. The paper should include the arguments on the topic, emphasizing different sides and giving a comprehensive view. Writing a discursive essay, you may consider arguing for or against the issue, present diverse aspects of the issue, or provide an unbiased opinion on the matter. At the same time, it is necessary to emphasize that in most cases the subjective personal opinion of the author should be excluded from the paper. 

Once you know the definition, it will be much easier for you to succeed with discursive writing. Choose the topic and proceed to a deep analysis of the issue. Make sure you follow the guidelines that may draw you closer to the desired results. Check out a few elements that should be included in the paper. 

  • Appealing topic
  • Consistent thesis statement
  • Discussion of various perspectives
  • Evidence and examples
  • Logical organization

Are you still concerned about how to write a discursive essay? Keep reading to learn more about the paper, its types, characteristics, and other elements that can simplify its creation and draw you closer to the desired results. 

Key types of discursive essays

Are you convinced the preparatory stage is over, and you are ready to proceed to the discursive essay writing? Alas! Opt for the type of the paper you are going to work on. Right, all the discursive papers can be divided into seven main types, depending on their purpose and structure. Check out key points of each type before you discover effective tips and guidelines on how to write a discursive essay you have selected. 

  • Opinion papers. This is the only type of discursive paper when your personal opinion matters. The goal of the essay is to present your own perspective on the subject matter. At the same time, reasonable examples, up-to-date arguments, and supporting evidence are a must. The presentation of contradictory ideas can be a great way to succeed in an undertaking. 
  • Problem-solving. Identify the problem and find the best solutions. Regardless of the field, complexity, or other aspects, the paper should be well-structured and concise. Consider adding some recommendations to help the audience make the final decision. 
  • Compare and contrast. The essay should outline the basic points of every perspective and highlight their similarities and discrepancies. A comprehensive approach to the assignment is indispensable for flawless results. 
  • Cause and effect. Identify the cause of a specific problem and proceed to the triggered effects. A whole chain of events can be built based on relevant information from credible data sources. 
  • Argumentative. A strong argument in favor of one specific perspective is the basis of the paper type. Stay accurate and concise when working on a thesis statement. Then, provide clear evidence and mind sound reasoning that will add to the relevance of your ideas. 
  • Pro-con. Relevant facts should be mentioned in this type of discursive essay. Meditate on the topic and present key advantages and downsides of the matter. Try to avoid any conclusions or personal recommendations but rather encourage the readers to analyze the information and make their own choices. 
  • Exploratory. The main idea of this paper type is to investigate and discuss without an extra emphasis on a single perspective. The writer’s goal here is to present diverse aspects of the subject matter and keep the whole text unbiased and unprejudiced. 

There are multiple types of discursive essays to deal with, but the main idea of the paper writing remains unchanged. The student should make maximum effort to present relevant information on a specific topic. Attention to detail, appealing facts, credible data sources, and reasonable arguments are the basis of the paper. 

Writing tip from SpeedyPaper

Writing tip from SpeedyPaper:
Irrespective of the paper type you choose, flawless structure and formatting are indispensable. Check out the peculiarities of the paper structure before you come up with an outline. Focus on the core elements and make sure they are included in the paper.

How to write a discursive essay: step-by-step guide to success

Once you are aware of the discursive essay definition, you are ready to proceed to the next stage and get ready for the prewriting activities. At this point, it is indispensable to mention that a discursive essay is a specific type of academic writing that has its unique peculiarities and specific features. Make sure you understand them and can comply with all the requirements. What do you start your discursive essay writing with? 

  • Choose the topic. What is the subject matter you want to discuss in your discursive essay? This is the question to start your work with. A relevant, appealing, and interesting topic should be your goal. 
  • Collect evidence. The more information you find on the subject matter, the easier it will be for you to create an influential and effective paper. Check out the key types of discursive essays so that you know what kind of information you have to focus on. Browse the most credible data sources and make sure you know the topic from various perspectives. 
  • Create an outline. Start with the discursive essay format, type, and similar specifications that may influence the structure. Besides, analyze the information you have collected and build the writing strategy accordingly. Start with the introductory passage that will lead to the main body. If you are confident in the relevance of your arguments, add contradictory opinions and discuss them. Finalize the project with a concluding passage. 
  • Get ready with the first draft. Follow the guidelines and recommendations to make discursive writing a blast. Stick to the outline to miss none of the critical points. Make sure you include relevant, up-to-date, and appealing information that will encourage the audience to meditate on the topic and draw certain conclusions. 
  • Proofread and edit the paper. Although the final stage of work on the discursive essay is frequently ignored, it is the exact aspect that may help to advance the quality of the writing. Scan the paper for mistakes, typos, and instances of plagiarism before you submit it. Use online instruments to make the process simpler, faster, and more effective. 

Writing a discursive essay: structure to mind

According to the definition of the paper offered by the University of Sussex, a consistent structure and excellence in every single detail are the features that define the discursive essay. Therefore, the creation of a flawless outline may be a key step in speeding up and simplifying your work. Check out the discursive essay format peculiarities, and make sure you include all the basic elements that will keep the essay easy to read and comprehend. 

  • Introduction. Grasping the reader’s attention and keeping them interested in the paper is the goal of the passage. Give some background information and present a thesis statement. Mention the aspects you are going to discuss in the body part so that the audience can anticipate it. 
  • Main body. Like in other academic papers, the body part is the biggest and the most informative one. Present all the arguments and evidence you have to keep your discursive essay influential and effective. Multiple examples, charts, or tables can contribute to the relevance of the presented facts. 
  • Counterarguments. While a lot of students are concerned about the presentation of opposing ideas, the experienced ones know how to use them for personal advantage. Recognize the contradicting concepts, but also provide the reasoned rebuttals to emphasize the complexity of the problem. 
  • Conclusion. Reiterate the thesis statement and sum up the ideas and key concepts presented in the paper. Do not add new facts or details, no matter how convincing or interesting they are. 

Common mistakes working on discursive essays

When writing a discursive essay, a lot of inexperienced students keep making the same mistakes. Check out some of the most critical ones that can affect the quality of the text and show the absence of your experience and qualifications. Take your time to analyze the issues and do your best to avoid them in your texts. 

  • Personal opinion. There are certain types of discursive essays that presuppose the presentation of a personal attitude toward a discussed subject matter. Nonetheless, in the vast majority of cases, subjective ideas should not be mentioned in the body passage but rather in the concluding paragraph. 
  • New information. Mind the structure of the paper and make an effort to include the corresponding information in each passage. The introductory paragraph is aimed at the general presentation of the topic, while the body part of the discursive essay should include all the new information and unbiased facts. The conclusion should have zero new ideas, but rather a summary of what was already presented in the paper. 
  • Emotional language. Similar to other types of academic papers, it should be written in a professional and objective tone with no emotional appeal or subjective language. 
  • Arguments and evidence. Accuracy and relevance of information are critical. Make sure all the arguments specified in the paper are supported by the evidence. 
  • Counterarguments. Students who want their papers to sound professional should emphasize the contradicting points of view and use undeniable facts that prove them wrong. It will strengthen your argument and will make the text look much more reasonable. 

25 most appealing and inspirational topics to analyze

Following the guidelines and recommendations, students can enhance their chances to create a well-structured and consistent paper. However, the work of the project starts with the idea, which should be relevant, interesting, engaging, and appealing. Browse the web to find top-quality sample discursive essays that will inspire you and give you the motivation you need. 

There is always a chance to get qualified essay writing help online, but with the proper assistance, you will have a chance to cope with the assignment yourself. Here are multiple topic ideas to help you get started. 

  1. Higher taxes on sugary drinks as a governmental move to prevent obesity: how smart would it be? 
  2. Homeschooling as a form of children’s education: is it really effective? 
  3. The efficiency of drone use for military purposes
  4. Drinking age: should it be raised or lowered?
  5. Traditional vs. online education compared
  6. Artificial intelligence: is it a threat to human employment?
  7. The impact of video games on teenagers
  8. Social media and the risk of addiction for young people
  9. Why is it important to replace plastic packaging with eco-friendly alternatives?
  10. The success of agricultural companies triggered by animal cloning
  11. Privacy or national security: what is more important? 
  12. The access of parents to social media accounts of their children 
  13. Human health and the risk factors to be aware of
  14. How can the understanding of the cultural heritage influence the efficiency of health care?
  15. Withdrawing patient’s treatment: various approaches and opinions
  16. The Civil War: different opinions about its causes and outcomes
  17. Telehealth and nursing home: should it be banned?
  18. Motivational interviewing and the way it can inspire workers
  19. The most powerful marketing tools world-known companies use
  20. The prominence of healthy sleep for physical and mental health
  21. Virtue ethics: up-to-date problems analyzed
  22. Family issues and their impact on children: discussing the causes and solutions
  23. Endangered species: how can people protect them?
  24. Working in bureaucratic organizations: various attitudes towards the experience
  25. What is beauty? Different ways people define it

Example of discursive essay

Following the guidelines and recommendations on how to create an influential and appealing discursive essay, students have an opportunity to succeed with the assignment. At the same time, it takes a lot of time and experience to mind all the elements and include them in a paper. A flawless topic, comprehensive thesis statement, flawless structure, concise outline, sound arguments, and a plethora of other details contribute to the overall efficiency of the paper. 

What little step can simplify the process and help you succeed? Surf the web and discover a few examples to analyze. Reading a discursive essay sample will provide you with new ideas and effective writing tools necessary for the achievement of the desired results. Focus on the presentation of the information and ways to convince the readers without adding personal thoughts and subjective concepts.


How is a discursive essay different from an argumentative essay?

Although argumentative and discursive essay have much in common, there are a few critical differences to consider while working on the assignments. The two types of projects differ mainly in their purpose and approach. The key objective of the discursive paper is to explore and discuss numerous perspectives on a specific topic, the goal of the argumentative one is to provide sufficient evidence to prove one single viewpoint. 

Can I express my personal opinion in a discursive essay?

The main idea of discursive essays is to present concepts, approaches, and relevant information rather than subjective ideas and opinions. Therefore, it is preferable to keep personal thoughts out of the discussion. 

How many arguments should I include in my essay?

The number of arguments used in the paper may vary a lot, depending on the length of the text and its scope. However, in the overwhelming majority of instances, the paper should contain at least three body paragraphs, each presenting a separate argument.

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